Christmas: $133 Million In Circulation

December 23, 2011

The Bermuda Monetary Authority said that over $133 million in Bermuda Dollar notes and coin will be in circulation over the coming holiday weekend.

The $133.1 million is an increase of 2.54%, compared to $129.7 million at the same period last year.

A spokesperson said, “The total amount of notes and coins issued to the banks by the Bermuda Monetary Authority between 1st December and 22nd December (the traditional pre-Christmas period) is BD$13.7m. This compares with a figure of BD $8.6m during the same period last year.”

“Cup Match and Christmas are traditionally time periods when the figures for notes and coin in circulation rise sharply. This seasonal peak is normally reversed very quickly after the holiday.”

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  1. tricks are for kids..... says:

    Any Philanthropists’ out there… Please send some my way…..desperately needed….

  2. Voice of Reason says:

    That is a good economic sign.

  3. Can't Take It Anymore says:

    Quite interesting given the current stature of our economy at present. More in circulation than last year……surely this is a positive sign, or will the negative people say this is all a hoax and that we are getting worse and worse and worse?