Police Investigate In Hamilton Parish

December 22, 2011

At approximately 8.30am this morning a high police presence was seen in the Harlem Heights/Tarrafal Drive area of Hamilton parish, with unofficial sources indicating the police received reports of the “sounds of moaning” coming from the area and/or a possible firearm incident.

There were half a dozen marked and unmarked police cars on scene, with approximately twelve police officers – some armed – seen searching the brush area. At 9am the Canine Unit arrived, and immediately went to work searching the area, and were seen walking through the trees.

After concluding their search, the police left the scene at approximately 9.45am, and it unofficially appears that nothing was found to substantiate the reports.

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  1. Sinking feeling says:

    Moaning so funny the thoughts that go through my head.

  2. mixitup says:

    Everyone just relax! lol People MOAN for many reasons ;-)

  3. MYSTERY LADY says: