Seadrill Subsidiary Contract Extension

January 19, 2012

North Atlantic Drilling — a partially owned subsidiary of Bermuda’s Seadrill — has been awarded an 18 month contract extension for the drillship “West Navigator” [pictured] by A/S Norske Shell. This contract extension will secure employment for “West Navigator” until end of June 2014. The estimated revenue value for the contract extension is US$320 million.

Alf C Thorkildsen, Chief Executive Officer in Seadrill Management AS said today [Jan.19], “Shell’s decision to extend the contract for ‘West Navigator’ reflects the performance of the drillship and a tightening market for quality drilling units in the North Atlantic area.

“We are very pleased to further enhance our relationship with Shell as a key client and increase the earnings visibility for our company.”

Seadrill has a 77 percent ownership interest in North Atlantic Drilling Ltd.

Headquartered in Hamilton, SeaDrill Limited is active in the oil and gas industry.

The company operates a fleet of 60 units comprising drillships, jack-up rigs, semi-submersible rigs and tender rigs for operations in shallow to ultra-deepwater areas.

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