42-Yr-Old Man Fined $1,000 For DUI

February 7, 2012

This morning [Feb.7], 42-year-old Carlos Bulhoes, after pleading guilty to a charge of driving whilst impaired, explained to the Senior Magistrate that he had been eating octopus when he was stopped by Police on 5th February 2012.

Giving the facts of the case, the DPP prosecutor told the Magistrate that Mr Bulhoes had been stopped by a patrolling police car after they had received information of a car being driven erratically.

Police said that they saw the car weaving from left to right as well as speeding up and slowing down. On stopping the car and questioning the driver, they determined that he had been drinking.

The driver agreed to go to Hamilton Police Station and submit to a breathalyzer test, which was shown to be several times over the legal limit.

Given the opportunity to explain, Mr Bulhoes admitted having had several drinks at a friend’s house and then departing to go to his home, taking with him a portion of octopus which he ate along the way.

Senior Magistrate Archie Warner fined Mr Bulhoes $1,000 and disqualified from driving all vehicles for 12 months.

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  1. pwnddwg says:

    That would be hilarious if it wasn’t so outrageous

  2. mixitup says:

    Swerving because he was eating Octopus?? I’m confused… No I’m not He was DRUNK!!