Prisoner Charged With Cannabis Possession

March 21, 2012

In Magistrates Court this morning [Mar.21], before Magistrate Khomisi Tokunbo, 29-year-old Durnell Smith pleaded not guilty to a charge of possession of cannabis on August 22nd 2011.

The possession was alleged to be in an Increased Penalty Zone [IPZ] which was identified as Westgate Correctional Facility. At the time of the alleged offence, Mr Smith was, and still is, an inmate at Westgate Correctional Facility.

Accepting his plea of not guilty, Magistrate Tokunbo set Mr Smith’s trial for 6th July and also set bail at $1,000. Mr Smith won’t need to arrange for bail to be signed until he is released from Westgate Correctional Facility.

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  1. My two cents says:

    If you can’t even keep weed out of a small jail, how in the hell do you expect to keep it off the streets? You are literally fighting the impossible and wasting tons of time and money in the process. It’s a joke guys and the jig is up.

    • BABS says:

      Seriously. If he is at WestGate there is the possibilty that he has already been sentenced for an offence so why wate time bringing him Hamilton??? Throw the stuff away!!! That would hurt more. Like really what more can you do to him???? He’s getting an outing out of this!!! Exactly what he wants a little outing a car ride. LOL

      • YES MATE! says:

        That’s why he pleaded not guilty, another few rides into town. Westgate’s version of field trips. $80 grand to keep him locked up for a year and now we get to pay for a trial.

      • Seriously says:

        For all the money that we pay for a magistrate and the prison officers and the public defenders for clowns like this and all the others that waste taxpayers money bogging down the court system. I have an idea send the judge, public defender, clerk (with a laptop)to westgate clear some of the backlog that is hindering the system to do better things for not only for the people of Bermuda but for those that come to visit also.

    • Tommy Chong says:

      Maybe the law should reclassify it as an uncontrolled substance.

  2. Mountbatten says:

    Welll , wada yah expect , a dope is a dope is a dope .

  3. Ya Gota B Kiddin says:

    BAIL????? N he,s allready in jail???? WTF is wrong with this picture???? or m i missing sumting????

  4. Rockfish#1 and#2 says:

    If his mother is a correction officer, how is that handled?