Upcoming Forum: ‘Your Right to Know’

March 8, 2012

The Centre for Justice will be hosting a public forum at the St Paul’s Centennial Hall next Wednesday [Mar.14] at 6pm entitled ‘Your Right to Know’.

The topics for discussion will include the Public Access to Information Act [PATI], the Ombudsman Act, the Good Governance Act and the Audit Act.

The panel of speakers include Heather Brooke [one of the journalists whose freedom of information requests exposed the MPs expenses scandal in the UK], Kevin Comeau, Saul Froomkin, Peter Martin, Larry Mussenden and Nicola Williams.

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  1. Triangle Drifter says:

    How many years has this simple piece of legislation been dragging on? Methinks there are those on the Hill who have something to hide & have no interest in PATI.

  2. 32n64w says:

    This looks like an exceptional line up. I encourage all residents to attend.