Victor Scott PTA President: “We Will Fight”

March 20, 2012

Reacting to the recent news of school principal transfers, Victor Scott PTA President Azuhaa Coleman said they “will fight for their future, and will not stop until Ms. Williams gets a note stating her transfer has been canceled.”

Earlier this week Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith released details concerning the four school principals who will be transferred for the upcoming 2012/13 school year, which will see Ms. Valerie Williams move from the Victor Scott Primary School to East End Primary School, and Mrs. Judith Alexander replace her at Victor Scott, after moving from Purvis Primary School.

Victor Scott PTA President Azuhaa Coleman said, “The Ministry stated that ‘Each of these principals has provided a solid foundation at their particular school and they bring specific experience and expertise which will augment the school to which they are being transferred for the 2012/2013 year’.

“So this means because Victor Scott School has merely tasted success with a principal for the first time in years, it’s time to take her away because our children are children from the ghetto and we don’t need anything good? This is what we as parents are thinking that the Ministry thinks of our children.

“Yes, we have tasted her success but it’s only been 2 yrs and there is still a lot of work that needs to be done by Ms. Williams and Ms. Williams only. Two years is simply not enough time for any solid change to happen. We know for a fact that if she leaves and takes her style of running the school with her our children’s future will be at stake!

“Why not give her at least 5 years? It takes at least 5 years for any business to get back any real results/ profits. We understand that she is talented and we understand that maybe some of her talents can help East End Primary school but according to most locals East End primary school is fine. Victor Scott School is fine; East End Primary school is fine. If it ain’t broke why fix it?

“If the Ministry wants East End to have another principal then hire a new Principal for that school. There are so many over qualified people who are willing to learn what that school needs to run it. Swapping principals is not the answer, not for Victor Scott anyway,” continued Ms Coleman.

“Our principal Williams doesn’t want to leave, we don’t want her to leave, and we don’t want a new person coming in here just after two years of stability to “see” she can run this school. And what if it doesn’t work and our children start failing once again? Will they then send us yet another principal, and then another? Then once again, our children will be back at the bottom of the dumpsters. Why am I starting to believe that they want us there?

“Our principal was hands on our school. Our principal was in every classroom, taking children home and she genuinely loved each and every child. She as a young girl walked the halls of Victor Scott and it has always been her lifelong dream to become its principal.

“Before Ms. Williams came along our P6 boys had 12 different teachers in 3 years! They struggle today because of those decisions that were made. She has brought stability and a sense of unity to her students and staff.

“We have out our boxing gloves and this is a fight we will win! We will fight for our babies. We will fight for their future. We will not stop until Ms. Williams gets a note stating her transfer has been canceled.

“There will be a meeting held this Wednesday March 21st, at 6pm in the Victor Scott Auditorium highlighting more of the school improvements and doubts about the Ministry’s decision. We are asking that all parents, community leaders and members of that area attend. A petition will be ready for you to sign and we will need this on order to move forward,” concluded Mrs Coleman.

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  1. Someone Gave you A Chance! says:

    While i understand the passion that the Victor Scott Parent Teacher Association have for Ms. Williams and not wanting her to depart that school for obvious reasons i think that maybe they are being a little bit harsh towards any incoming principal that is or maybe appointed to take over. Yes I have gathered from this article that Mrs. Williams is a great principal and she has done a marvelous job with Victor Scottt Primary and she should be praised but at the same time you will never know what some one else is bringing to the table if you never give them a chance. Education is vital so i can see why parents are so passionate about this issue. I am positive and optimistic that there are many qualified Bermudians that can fill this position maybe not with the exact same teaching style but are just as effective. You NEVER KNOW what someone has to offer unless you give them a chance so please Victor Scott Teacher Association have a little compassion because someone gave you a CHANCE one day as well. And this comment was totally uncalled for “The Ministry thinks that because we have remained quiet thus far everything is fine and dandy. Oh, I am sorry to say that this is just the quiet before the storm. They better hurry and board up those windows…..” . “So now the Victor Scott Parent Teacher Association are making violent threats. That’s not good and it definately isn’t a good example for the kids of Victor Scott . This is a ghetto mentality and if the parents think that way what chance do the children have.

    • Serious Though says:

      BUT, you need to understand the pain that they had and sweetness they are enjoying before you lecture then on this

    • SMDH!!!! says:

      @Someone Gave You a Chance: First of all, we are talking about the lives of children here. Unlike the corporate enitities, mistakes made in the lives of children are irreversible.

      The P.T.A at this school along with others that are functioning well should be outraged. there is no foundation or sense in the rationale given by the minister. You will never find perfection in any principal, there will always be an area or areas for improvement. Simply doing the hollywood shuffle will not work.

      Point blank, here is where the ministry senior team and officials should be coming into play. Get up out of their leather back chairs and cushy offices, identify the weaknesses of the school and principal, work with the principal, providing support, training and monitor progress for improvement. But more importantly, stop avoiding what are critical issues and take a stand with ineffective principals period.

      It is ridiculous that there are schools with CRITICAL issues that not only involve the principal but have significant academic achievement and success upon children . . . and yetthey remain in place!!!!!!!!!!!!

      P.T.A and parents I applaud you. Stand together and fight for what your children deserve, a free and appropriate public school education that allows for success.

      If the ministry has principals that they do not know what to do with in order to improve, then all of them should retire or be fired . . . oh wait a minute the Hopkins report called for that huh . . . silly me!!!!! And you don’t need a doctoral degree to figure this out . . . it’s pretty simple!!!!

    • SMDH!!!! says:

      Ok let me help you with the statement “This is the quiet before the storm. They better hurry up and board up those windows” . . . it’s an ANALOGY!!!!! Liking their commitment to fight the decision with the force that a storm brings!!!!!! WOW!!!!

      Maybe you were a graduate of Victor Scott during all those turmultuous changes, if you didn’t understand this analogy!!!!!!!

    • SMDH!!!! says:

      OMG!!!!!!!!!! Are you that dumb that you didn’t understand that the statement was an ANALOGY. Let me help you . . . she likened their commitment to fight the decision with the force that a storm brings!!!!!! IT WAS NOT A VIOLENT THREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Maybe you were a graduate of the then defunct Victor Scott through all of the turbulent changes . . . clearly if you didn’t understand the analogy.

      Just remember . . . “sometimes it’s better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!”

  2. tricks are for kids says:

    @Someone Gave you A Chance! I agree with what you are saying 100%!

    All this hostility and without even knowing what the new Principal has to offer. Passion I can understand but hostility, no! To the PTA I feel that you could have presented your case in a more professional manner. A note to also remember when personnel are ASSIGNED to a school they do not BELONG to that school, they do not WORK for that school per say but instead work for the Ministry. They also know as part of their Collective Bargaining Agreement between the BIU and The Ministry that the Ministry reserves the right to transfer any Teacher or Principal as they deem fit as in this case. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!!!!!

    • success says:

      it’s an ANALOGY. There is no hostility here. Nothing but passion and wanting what is best for our 125 children. The , Ms williams is to retire in 3 years. So the ministry will send her down to east end and when she retires they will have yet again another principal to take her place. that’s three different principles in less than 6 yrs. Keep her at VSS where she wants to stay. Allow her to make her mark and allow these children the pleasure of tasting stability for once in there lives.

    • Scott says:

      But if it has recently starting working, what ist he reason to just test out a new principal? As he says, give them 5 years at least. The PLP has this constant thought taht if things dont pick up immediately, then change the leader…
      how has that worked for many ministries who have had almost as many ministers as years in existence?

      Should we just go around changing leaders just to see what they have to offer? That is only good in risk/rewards situations, like business… NOT developing childrens education.

  3. Serious Though says:

    The best of mankind is a farmer; the best food is fruit. – Ethiopia saying

    so the best of Victor Scott is the Principal and the best of the results is the Children!


  4. Bermy's Finest says:

    Surprise! Surprise! Everytime a decision is made to move Principals there is a protest. The minister has advised this decision is being made to better the opportunity of all kids involved. I beleive the PTA is being very selfish!! Changes are not always what you want however I trust the Dame is making a good decision. The need to get over it!!!

    • daughter-n-law says:

      I wonder how you would feel if your child had 12 different teachers in 3 years and had a new principal every 3 years???

  5. We Like says:

    This response is typical, and rididuclous!

    I’m sure the lady is upset, but did she ever stop to think what she was saying and the example she was setting for her children. This is why our education system is the way it is now, EVERYONE from the PTA to the parents, to the teachers to the politicians are experts.

    We went through a long period of reform, education has a commissioner, she has a job, let the professionals do their work and stop setting such a bad example for your students.

    “board up the windows”…. are you kidding me?

    • success says:

      The example I am setting for my children is for them to FIGHT FOR WHAT THEY THINK IS BEST FOR THEIR CHILDREN BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!
      We are in that school everyday, victor scott students are our homes every night and we live and breathe that community. WE SEE FIRST HAND THE RESULTS OF Ms. Williams’ work and the affect it has had over these children the last 2 years. No one knows what’s best for our children better than we do and we deserved to be notified when such a change will so drastically affect. do we have no say, do we have no voice. do we not deserve to be given a chance to voice our opinion. Was it too hard for the Ministry to contact us since they’ve known since December or to even contact us after the decision was made to see what we thought. Could they have not shown a little compassion???

      • Union Member says:

        I’m Sure VS has gone through so many difficulties over the years, but I believe that the words of the PTA will get little support from the country when violence is referred to. Your very field was the place of a most unfortunate shooting. Show the kids how to disagree with civility and highlight the strengths that you absolutely love about Ms Williams and your disagreements with the MOED decisions. If you don’t win your stance, identify the things that the next candidate must have! I raised my eyebrows as well when I read that Ms Williams was only there for 2 years, but I’m sure this decision was made with evidence and sound thought. If you don’t think that it is simply request the info behind the decisions. MOED is a public service and they would share their thought processes if it would behoove them.

        • shucks says:

          What violence are you talking about???
          There is no violence. We make NO reference to violence! We were here comforting the children when the shooting took place so don’t lecture me about violence. My daughter wrote the book ‘Stop the Shooting!’
          Do u not understand an analogy????

  6. daughter-n-law says:

    Because we are fighting for our children you call it hostile? Nothing in my statement is a violent threat. I am not saying that the New principal will not have anything to offer. I am saying that we like what Ms. Williams is doing and we don’t want her to leave. This has nothing to do with the other principal. Nothing.
    We will fight for our children’s future. Victor Scott has gone through too much, too much and here we are getting picked on again.
    I agree with @Serious
    If you understood the depth, if you understood the struggle we went through to get to where we are today then you will think differently. There is nothing hostile about my email. We will fight (not literally) for what we know is working for us and that is Ms. Williams. That is what is meant by the boxing gloves. Do not take it literal. And we can not become a storm so that wasn’t meant for you to take it literal either. It’s a figure of speech.
    We will not sit back and do nothing. If you want to give constructive criticism then you need to follow it with a solution.

    • tricks are for kids says:

      The solution would be to not “put the cart before the horse”. In other words ASSUMING that this is not a move in the right direction. You don’t know what this new Principal has to offer. You’ve brought on the comments that you are receiving by your choice of wording. Whether it is taken “literally” or “matter of factly” it’s how you have presented your case. I work FOR THE MINISTRY and although I love and enjoy the school at which I am assigned I know that I will not be here forever! Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement I can be switched/moved at any given time. Will I be disappointed? YES. Will the world stop revolving because I am being asked to move? NO. Will I get over it? YES

      “…here we are getting picked on again”.
      Again choice of wording…you sound like a kindergarden kid on the playground…I’m sure that this is not the case….The same as people sometimes come into your life for a reason and sometimes only for a season applies to this..Yes Ms. Williams may have spread good cheer and brought the school towards healing and its beginning to run smoothly you need to accept and appreciate that her services are needed elsewhere..remember our lives are predestined and maybe the Lord feels that her work is done here and it is time for her to move on…a decision has been made and I am 100% sure that it is with the children’s best interest in mind…..

      • success says:

        @tricks you state “The solution would be to not “put the cart before the horse”. In other words ASSUMING that this is not a move in the right direction. You don’t know what this new Principal has to offer.”
        Isn’t this what the Ministry is doing. Isn’t the Ministry aSSuming that these four principles is the best best thing??? So why is it wrong for me to do the same??? Why is wrong for us to assume that getting rid of Ms. Williams is the wrong desicion?

        • tricks are for kids says:

          You are entitled to your opinion just as I am to mine…..I however, find it hard to believe that one person (in this case Ms. Williams) “makes” Victor Scott..if this is the case than there is no need for the teachers….Just as we expect our children to use what they have been taught, why can’t we expect the same of the teachers? why can’t they use what Ms. Williams has instilled and carry on? In a sense they are being selfish by suggesting to let Ms. Williams stay there for another 3 years until she reitires as this act will not allow another school to benefit from Ms. Williams expertise. Mrs. Alexander can and will bring her expertise and thus enhance what they’ve experienced even further.

          I have grown children who have succeeded despite the challenges that the faced with changes within the system. My eldest son was in the first batch of students who entered CedarBridge and he graduated and is an electrician. My youngest son also graduated and is currently studying to become a Chef. Did they have different teachers, Principals, etc? Yes they did but they succeeded!!!!

          If they kept Ms. Williams for another 3 years whose to say that the Principal that they get upon her retirement won’t cause disrupt and make changes? what will they have to say then?

          • shucks says:

            You find that hard to believe becuase u dont have a principal. She is the head of the body. If you cut off the head then what will you have??

            • tricks are for kids says:

              I have a principal…what are you talking about??? I teach at the Middle School level (prior to that I was at Victor Scott for four years).so yes I have endured change…I know what I am talking about…Ms. Williams has given them the foundation now it is time for them to put into practice what they have been taught..Surely they have garnered some information that they can move forward with?? I am sure that they do not need ms. Williams to continue to “hold their hand”

              • Pastor Syl says:

                My children and grandchildren did not attend this school, so I hesitated to comment, but I feel impelled to state that every theory of child development I know of speaks to the importance of stability, especially when there is chaos all around.
                I do not understand the purpose behind constant upheaval, especially in the lives of children. This decision is counter-intuitive and appears to me to fly in the face of best practice.
                It also appears to be cruel to someone who is so close to retirement and, if she is anything like me, would not look forward to starting all over again, setting up new systems, and developing new relationships in a whole new area. Let her enjoy these last years before retirement in the stable, benevolent setting that she has created. She deserves to enjoy a good job well done.

                Finally, the track record of the Department of Education has not been one that instils confidence in it’s decisions.

  7. Winnie says:

    If it is not broken why try to fix it? Of course the incoming Principal will most likely do a good job, however the question remains if Ms Williams is doing a great job and have the CONFIDENCE of the parents why move her…. Would it not be better for her to continue to make the school grow, than to bring in someone who will bring different styles/methods to doing things, which will take time to readjust all over again…. Do not be fooled the Ministry claims it is one programm for all public primary school, this is however not so, and for Victor Scott to be finally making progress and “catching” itself I personally think it is bad timing on the Ministry’s path.

  8. SMDH!!!! says:

    All I can wonder is if the comments from people who do not see anything wrong with theses changes have their children in public school. Victor Scott has seen a rash of changes and turmoil in principals and teachers, not to the failing mention the failing achievement and now when they have someone leading and experiencing success up the ministry pulls anchor.

    The concerns of the PTA has no bearing on the incoming principal. They are charged with protecting their investment – their children!!!!!!!

  9. alsys says:

    I would hate to know that my child will be having a new principal every three years! That shows no continuity of service which is the EXACT reason why the MoED is having so many issues. Yes, the “new” principal may have good ideas but if the ideas of the original principal are working and working well why would anyone feel the need to make a change??

    This whole doing stuff for the sake of simply looking like you are getting things done will have the adverse effect and can be very detrimental to the kids. Remember them? My child is not at Victor Scott but I totally see where you are coming from. Please continue to fight on and make sure your voices are heard.

  10. Parental Mind says:

    Let me engage in this discussion for a moment.

    I am not a parent of a Victor Scott student.
    I did not go to Victor Scott.
    I am not a member of the Victor Scott PTA.
    I have no specific vested interest in the running of the Victor Scott Primary School.

    So people would ask why would I want to comment? Here’s the reasons why: This isn’t about Victor Scott only.

    Here’s why I am commenting:

    I am a parent of students at Purvis Primary.
    I am a former student of Purvis Primary.
    I am a member of the Purvis Primary PTA, and I have a serious specific vested interest in the running of Purvis Primary School.

    Our principal is one of those who have been selected by the Ministry to be transfered, namely Mr. J Alexander. She is an excellent educator who has high standards with regards to student achievement. She can be considered a “task master” at times; however, her passion and compassion for her students is paramount in all that she does.

    The honest truth is staring the PTA of Victor Scott in the face – she is being given to you to raise the achievement standards of the students and the school – as she has the track record to prove that she can do just that. This statement is not to belittle the assistance of the teachers & support staff at Purvis – on the contrary, they were and are still vital to the success seen at Purvis.

    So my suggestion to the PTA of Victor Scott – please be mindful that you see the bigger picture here. This isn’t just about your feelings of loosing a good principal in Mrs. Williams (who is an excellent educator in her own right). Our students are being affected as well – - it is how we, as parents, support our students in their efforts to succeed that makes the difference. The principal plays an important role – but we as parents are the support that makes or breaks our children. Principals come and go – but we as parents should be the ones who push our children to greatness. It is our job – not the principals – - they support our efforts in raising our children – - but it is our job and our responsibility.

    Just a thought for you to consider when you meet tonight.

    • Parent says:


      Question to Victor Scott’s PTA….did you do any investigation / meetings with the MOED back in January when it first became public knowledge that principals received letters before December 31, 2011, stating a possible move effective September?

      You may want to ask your principal what is her succession plan, which should be implemented immediately.

      • Shucks says:

        It was announced to the principals, not to us so we didnt know and i dont remember hearing about it on the news. So no we did not even know anything to investigate. Andevenif we did know that 4 principals were to be transfered, is every PTA commitee supposed to drop everything and start fighting without even knowing if it’s their principal? There are about 17 primary schools in bermuda. That would be a lot of work for nothing. We should have been told that it wa ms williams before the decision was made to move her. We should atleast been told that she was a candidate.

        • Parent says:

          Like I said, it became public knowledge…….

          It was announced on bernews and the royal gazette on or around January 7th when HSPS’s PTA had an emergency meeting regarding the possible shift. At that point, they all were candidates.

          Proactive? The PTA and parents should be charged with keeping up with decisiions that affect their kids education.

          Sorry you missed it, but it was out their in print and electronic media. Not one concerned VS parent saw this and presented it to their PTA? Now that’s pretty sad.

          • shucks says:

            Are you kidding me. Even if we had known, and I am sure that parents did hear about it, I just didnt, what could we have done? Don’t be blind. They made this decision whether we wanted to give input or not. They did not ask us PERIOD! You have to understand that we WERE NOT GIVEN A CHOICE or a chance. They made this decision behind closed doors. Do not make this about the PTA’s not being proactive. You will offend LOTS of parents who are working their behinds of for their kids. Dont you DARE start attacking the parents. Dont even got there. All the parents of VSS are concerned parents. THAT is why we are doing what we are doing.

            • Parent says:

              So now you’re contradicting yourself. One minute you say “we” did not even know anything to investigate, now you are saying I am sure parents did hear about it….my response was based on your assumption that no one know as you spoke for parents using the word “WE”.

              i definitely wouldn’t “got there”, but what you fail to realize is that I am in the same boat as you, a government parent, and was also subject to a principal change. I enrolled my child in the government system, which did not promise me the same principal and teachers throughout my child’s education…that’s not even promised in the private schools.

              Who knows, this new principal could make greater leaps for VS. As mentioned proir, ask your current principal what’s the succession plan. She should be willing to share this with you all. Just a suggestion, weigh the pros and cons of the outgoing and incoming principals to make an informed decision. My principal discussed with the PTA the government’s plan back in January.

              I however do agree with you that communication from Government should be forthcoming as we are stakeholders.

              also remember, your teachers see the standard that your current principal has developed. Have faith in them to keep it going.

              • Shucks says:

                let me clarify mysef and i am sorry for the confusion.
                ‘we’ meaning that the vss pta body did not hear anything from the ministry directly. There was nothing directed to us which would be the respecful and responsible thing to do and ‘parents’ meaning that i am sure that some parents from vss heard it over the media back in january or whenevr it came out.
                No contradiction.

    • success says:

      Ok, so you made my point. Then please go right ahead and fight for your principal to stay. You have my FULL support.
      My feelings have NOTHING to do with it. We fight for our childrens’ future. Have you considered the fact that Ms. Williams may be retiring in 3 years. If sh eis transfered that would mean that east end will yet again have another principal. That would be 3 principals in 3 years. Are you not the least bit concerned? Maybe you have not felt the affects of the principal and teacher shuffle.
      As a parent I know the order of the way things work. We as parents of VSS, we completely see the bigger picture. We see the surface and below. this is why we are doing what we are doing. We aren’t going to just sit back and have the Ministry 100% dictate the best way to educate our children with absolutely no input from us. There has to be a certain level or respect and responsibilty.
      Education is not a game of chess. It has to be STABLE. and we figt for stability. We don’t need these experiments done with our children, not in these already downturn economic times.

    • Mountbatten says:

      Mrs. Bulgin was much better . What goes around comes around . Go Purvis ; We love you !!

    • Shucks says:

      If you love your principal so much and she if she is doing such a wondrful job then fight for her.! I will support u 100%. You not figting for Raises a lot of questions as to why it is that you are not fighting?..

  11. kevin says:

    The main message I get from this discussion is that the ministry has failed in communicating to the Victor Scott stakeholders the rationale behind this move. There are obviously more than one method to achieve success but it is not clear to me if Victor Scott is actually losing or gaining with this intended move! What is clear is that they believe they are losing! Given the approach taken with Prospect Primary where the ministry provided additional assistance to the Principal I believe that the Victor Scott parents have every right to feel agrieved.

  12. Tommy Chong says:

    Too bad the ministry did not move my children’s school principal instead. I got called to an “EMERGENCY” PTA meeting just too find out it was about how our school principal might be moved. With all the fuss I thought there was an outbreak of lice or chicken pox. My wife & I got up after 15 minutes of the meeting & exited. I guess our PTA thought our principal was held in higher esteem than she was. They even thought that she was being moved to Victor Scott but now I see that was never the case as they perceived & I sit here & LMAO. From experience & observation I know my children’s school principal is more into putting on heirs than being a principal. Just goes to show perception is not always the truth so I’ll not try to perceive if Victor Scott’s PTA protest is right or wrong.

    • success says:

      Everyone should be given the right to stand up for what they believe in.
      You said it right! Perception is not always the truth. The Minister think that they are doing us a favour? We don’t think but we KNOW for a fact that Ms. Williams is doing a great job. Why jeapordize what is known to work. WHy risk it all?

      • Tommy Chong says:

        Im not disagreeing with Victor Scott’s PTA I just understand how some PTA work & cannot agree either because its a school’s politics I don’t know about. I know about my children’s PTA & I know its made up of parents who feel the way the principal at this school runs it is good. I can disagree with my children’s PTA because they uphold a principal who’s main solution in situations is corporal punishment. I hope something good comes from Victor Scott’s PTA protest but I will not agree without knowing all sides not just the PTA side. At least I’m remaining neutral & showing some understanding some other posters here have made negative comments against Victor Scott’s PTA as if they have children in Victor Scott though I doubt they do.

        • Shucks says:

          thank you mr chong. You have a good head on your shoulders!

  13. DoThisBermuda! says:

    This is exactly the case. We were not informed before the decision was made not were we even asked what we thought about the desicion. Do we have absolutely NO say in our childrens education. The Ministry is not moving Ms. Williams because they feel that another principal can do a better job. Our TerraNova scores has been the highest its ever been since 2002. We have just really started to thrive and its only been two years. If this decision was made by the Ministry with NO input from any principal, teacher, parent or child, what will the next decision be??? We weren’t even given a chance. And this is what we fight for. We fight for our children to be given a chance. And we fight to have a voice.
    We don’t know what the other principal has to offer but we know what Ms. Williams has and we like it. If it isn’t broken, then why fix it. Give her atleast 5 years to prove herself to us. Education needs to be stable. Our children need stability for once and for all.

    • Grouper says:

      WOw – you have explained the situation very well. Hope you keep Ms. Williams at VSS!

  14. amen says:

    Oh geez give it a rest! It’s just a principal and she’ll have a replacement and the reference to those children being from the “ghetto” having something to do with it is just stupid and laughable. Good lord. You don’t know maybe the new incoming principal will do just as good a job-if not better. When I was in primary school the principal didn’t do sh!t except make us line up all the damn time and hand out detentions. If it was actual teachers in the classroom I could understand but a principal switch won’t change much, your kids will still get an education. I had 3 principals during my primary school years and I still learned what I needed to learn and it wasn’t a big deal. Get over it and take your own damn children home.

    • what??? says:

      thank goodness I am not your child. I would want my parents to fight for me.

      • amen says:

        Thank goodness I don’t have any children and if I did I’d have bigger priorities than a principal swap. Education starts at home. Maybe you all should see how schools are run in the U.S. and you’d stop complaining about a minor issue.

        • shucks says:

          If your children’s education is not one of you bigger priorities if and when you have children then fine. That’s you not us! We know education starts at home and that is why WE parents know what our children need and fight for it. We don’t need to see how schools are run in the US because this AINT THE U.S.! Wake up! this is Bermuda!

  15. The Hell!! says:

    I’m in full support of Victor Scott PTA. How can you have students doing great in school ‘A’ for example, then you move the principal that is doing a great job for school ‘A’ and put a principal in school ‘A’ who is not doing a great job. The standard that was high at school ‘A’ will drop and so it will be a Yo Yo effect. I know its a tough thing to say but you need to fire those who are not doing a good enough job. Hire a principal who is capable of doing the job. We need to stop accepting failure. Children are our future teach them well and let them lead the way.

  16. The Hell!! says:

    FYI Those principals that are being moved are principals who do an exemplary job. Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Beckles. Mrs. Alexander was moved from East End primary because of the great job she did there. I know because I had three children who went there. At the time she was principal aswell as Mrs. Beckles who is at East End now. I think the PTA are within their right to voice their objection. Some one has to step in and show some common sense, something that’s not so common with this present Government.

  17. The Hell!! says:

    They seem to do this every dam year. What they are board to death so they gotta shake things up making it interesting come on man!!! Stop f**ing with the system and fix it.

  18. Mountbatten says:

    And the teachers and students at Purvis breath a collective sigh of relief . Then they spontaneously erupt in a rousing round of Applause .

  19. LaVerne Furbert says:

    All due respect to Mrs. Williams and the Victor Scott family, I don’t think it is true that “Victor Scott School has merely tasted success with a principal for the first time in years” Prior to Mrs. Williams’ appoint, Principal, Dr. Gina Tucker, worked hard to improve the image and infrastructure at Victor Scott. I know for a fact that the building were in pristine condition when Dr. Tucker left the school.

    Further, I do believe that all principals who have been at Victor Scott, from Mr. Scott himself, have provided excellent leadership.

    We must not forget that there were parents who did not want Dr. Tucker to be moved either, but at the end of the day, she was moved by the Ministry of Education, in spite of the protest of many parents.

    • shucks says:

      There was no offense intended to any past principals. What was meant by ‘the first time in years’ was the results of the TerraNova scores. The scores have been VERY low since 2002, as low as 19% and have been fluctuating ever since. It has risen to almost 55% since Ms. Williams came aboard and that’s the highest it’s ever been since 2002. This is what was meant by success.

    • Grouper says:

      The building was pristine, but there were hardly any students left when Dr. Tucker was removed from VSS. She had one the highest teacher turnover, one of the lowest enrollments and very poor test results and was promoted to the Ministry. Go back and look…

      • LaVerne Furbert says:

        That is so far from the truth. Dr. Tucker improved the student enrollment at Victor Scott.

        • Grouper says:

          When Dr. Tucker left VSS it was at it’s lowest enrollment ever. Parents were pulling their children out of there in droves. That’s why she was removed.

    • Pastor Syl says:

      @ LaVerne: I remember the efforts of the VSS PTA to keep Dr. Tucker, which were over-ridden by the Ministry. Yet again, the PTA wishes appear to be discounted.

      This begs the question – how much input do parents have in the education of their children. At this moment, it appears that their input is not wanted or sought. It is this disconnect that is so disturbing. I want to believe that both parents and the Ministry have the students’ best interest at heart. What, then, prevents them from working together?

      I attended West Pembroke during the days of Ms. Paynter and I remember how traumatic it was for the students and teachers when she was moved to Prospect Primary. We didn’t know what we would be getting. It took quite some while before Mrs. Manget was accepted and trusted, despite her being an excellent headmistress. Mrs. Manget was headmistress at WPS for more than 20 years, because she was also my children’s headmistress. I had a choice between two schools and sent my children where I was most familiar. I knew what to expect. I say this because not just children need stability, adults do too.

      Never knowing what to expect, or what will happen next, worried it will be disaster, is such an ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) way to live. It is very dysfunctional!

      • shucks says:

        I agree fully with your statement. it’s just the last Sentence that I disagree with. we are NOT worried really about what we are getting. We are not scared of what to expect, we are not worried about what will happen next nor are we worried that it will be a disaster. We will worry about that when it’s time. Right now We are upset about what is being taken away from us and we don’t feel as if we were given an opportunity to give input nor were we given any legit reasons as to why it is being taken away from us even after begging and pleading. We are also worried about the instability it will create because OUR children in VSS are JUST BEGINNING to feel stability. It’s only been 2 yrs of stability. The incoming principal has nothing to do with our reactions. We will worry about that if and when we need to. Right now we need to understand fully why our principal is being taken away from us. There has been no communication to us from the Ministry. But we will give them a chance.

      • shucks says:

        I apologize. your statements have been wonderful and we fully apprciate your support. You are right! ACOA is a very disfunctional way to live. But I don’t think that you were saying that we were living this way. Right?

        • Pastor Syl says:

          @ Shucks: No offence taken at all. That statement should have read: “Never knowing what to expect, or what will happen next, worried it will be disaster, is such an ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) way to have to live.” Having things removed/taken away with no reason given, decisions made with no input from those affected or impacted is what happens in ACOA households. The instability over which you have no control is really what I am talking about.

  20. know yur place says:

    They are moving the wrong Principal’s why would Dame Smith moving a middle school Principal to Primary leave Mrs. William at VSS…and leave TN Tatem Francine McMahon alone.Children need ppl in there life for a life time…not a season!!!

  21. Grouper says:

    I agree. This move makes no sense at all.

  22. Pat says:

    I don’t have any children in public school at this time. I have just finished reading all the comments regarding this situation and it is really sad that we as adults only show real passion for a situation after the fact. I feel sorry for all four of those principals. If any one of us were in their shoes we wouldn’t feel to comfortable about the environment that we would be facing at the new school. If we had that much passion about helping our children with their education and attending PTA meetings, supporting the schools in their need for physical upgrades etc. all schools would be in great shape.

    I think that ALL principals should be shifted after a two or three year term. I believe that after a while princiipals lose their effectiveness with teachers and students. Bringing in a new person helps refocus and tighten up any slackness that creeps in. The saying goes “a new broom sweeps clean, an old broom knows where the dust is.”. This is a great opportunity to help these schools to refocus. Give these individuals a chance to show you and your students what they bring to the table. We are such a closed minded society and we listen to the opinions of others instead of experiencing thins for ourselves and making our own decisions. I am sure that these four individuals have great talents otherwise they would have been removed from their post during the last clean sweep of educators.

    I remember Mrs. Bulgin as the principal at Purvis and she had an excellent program going on during the time she was there. She is an outstanding principal and I am sure she was also thought of as a task master” but she is kind and fair as well.

    In closing, I encourage Dame Jennifer and her team to stand firm and do not allow any weapon or analogy formed against you to prosper.

    • shucks says:

      You dont have any children in public school but you would like to give your opinion. That’s fine. But sometimes it is VERY hard to understand an issue when you have absolutely no relation or concern to it or for it.
      To start, please do not say that you are SURE about anything that the ministry has done in regards to this decision because the ministry is not even 100% sure. There are still a lot of maybe’s and probably’s. There is a lot of RISK with what the ministry is doing and no one wants to risk their child’s education.
      You think that ALL principals should be shifted after a 2/3 yr program??? WOW! is all I can say. It’s been a while since you’ve been around kids in order for you to say that. A child needs stability and what you are describing is a pretty unstable environment which is a downfall in academic success. Thank goodness this vote will not take place amongst people who have absolutely no care or relation to the education system in bermuda. The strong Bermudian people who have supported us and who care about this matter have or had children, grand children, nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws in the education system and understand the needs of our children here in Bermuda. They care about their childrens and all childrens stability and academic success here in Bermuda.
      AGAIN, WE REPEAT OURSELVES. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE PRINCIPALS! IT’S ABOUT OUR CHILDREN! So don’t tell us to put ourselves in the incoming principals shoes and understand what they must be going through and how they must feel. WE ALREADY KNOW THAT THE VICTOR SCOTT SCHOOL PRINCIPAL AND THE T AND TATEM PRINCIPAL DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE THEIR SCHOOLS. So be truthful, which principals are you referring to? The last two??? You want us to risk our children’s education based on the feelings of two principals??? And you say this as if you know how these two principals feel. We don’t know how they feel and we don’t want them to feel offended because this is NOT about them. It is NOT. We have not said anything negative about any principal. ALSO, YOU NEED TO PUT YOURSELF IN OUR CHILDREN’S SHOES AND UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY WILL BE GOING THROUGH AND HOW THEY WILL FEEL WHEN THEY LOSE A PRINCIPAL WHO HAS BEEN DOING A DARN GOOD JOB FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS, WHO THEY LOVE, WHO BAWLED WHEN THEY HEARD THE NEWS ABOUT THE TRANSFER AND WHO’S PARENTS ARE PLEASED WITH! You want to upset hundreds of parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, people and risk hundreds of childrens education based on the ‘feelings’ of two people when you don’t even know WHAT AND HOW these 2 principals are feeling? THIS IS NOT ABOUT THEM, IT IS ABOUT OUR CHILDREN AND OUR CHILDREN ONLY! You are fighting for 2 people who aren’t fighting so who in the world are you fighting for? We believe that the two principals who you are referring to are fine because they understand that we are not fighting them or against them because they understand that this is simply a fight for our children. We THANK them from the bottom of our hearts for their full support. They are mothers and I know that they understand our position and passion for our children, their stability and their education.

      • Pat says:

        Shucks you certainly miss the point. Children need to learn that we are a village and we are all here to help them along this journey called life. I am not fighting on behalf of any principal, I am just expressing my opinion based on the way that adults are handling this situation. All principals have power to defuse this mess by stepping up to the podium and telling their respective parents, teachers and students that they have their best interests at heart and that they need to share their expertise with other students so everyone has a opportunity to experience the different strategies and ideas that come about as a result of the change. This fight is not about the kids and you all can’t convince me that it is. It is all about school politics and the kids are being used as scapegoats. For the record I did have a child in public school many years ago.

        Once again I stand by my statement. Give these individuals a chance and encourage them to stand up and gather their confidence and move on. We have all had a taste of the fear of the unknown. They may surprise themselves. Protesting against the move may expose some very big insecurities, one that says that if it ain’t broke dont fix it, but it is broken and we need to refocus our efforts to fix it. This is not saying that Mrs Williams or Mrs. McMahon haven’t done an excellent job at their schools, but there comes a time when you need to move on.

        • daughter-n-law says:

          You are entitled to stick by your statement just as we are sticking by ours.
          So Pat, Since you seem to be the expert at this and may know somethings that we may not, please tell us and the whole of Bermuda what is broken at VSS and Tntatem? We are DYING to know because the Ministry has not told us after our begging and pleading at the meeting last night.
          Please share Pat, Please share.
          And I will strongly advise that you be careful with your words and you NOT offend parents by saying that it is not about the children. So who the heck is it about? School politics? Are you kidding me?! You honestly think that we were sitting there with the ‘politic book’ in our lap waiting for the MOED to screw up? No we weren’t. Look at the facts, please. Stop making this something that it is not.
          AND BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THAT IT IS ABOUT THE CHILDREN. NOT EVERYONE THINKS THE SAME AS YOU. Bermudians are a fine people and want only the best for their children whether you believe it or not.

        • daughter-n-law says:

          No offense to you. You are entitled to your opinion. It just becomes very personal when you start attacking parents by saying that it is not about the children and that they have ulterior motives. Because now it’s not just about the children at VSS. This includes all children in Bermuda and all concerned parents whose children attend public school.
          Sorry for getting a bit worked up but I am a parent of two in Public school and a third who is ‘supposed’ to entering VSS in September. And for me and most parents who support us, it IS about the children.

          • Pat says:

            I understand your passion daughter-n-law and there is no offense taken. I am not the expert but I am being real in thinking about this situation. I am not attacking parents but asking that we think about what all this upset is doing to the kids during the school learning season. The blame should lay at the feet of principals who don’t want to leave their comfort zones. That is what is broken in the schools. This is not about VSS or TN Tatem only. I am sure that principals were advised that there was going to be a shuffle for the upcoming school year, I am sure that all of them were praying that it wouldn’t be me. The decision was made based on the performance, talent and need for all of the kids. All of us, if employed, are subject to performance and development scrutiny each year. If your manager feels that your expertise is needed in another area of the organization why wouldn’t you want to move on. The positive side of this shuffle is not being highlighted. The individuals that were chosen are talented and expert in their field. They could shine a new light on another group of students and teachers that maybe desperately needed right now. The words of a familiar Christian song is If I can help somebody as I travel along then my living has not been in vain. I encourage these principals and all others that haven’t been moved at this time to think about this and spread the love around to all kids. This island needs all the love it can get right now.

            • daughter-n-law says:

              Sorry Pat,
              It turns out that this goes deeper than what we just see on the surface. You will be hearing about it real soon. Stay posted.
              And I don’t believe in them sharing the love because at the same time they are sharing the ‘no love’. They are saying that these selected 4 schools will be getting some ‘love’. They are not saying that these 4 schools NEED this love. I will repeat: They are not saying that these 4 schools NEED this love. THey are not saying this at all. So what about the other schools? Do they not deserve some love in one way or the other? Is there favoritism of schools amongst the ministry. Remember that the ministry made no claim whatsoever to these schools being broken. They claim that this transfer is about the principals. Schools are starting to feel quite offended. All public schools believe that if they’re principals were lacking a certain love then the Ministry should have done something which allowed their principal access to that ‘love’ in order for them to provide it to their schools. And other schools are saying that if their principal was providing no love then that no love should not be transferred to other schools but depleted from the school system all together. This is how you look out for all children in Bermuda. Not exposing just 4 schools in Bermuda to this love and no love. Really think about it.