Good Friday: Crowds Pack Horseshoe Bay

April 6, 2012

Scores of people have made their way to Horseshoe Bay today [Apr.6], as Chewstick hosts the Good Friday KiteFest, with the event featuring music, live performances, kite contests and more.

Performers scheduled to appear include Big Snipes, Missian, Amora Rose, Rivah, Joy T. Barnum Gavin Djata Smith and more. The event is also scheduled to have a Kite Competition with categories including Best Traditional Bermuda Kite, Longest Tail, Biggest Kite, Smallest Kite, Best Design, Best Boxy, Most Innovative Kite Design, Highest Kite, Best Stunt Kite Pilot and more, with the only criteria being “that they all have to fly.”

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Comments (10)

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  1. rummy says:

    An iconic video.

    Anyone notice what I did?

    Safe day to all and enjoy.

  2. realism says:

    that video is awesome. thats how bermuda should be unity together as a community everyone having fun locals and tourist alike. happy good friday to all!

  3. Maria Jacobs says:

    To Rummy—- I saw it or should I say I didn’t see it

  4. Liars! says:

    he’s probably is referring to the fact that the only black people there were payed by you know who to be there

  5. Liars! says:

    l noticed something, yes… was the only place on the lsland that was safe….everywhere else got chopped up at shot at…..stupid bermudians

  6. vvwhatt says:

    Day was less kites up ’round my gates.

  7. Tommy Chong says:

    @ Liars & also Maria Jacobs & rummy if also trying to imply what Liars outright racist comment read. You who think this are ignoramuses to the power of infinity. Botanical Gardens, St. David’s Cricket Club & many other Good Friday events went on without any violence also with many African descended people attending them. Its people like you with you’re moronic comments that add fuel to plps electioneering fires. Rangers & Somerset Cricket Club have ALWAYS had a criminal element around them & its nothing to do with colour & everything to do with people who run these establishment excepting certain undesirables to patronize these places. There are loads of other races that have gangs from hells angels to triads to yakuza to mafia. The only reason the gang element here is majority african descended members is because this is the majority race here. In Germany they have major issues with neo nazi gangs killing people & this is nothing to do with all Germans being nazi its to do with the majority in germany being caucasian. Since nazis are a caucasian only excepting gang of course the most murders there are done by these people. Bermuda for 100+ years has been a majority african descended nation but has only for a few years seen gang violence. This gang mentality has been adopted from America & is not part of our culture but has infected it just as American gangs have infected Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras & Nicaragua. Why do you think one of the major Bermudian gang heads was nick named yankee. It wasn’t because of his love for the New York baseball team if you numpties were thinking that it was because of where he was originally from. Not everyone who is dark skinned here is from here so educate yourselves if you have enough capacity in pee brain to do so.

  8. kkdub says:

    we will make sure we are there next year
    thats all