Argus Group Reports $1.7 Million Net Profit

June 25, 2012

Argus Group Holdings Limited earned a net profit of $1.7 million for the year ended March 31, 2012, compared to a net loss of $6.1 million in the prior year.

Argus CEO Alison Hill [pictured] comments: “It is our belief that this result, although modest, represents a significant milestone marking the end of challenging legacy issues in the investment arena.

“Despite less than favourable investment market conditions, the lingering recession and an increasingly competitive marketplace, we have attained our overall business targets and delivered a strong operating performance for the year ended March 31, 2012.

“Without investment-related losses during this period, the earnings would have produced net income in the region of $18 million for the year, generated once again through the achievement of very high client retention levels and substantially exceeding our new business targets across most business lines.

“In addition, we have made good strategic progress, focusing on markets where we can grow and earn higher returns. The Balance Sheet now faces substantially less exposure to risks arising from non-core investments as we continue to optimise the Balance Sheet and capital structure in a considered and orderly fashion.

“At year-end, Shareholders’ Equity stood at $83.8 million, substantially in excess of the statutory capital required to conduct the Group’s various insurance businesses.

“Net premiums written increased by 8 per cent. This is as a result of a combination of new business and appropriate adjustments to premiums in order to achieve acceptable underwriting ratios. Overall, claims, policy and contract liability benefits increased by 7 per cent over the prior year due primarily to higher claims in local and overseas health care services and our property and casualty businesses.

“Investment Income, Change in Fair Value of Investments and Share of (Loss)/Earnings of Investments in Associates continued to present challenges during the year ended March 31, 2012.

“The main contributory factors that suppressed investment earnings in the year were the provision of $11 million against the Group’s investment in Northstar Group Holdings Limited, which was recognised at the half year, reductions of $2 million in the equity pick up from investments in associates in Bermuda due to the depressed local economy and net realised losses of $3 million on the sale of certain equities.

“Revenues from commissions, management fees and other income rose by 7 per cent compared to 2011, primarily reflecting the increase in the market value of assets under management in our various investment-related businesses and the continued growth of ceding and profit commissions earned by our property and casualty operations.

“The increase in Operating Expenses and Amortisation and Depreciation is largely attributable to additional investment in the infrastructure of our European operations.”

“The Argus Group now has assets of $1.7 billion under its administration.”

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  1. bac2eden says:

    They blew up (increased) the health insurance how many times?..Making employees pay outta their butts……only to support their bragging rights of 1.7 millions….Argus Group, you advertised your profit…how about giving back what is rightfully our hard work…