Cricket: Darrell & Hurdle Banned For One Year

June 20, 2012

The Bermuda Cricket Board released their recent Code of Conduct Breaches, with both Toronto Darrell and Kevin Hurdle banned from playing cricket for a year.

In the game Willow Cuts v Rangers on May 27, Toronto Darrell was found guilty of threat of assault on an Umpire, and banned from all cricket for 1 year.

In the game Stars v Flatts on May 6, Kevin Hurdle was found guilty of physical assault of another player and was banned for one year and two 50 over games.

Both Mr Hurdle and Mr Darrell will be eligible to play in June 2013.

In the game Stars v Flatts on May 6, Rahji Edness was found guilty of using language or gesture(s) that is seriously obscene, seriously offensive or of a seriously insulting nature, and banned for two 50 over games.

In the game Stars v Flatts on May 6, Andre Manders was found guilty of conduct that is contrary to the spirit of the game, and Tre Manders was found guilty of using language or a gesture that is obscene, offensive or insulting. Both men were issued official reprimands.

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  1. k says:

    well done cricket board !!! wonder if darrell will be a verbally abusive spectator now ?????????