Police & Parks Clean-Up Ducking Stool Area

June 8, 2012

On Wednesday [June 6] police officers from the Central Community Action Team along with staff from the Department of Parks attended the Ducking Stool Park, Pembroke area in response to numerous reports of groups gathering, drinking and causing a general disturbance by their anti-social behavior at that location.

Back Row L-R: Parks Officer Craig Burt, Sergeant Dawson Dates, Department of Parks personnel, PC Adrian Haynes, Department of Parks personnel, PC Krishna Singh. Front L-R: PC Marlon Jackman, PC Arthur Dill & Department of Parks personnel.

A police spokesperson said, “With the assistance of Department of Parks personnel, the area was cleared of a large amount of property used during these gatherings, including deck chairs, coolers and barbecues, as well as trash scattered throughout the park and down onto the shoreline.

“While the removal of this property should be helpful in initially addressing the situation, patrols will continue to address the persons gathering in the Ducking Stool Park, Pembroke area to dissuade any further anti-social activity.”

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  1. M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

    That new MOB law need apply right here .

  2. CYGNET says:

    I am very happy to read this article. I can see Ducking Stool from my yard and yearned to be able to walk there and sit off and relax, but could not because of the group of older men and one who had a tent living there. They drink and do and sell drugs as well. There was also a doberman dog that resided there. Thank you very much to The Parks Department and the CAT of BPS. Together as a community Bermuda will claim our island back.

    • OC says:

      Sir or Madam,
      the act of “cleaning-up” as described by this article is viewed with a different perspective by the community that has accessed this park for at least the past 4 generations. I am aware that the decision to fence the cliff faces was made to keep vehicles back from the eroding undercut ledges; granted, but the butchering of this land is slap in the face to Mother Nature, North Shore & St. Monica’s residents and anyone else that has used that area prior to its “rescue”.
      The unskilled hacking down of the hedge that once lined the length of road from Government House to Black Watch Pass, is a shameful demonstration of our arrogant lack of appreciation for our natural surroundings. The notion that it was done to quell less than ideal behavior I can appreciate, although I would refute it. It is unfounded and untrue. Yet if there was a desire to see/know what was going on, why not just get out of/off of the police vehicle and take a walk to establish contact with the individuals. It would seem though that the idea of “policing” equates to, seeing without being seen (spying), profiling and intimidation.
      The paving of a roundabout and path running parallel to what’s left of the bush has got to be one of the stupidest concepts celebrated. If the use of the words “roundabout” and “park” in the same sentence isn’t enough to stir awareness of a frightening contradiction I’ll supplement it with another example of disregard for the residents in this area. The summer season in particular sees this park utilized by members of the community, for camping and has for much longer than my short 20+ years in the area. The land normally used for camping has been transformed into a poorly paved plot for parking. A “paved park” you say, moreover applaud?!?!?! I imagine it would be quite difficult to erect a tent on such terrain, but then again that’s the point, isn’t it?
      This is another example of lawful destruction and lawful discriminatory practices. I’m saddened by how willing we are to champion causes that appease the fearful at the cost of our liberties. Your unwarranted fear of those that don’t fit your box, is alarmingly dangerous and a direct threat to anyone that you are uncomfortable with. I’m open to offering another perspective if you would oblige. Also I’d appreciate clarification on “taking back the island ” and what that means to you. Feel free to contact me at ANYTIME on 705-2206. Let’s have a conversation.

      • Frank says:


      • cygnet says:

        @OC. I am a 57 year old mother and grandmother. Firstly I fear no one and I do not feel thereatened by anyone. Anything at all I am the one who willingly offers to assist or diffuse a situation or a person(s)that I may come by whether professionally or on my own time. I treat everyone with respect even if they are are being verbally abusive to me because they are upset.

        My grandmother use to take me, my cousins and all the neighbourhood children there for a good time. If there were other parents there we introduced ourselves and when we returned again and again would see the persons we made friends with. Even shared goodies together. i.e. sandwiches on homemade bread, minerals (bottled sodas) from Mr. Bassett, glass candy, coconut cakes etc. It was fun. A lot of the people that use to go to Ducking School 50 or more years ago still live nearby and I am sure they are glad the areas is being monitored.

        So “taking back the island” in my mind is to monitor areas where persons gather in public places and make a nusiance of themselves or are just not respectful of others that are visitng the parks or beaches or even in ones neighbourhood. The Police stop by Ducking Stool very often and get out of the cars and check the area out.

        I do agree with you about the paving of the other side. It was not thought out properly at all.


        btw. it’s not natural when it’s casuarina trees dip****.


    @ CYGNET well who would we be taking it back from, the bombs. I believe its called squatters rights, its not illegal for people to hang at parks and enjoy themselves. But it seems you just dont beieve people of a lower status than you deserve any rights at all. This island has become prone to turning up their nose to the less fortunate individuals of the community. Im sure if they had a nice balcony like you do to oversee the ocean they wouldnt go down their either. smh.

    • cygnet says:

      To ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. You need to mind your mouth. As a born proud black Bermudian POND DOG, I know a lot of the guys there. It is just annoying that they have taken over the area like it is their property. They call out to the women and make you feel uncomfortable. And when one is there with their children and friends they are cursing and shouting, selling and doing drugs all in the open. I know what it is like not to have and know how to make sacrifices to get what I need and also provide for my family when needed and guide them to make good choices. I also try to assist those that come my way should they need help. By the way, don’t ASSUME that all persons who live near Ducking Stool are well off. I just happen to live in an affordable apartment in the area. Also you should refrain from using the words ‘people of a lower status’. It is not necessary and rather insulting. Life is about choices. Years ago Ducking Stool was for Pembroke Parish a place to go and have picnics etc. and was enjoyed by all. So everyone come and visit Ducking Stool and relax and enjoy the area.

    • Unbelievable says:

      Well if you are a female, (if not let your wife/girlfriend/mother/daughter) go and sit off in the park area across from C-Mart and see how long you/they can take the verbal abuse from these “men” all because they are “less fortunate” than us! Most of them that sit off here day in and day out have chosen this path they now reside on!
      Now as far as the other side of the park is concerned, people (myself included) enjoy sitting off down there for lunch and found it quite annoying that the chairs and table had been removed as it was convenient for me. Oh well I guess I’ll just have to carry my fold up with me days now.

      • cygnet says:

        @ Unbelievebale. I am female and I agree with you about the verbal abuse etc. on the side across from C-Mart and that is what I was refering to when I addressed Enough Is Enough’s comments. The other side is nice and agree that they should have left the chairs and tables. It is a nice area to sit off lunch time and relax.

  4. concerned says:

    I would like to thank those responsible for clearing up the area across from Esso Tigermart on Par-la-Ville Road as it was a complete eye sore. The clean-up makes the area feel lighter and brighter. Again, Thank you to everyone involved.

  5. Bermudian says:

    Let me see if i could understand this: Since when have we become a society where BLACK people gathering in a PUBLIC place/park is call anti-social behaviour and see the need to have police come and break it up and ask people to leave. This is a PUBLIC place no way they should be asking people to leave a PUBLIC area. I see many a WHITE people gathering in PUBLIC places and never once did I see police called and ask them to leave so why do it to BLACK people. (In most cases the police that comes are BLACK Bermudians,they should be ashamed of themselves). I am going to test this and have some of my friends gather at a PUBLIC palce/park and see what happens cause this shit have got to stop before summer comes because if left unchecked I feel we would see many police confrontation for no good reason. PS word to the wise reading this some of my friends are lawyers who will be there so come AND TRY IT IF YOU DEAR. So this is what we are telling Bermuda taht you can not go out in PUBLIC and interact with eachother, come ooooon. Waiting to see how this turns out but I feel it will not be good.

    • Felix says:

      Lot of talk for someone who doesn`t live in or work in the area. Are you saying its ok by you for public intoxication, shouting, cursing, begging, urinating and defacating in 5 gal. buckets, fighting ,dogs running loose push bikes strewn all over the place clothes hanging off tree branches and park signs ???? This is alright with you is it ?? This is the public park you would like to spend time in ? You and your lawyers should have a picnic there, I dare you ! And stop with the black and white talk thats your issue not the issue at hand !!!
      I have talked with many of the guys that come there after work for their little social and thats fine. They are not the problem. There is in any giving day between 4 and 9 men over there that are a problem with their antics and I mean every day.