Electric Scooter Sees Man Charged With DUI

July 18, 2012

[Updated] Adam Petty, 25, pleaded not guilty to charges brought under the Road Traffic Act in Magistrates Court this morning [July 18].

All the charges arose out of a Police stop on 14th July on Woodbourne Avenue in Pembroke. However, Mr Petty pointed out that the scooter was a battery powered toy scooter of the kind that children play with.

The charges that Mr Petty faced and pleaded not guilty to included riding an electric motorized scooter whilst impaired by alcohol and having no third party insurance for the cycle.

Mr Petty’s trial is set for 18th September 2012.

[Photo used on homepage is a file photo, not the actual scooter in question]

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Comments (78)

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  1. George says:

    Excellent! Nothing like tom foolery to challenge the DUI law! Youtube video anyone?

    I’d like to see them make the ‘no third party insurance’ charge stick!

  2. 1minute says:

    Next they will pull over these battery powered wheel chairs that are on our roads…

    • Talk2mesr8t says:

      Actually, I witnessed a person in a wheelchair call for help cause he was stuck in the grass. Police came to assist…..but proceeded to go through this man’s bags….WTF!!

  3. check again says:

    haha – Surely the vehicle in question wasn’t licensed by TCD, or displaying a registration number either. Where is the penalty for these infractions also?

  4. OMG says:

    Adam – you should have stuck with Triathlon bikes!!!

    • Swing Voter says:

      hahahahahahhahah idiot Adam wants to prove a point….ah the life these spoilt rich ‘kids’ lead

      • Witness says:

        Swing Voter,

        You are a massive joke. Maybe if your family did something in the past instead of sitting around following the leaders, then you could ride a toy scooter too.

        • What Options says:

          WOW, didn’t know you people still existed.

        • Swing Voter says:

          Biggest idiot is you Witness….my ‘Bajan’ grandfather and great uncles built and sold several houses up and down this little rock and passed them down to my uncles and aunts…..all done in the face of overt racism so F*&C you Azzole

          • The nitty gritty says:

            Your example makes overt racism appear totally irrelevant!? Can’t have been the intention. Congrats on all the houses though and for passing on to the next generation.
            Congrats on a foreigner doing it all too.

        • Swing Voter Fool says:

          Swing Voter- Do you participate as being a human being on this planet? I am embarrased for you that you could make such a stupid comment!

          Adam- Can I have the $20 I leant you a year ago so that you could pay your rent?

          • Swing Voter says:

            what about the stupid comment ‘witness’ made. he/she challenged my family integrity…..I’m not gonna standby and take that crap as I’m sure you won’t….did you expect me to just walk away from that? Yes Adam was an idiot for allegedly trying that stunt and should have to pay [if found guilty], the same way anyone else should pay for being and idiot.

  5. Joonya says:

    Who pulled him over? Sgt. Fisher Price? SMFH! Only in BDA..

    • SueBee says:

      Hahaha—-Good one Joonya—that’s funny!

    • Politely Pompous says:

      I heard it was P.C. Mattel, P.C. Hasbro, and WPC Littletykes…

  6. Witness says:

    Bernews clearly have nothing better to write about. The facts should be set straight. It was an electric scooter that was driven on the sidewalk. Isn’t the whole point of upholding the law against impaired drivers is to prevent them from harming others again (i.e. operating a car or motor bike). There is no way he could have physically done so on a childs toy. Mr Petty is one of the most outstanding young gentlemen our dwindling male population has to offer. Bernews is a joke and so is the Bermuda Police System. Stop wasting our hard earned money and go and catch some real criminals. BERMUDA NEEDS A BATMAN! Think about it.

    • Joonya says:

      Batman wouldnt be able to help as government is full of “Jokers” and “Riddlers”…
      Nah call me when you get a hold of de Catwoman tho…purrrr..purrrrr

    • me says:

      well said

    • Free up says:

      Bernews is doing their job by reporting the news, your anger is misdirected.

      • What Options says:


      • Witness says:

        Yah well in such a small community during an economic recession ones reputation is the most important aspect. Its about Domestic Nationalism and promoting our local product, not tear the a$$ out of them. Mr. Petty is a standout domestic product so why not write about the good he has done for the community. This is a socialist website.

        • Free up says:

          I implore you to tell me why or how is it Bernews responsibility and/or problem should one choose to allegedly be publicly intoxicated (on a childs scooter or not) and thus get arrested and placed in the news? They have no moral obligation to care about someones “reputation” and whether or not they are a “standout domestic product”. Who even talks like that? Are you related to this young man? I can understand your frustration towards the police but Bernews is at no fault here.

        • KitCat says:

          Lol, Socialist? Who are you, Joe McCarthy?

    • JES says:

      As we can all bear ‘WITNESS’, the law is an a** and is subject to being whipped as should you ‘Witness’ for writing such trash! Bernews is doing a wonderful job in keeping the public informed in an unbiased fashion and the Bermuda Police Service has a job to do which is not limited to hardened criminals and their activities but the other idiots who think they can do what they want on the roads of Bermuda.

      • Witness says:

        @ JES. Bernews is a gossip blog, not a legitimate News Website, so get your head around that. They might as well sign it as, “xoxo Gossip Girl”. The point is, the Bermuda Police need to spend less time and money on things like this. They used an entire SWAT Team and Paddy Wagon for one tiny misdemeanor. What does it say to the gangbangers…I know, the cops are looking the other way. BERMUDA NEEDS A BATMAN. Think about it.

        • Mayan says:

          @ Witness: Uh-how is Bernews a ‘gossip blog’? They report the news-way before any of the other news outlets, to boot. I’ve never seen anything on here that could be defined as ‘gossip’ and I find their reporting very objective and-most importantly-ACCURATE. I can’t recall them having to recant anything major like I’ve seen other media do on many an occasion…

          If you’re referring to the comments section, the other media has the exact same thing and their posts aren’t even moderated. You could put anything on there and if it’s offensive it gets taken down-but how many people have seen it in the meanwhile? I’ve tried to post comments that haven’t been come through as the Bernews moderator clearly found it inappropriate, which pissed me off at the time but still, they’re avoiding the very thing you accuse them of.

          If it’s a ‘gossip blog’ you clearly like gossip or you wouldn’t be here.

        • Harry P says:

          Witness, regardless of what Mr Petty’s standing is in our community, you must pay for your alleged actions. Also stop aligning the police with the criminal justic system. It is the job of the police to provide a case to the courts and then the job of the prosecution to apply the case, sick and tired of people blaming the police.

        • JES says:

          @Witness… You are very right about how people come to Bernews for Gossip but I do not think that Bernews should be discredited for reporting all things, good and not so good but they are the facts. They are doing what they do best reporting what is in the news. Else for the Gossip seekers maybe they should sweep around their own front door and see what dirt they will find and if Bermuda so needs a Batman maybe you should throw your hat in the ring since you appear to have the qualities of him being you are trying to save the ‘Berworld’. :)

        • The nitty gritty says:

          Bermuda needs a BATMAN? Well why not, we already had a ‘ROBBIN’ !

    • SS says:

      Bernews can write what they want. He went court so it’s news.

    • JR says:

      But this story is on RG too…so wth? Guess they don’t have anything better to write about either. A$#hole.

  7. Classic says:

    No words for this complete waste of my tax money…

  8. Talk2mesr8t says:

    The point is, if he was allegedly drunk….could have caused an accident with real cars / bikes!

    • Bermudian says:

      I do not agree “Witness”. Say an unsuspecting motorist was to swerve to avoid him and in-turn hit a wall or a motorist coming the oppposite direction or worst hit a pedestrian walking along the road. What do you have to say to that. That person could be your friend or family that got hit. It’s the innocent person that gets hurt/die in a DUI accident. The fact is he could have cause death or serious harm to someone based on his alleged action. So before you go and dismiss his alleged action as not a big deal, think of what could have happen. I take my hat of to the officers for doing the right thing in this cause.

    • Witness says:

      Well there is a massive difference between allegedly drunk and allegedly slightly inebriated. The point is, our legal system is a complete joke and essentially backwards. Cold blooded murderers have been getting off since the 90′s (Rebecca Middleton). One BATMAN could equate to half the cost our current Police System and be 10 times more efficient.

    • whatever says:

      The point is if the scooter in question does not meet the definition of a vehicle (i.e. licensed and insured), then you shouldn’t be charged for DUI.

      What’s next? Push bikes? Roller skates? Segways?

      • joe smhogula says:

        well did u know that in some states in f’d up america… it is illegal and considered a DUI if you are opperating ANY wheeled thing.. in my case… i was living in texas.. got smashed one night.. nxt morning was pushing a wheel barrow down the road to my neighbors STILL drunk.. and i got stopped and got a DUI

        • Bermuda Refugee says:

          Don’t lie…you were floggin a horse down in teyyyyxxas! Good cover story tho, wheelbarrow, DUI.

    • BTW says:


  9. Shelta says:

    Oh no boss! Thanks be to the Lord they finally caught that alleged reckless hooligan. Just the other morning I was on Woodbourne when I saw a crazy man zipping up an’ dawn de road brandishing a water gun waving at people what I swear must have been a gang sign. An’ no insurance too, jingas bye, he almost ran over my big toe and you just know I would have needed medical care for that. Lock this bye up Westgate.

  10. WOLF says:


  11. Rockfish #1and#2 says:

    @ Witness,

    This is an unusual situation, which qualifies it as news.

  12. Dee says:

    WOW….SERZ???? What a waste of time and money!! Remember,Bermudians love to DRINK…and not apple juice!!

  13. Can't be serious says:

    Is this a joke?! Since when was it a crime to be messing around with bikes, especially toy bikes at that?? So glad i can count on Bermuda’s police force to capture these crazed fellons riding around on toy scooters as opposed to other fellons who are runnning around shooting one another. Shaking my head. So sad how Bermuda is turning out, such a shame.

    • Head up high! says:

      You toilet – DUI is DUI even if he was on the road driving a lawnmower. If he was on the road and a family member of your hit him while riding a bike and they ended up in the hospital of it – you would be the first to shout …where were the Police! Shut up idiot! I bet you are one of those “tough guys” that acts hard and calls mommy crying when in trouble. Guys like you bash the police and then call them for help when something happens to you or a family member.

  14. navin johnson says:

    no doubt doing 3mph in a 5mph zone…..

  15. Ha! says:

    and where would one acquire third party insurance for a child’s scooter? Ridiculous!

    • navin johnson says:

      I think Daisy and Mack sells insurance for children’s vehicles of all sorts

    • Bermuda Girl says:

      Good question, please let me know because I got a Barbie convertible I need to get third party insured.

  16. MODeration says:

    The police need to stop all this ‘Pettyness’ and concentrate on the major issues.

    To quote a post from another story “Our infrastructure is failing – falling to pieces right before our eyes and all I keep hearing is our laws don’t allow this or doesn’t allow that. THAN FIX IT – we the ppl voted you all in for a reason – to improve conditions that affect the populace.”

    People need to relax and enjoy life.

    • Come Correct says:

      Relax and enjoy life?! Are you kidding me? That’s only for the elite. If we just sit back and allow everyone to allegedly get “wassified” and “dally” childrens scooters, who’s gonna tend to the modern day plantation we call our economy? I urge any and everyone, if you see activities like this going on that could potentially put a smile on somebodys face, call the fun police immedietly, or if you have information call the fun stoppers hotline. You have the right to remain miserable, anything you say can and will make you more miserable in the court of law.

      Sorry, now that the sarcasm is out of my system, wtf is goin on in this country?! There is next to nothing fun to do on this island, if there is, it costs an arm and a leg. Crime is at an all time high and the police are gonna try and ream him what, $1500, for allegedly having fun? When in the officers discretion he could have given him a warning. We can’t have a sexual offenders registry but you csn charge him for this? We are doomed as a people, I once argued with people that said our island is too far gone, I’m starting to think I was wrong.

      • Head up high! says:

        The police did their jiob…the judge hands out the sentences and fines. They are also the ones that set criminals free! Your frustrations are misguided.

        • Come Correct says:

          I just think the whole system is a big failure. So the next time I see a chid driving a power wheels on a side walk I’ll call the fun police, I expect to see him charged with no license and insurance, and under age driving. Then it will be up to the courts to let thst little criminal go.

  17. Unbelievable says:

    Oh Lawd so now my 2 year old and all the rest of the neighborhood kids need a license and insurance to ride around on thier powerwheels?!?!? FFS…And the Police STILL HAVEN’T FIGURED OUT WHY EVERYBODY CALLS THEM A$$ES AND HATES THEM….
    Yup real danger there folks! All 2 feet 3 miles per hour n all

    • Head up high! says:

      If you hit him on your bike because ytou didnt see him and ended up in hospital because of it – how would you feel aboutthis guy then? The polices actions may have PREVENTED someone from getting hurt. Just because the vehicle he was allegedly on was a toy doesnt mean that if you were riding at 40 mph you would see him (lets say on a corner)and be able to stop and avaoid ending up in hospital.

      There is a big difference between your 2 year old kid riding around your neighbourhood with you supervising him during the day and a GROWN allegedly DRUNK A$$ allegedly riding at night on the main road.

      And you wonder why everyone hates you and calls you an A$$. Grow up and think of the consequences and read the article before you speak out and hate on the police o anyone else for that matter.

      • Unbelievable says:

        If you are driving responsiblity you allow for any and everything. Which includes the unexpected person, child or animal that may suddenly appear in your path and take precautions to avoid them!!!! So your scenario is stupid.

        The only person hatin is YOU cause I could give a flyin fawk about what other people do with their lives as long as it doesn’t bring any form of BS to my door step.

        And YES people will continue to HATE the police because instead of helping the public and chasing the a$$holes out there that need to be dealt with, they run after stupidity like this! So now the tax payers will have to pay the tens of thousands out for a BS trial where he gets off anyway instead of telling this dude to cut the sh!t and send him home with a warning!!!!


  18. WTH???? says:

    All i could do is laugh at this whole story and these comments….. the best one is Sgt. Fisher Price DEAD!!!!!!!

  19. Michael says:

    That”s what um talking bout taking a ‘Bike’ out of crime!!!! well done sheriff:}

  20. The Batman says:

    I agree we need a batman, totally sensible idea. It would be a lot more cost effective having one billionaire philanthropist crimefighter superhero than dozens of cops. Bring it!

  21. TOOLATE says:

    Are the powers that be going to wait until some one gets killed or seriously injured by one of these motorized devices, before they are regulated like any other motorized vehicle? I have seen the way some physically challenged drive these things.

  22. Average says:

    Bernews needs a “well I never” section… smh

  23. Get With It! says:

    Thanks for the Laughs Folks! This will be a test case, and the authorities will decide what is missing from the TCD Laws that govern motorised vehicles… even toy ones. LOL

    • Observer says:

      What idiot Cop would go that far, wasting Paula Cox’s money again!

  24. Malachi says:

    What’s next…………DUI on a skateboard??

    • Come Correct says:

      Where were the police monday night to stop the skateboarders jumping their skateboards off the flagpole stage into the traffic (no you didn’t read that wrong)? Oh right, nowhere to be seen, so I took matters into my own hands. My light went green, he jumped the skateboard into the street, I dumped the clutch and missed his stupid ass by a c*** hair. He actually attempted to chase the skateboard out in front of my car, and I’m assuming he was sober. So tell me whats more dangerous, an allegedly drunk guy on a battery operated toy, or someonr who was obviously born mentally challenged and given a skateboard for christmas?

      • Weezy F says:

        Ya obviously the mentally challenged one. Next time I hope he kickflips that b**** right into the side of ya car!

        • Come Correct says:

          Last I checked skatboards don’t have insurance, that would be an expensive mistake.

  25. Triangle Drifter says:

    Gee, next time I’m going to have to be real careful not to let my lawnmower wheels touch a public road.

  26. BAdBOy says:

    He shoulda pulled chase

  27. walls says:

    A silly situation for sure! Should have been dealt with at the time.

    The electric toy will probably be viewed the same as a bicycle. If you get caught allegedly drunk on a bicycle, can that lead to a ban on motorbikes? Would that be fair to do?

    I don’t think they can ban a person from pedal cycles, so would mean someone could allegedly get hot and ride drunk on a pedal cycle all the time.

    End of the day, there are so many real issues the police need to deal with, wasting time on this seems pointless.

  28. betty Rech says:

    WARNING all the young childrend between the ages of 3 to 5 you must go to TCD and get your licence for these battery operated cars/jeeps.

    Surly the police must have more serious crimes going on in this island then petty stuff.

  29. Angry Ranting Person says:

    So if they’re charging him under the road traffic act then presumably they will also require toy scooters to pass tcd in future, and for toddlers to have a driving license?

    Judging from all the posters, bumper stickers and such there is currently a campaign underway to attempt to persuade people to be more open regarding information linked to crimes. A word of advice Mr. Police commissioner – if you want to get people to to that you will first have to earn their trust and respect. Respect cannot be expected just because someone is wearing a nice uniform. It is earned, and it is earned through doing your job in providing a service to the community. This is a prime example of the failure of the police force to do just that. I’ve been robbed, assaulted and all sorts over the last few years and i never bothered to report it to the police because the simple fact is they aren’t willing or able to do anything about it. The only thing they appear to be interested in is penalising the honest (relatively!) population for petty crimes such as this one in an attempt to make more money and exercise their egos. I for one am tired of it! Unfortunately i have to work with the police on a regular basis and have been consistently appalled by their complete lack of professionalism and disgusting attitude. STOP WASTING OUR MONEY!

    Cheers,rant over!

  30. Irony says:

    Quite ironic his last name is “Petty”.

  31. Voice of Reason says:

    This is pretty sad people. And I know most of you out there aren’t very reasonable and cut it from one extreme or the other, but what the hell. The man ain’t done nothing wrong. The cops are throwing the book at him cuz they were irritated.

    But let’s look at the precedent this sets if he is found guilty. Let’s think about it – if you are handicapped or lost your legs and you use a motarized wheelchair, then you will now need a license and third party insurance. And don’t even think about having one or two many drinks, cuz then you got a dui! When does police state start to kick in. That starts to sound more like discrimination than the legal forces protecting society. And whatabout all those out there riding pedal bikes or sailing a boat. Are they now criminals because they enjoy a drink? Look at Bermuda’s history. We were all rummies back in the day pushing sugar cane and rum from the Caribean to the world. And ya’ll wanna get all heated about minor things like this. Let’s fix real problems and stop concentrating on stupid ish like this.

    Scary thing is some people will want us to all stop drinking and license and insure our wheelchairs. Get out Bermuda and move down the mormon South. Cuz trust, we Bermudians got no time for ya’ll.


  32. Poetic Justice says:

    The DPP and prosecutors are clearly a backward bunch to even bring this to trial. As was stated what of the slew of vehicle offences that should have been made? wont happen because this vehicle like many others is a toy not an auxiliary cycle or motor vehicle. In spite of Adams lineage he will likely walk free from this case as i don’t see the DUI charge sticking. As was stated in the news it relates to auxiliary cycles and motor vehicles. Any lawyer worth their salt should get this case thrown out with little trouble.On that note what of those wrongfully convicted of riding a bicycle and a horse wile DUI too late for an appeal?