Man Charged: Causing Death Of Dr Alex Doty

August 6, 2012

David Thomas appeared in Magistrates Court this morning [Aug 6] facing charges in connection with the death of American tourist Dr Alexander Doty.

Mr Thomas, whose date of birth was given as 30 Dec. 1988, appeared before Magistrate Tyrone Chin and was charged with causing the death of Dr Doty by driving a motorcycle whilst his ability to drive was impaired by alcohol.

Because he can only be tried in Supreme Court, Mr Thomas was not required to enter a plea. His lawyer Charles Richardson argued for a lower bail after the prosecutor suggested bail of $50,000. Magistrate Chin granted bail of $20,000 with two like sureties.

Mr Thomas must re-appear for mention later this month August. On hearing the first charge read out, a member of the public uttered a sharp cry. After proceedings had finished, Mr Thomas was lead out by Police. He remained silent throughout the appearance.

58-year-old Dr. Alexander Doty, a college professor from Indiana, died yesterday after sustaining serious injury when he was struck by a motorcycle while walking on Pitts Bay Road on Wednesday August 1st.

Update 2.46pm: Mr Thomas made bail, and is pictured below leaving the Court building this afternoon.

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  1. Indiana University Community Pays Tribute | | August 7, 2012
  1. CR says:

    Dae keep your head up. I’m so sorry this happened.

    To the mourning family, my sincerest condolences.


    • DB says:

      How about Dae WTF was you allegedly thinking, im sick of people encouraging dumb S_it. The same type of crap happens when someone gets beat up, robbed or murdered.

      To CR one Question would you still be saying this if he had done this to your bro, sis, Mom, Dad ?

      have a good day all.

      • CR says:

        Let me be very clear. I am in no way defending or condoning David’s alleged actions. Allegedly Drunk driving is a horrible practice and in this instance *may have* claimed another man’s life. For these actions there will indeed be consequences. David will have his day in court. David will have to face to family of the victim. David *may* have to live with the weight of guilt for the rest of his life.

        HOWEVER, my post is one such that David knows that he has a network of family and friends that will be there for him regardless, through the good times as well as the bad.

        Once again, my condolences to the family.

  2. Watching On says:

    Is this one of the [edited] boys? I hope not

    • Out n about says:

      no it’s least not with a birthdate of 1988, he’s older than that….please don’t post things like this if you are unsure. Someone could quickly read this, run and spread rumors. The names mentioned are so common, so I am sure there are a handful of men going by this name.

      • swing voter says:


        its better that Watching On asked what a lot of ppl were thinking. Rumors start when comments (opposed to questions) are made that are incorrect. He simply asked a question which was promptly answered by your-self….thanks for the info and clearing the air.

    • Cold As Ice says:

      Even though the name has been edited out, I know who you’re talking about-they are very close family friends of mine and NO, this is not one of those ‘boys’….not even close.

      This is so sad. I feel so sorry for the victim-I didn’t realize his injuries were so bad; he must have hit his head really hard. Now this young man is caught up in a very, very serious situation. Very sad all around.

  3. Mickey says:


  4. Optimistic says:

    Shut up Out and About. No one wants to hear ur ignorance

  5. Concern4bda says:

    People should not start “throwing up thier arms, accusing, excusing, condoning, nor Condeming” the behavior of this young man. In no way am I saying that driving under the influence is accectaple, nor fleeing the scene should be forgiven, we seem to have quickly forgotten that this young man, is an exact product of our culture today.
    For many of us, getting “busted” driving while intoxicated is a pre-req for becoming “legend,” a designated driver consists of “the one who has the least amount to drink,” and a blatant disregard for anyone or anything because weather on a bike, or in an suv, society has deemed this behavior somewhat acceptable.
    This mans life will permentantly be destroyed. Drag his name through all the hell you want, but then look in the mirror and really ask yourself, ” could this at one point or another, been me?”.
    A tourist is a the victim this time. What do we know of him, besides that he was a professor from Indiana. His family will live with this, but also, he is a professor. He has no doubt left a name I. Legacy for numerous students around the world. Take those who are grieving into you thoughts today, pray for this young man who did what, and I know I am writing boldly here, could have been in a current position, that could have been you or me and one time.
    Stop judging, and start making a social change as to how we live and drive, respect and remember.

    • ClarificationPlease says:

      Very well said Conern4bda, but you have brought up another issue that I feel should be cleared up. You imply that he fed the scene, is this true? I’m just finding out about this sad situation, so I’m sorry of it was stated in a previous article. But if it wasn’t, what authority are you getting this information from because I did not see it in the above article. I figure, since I was confused others might be as well… Please clear things up for me.

      The families of both men have my preyers and condolences to Dr. Doty’s family and friends for this most unfortunate event.

      We make our own decisions, but we are swayed by those who lead before us. Please let this persuade a new generation to have a renewed outlook on the harm their mistakes and bad decisions can cause others.

      • Concern4bda says:

        I do apologize, as i think I may have been guilty of posting before I had the complete facts. I had been under the impression from the news I had gathered to be correct at the time. I do not know for sure if this young man did indeed flee the scene. But either way, I stand by what I have said in believing that there are two families in need of prayer and support at this time.

      • WOW says:

        *I understand* He did not leave the scene, he waited until the police arrived and they arrested him at the scene.

      • Cold As Ice says:

        I’m not talking about this young man but in general here. If one is going to drink, they should only do it with someone they can rely on who will stop them if they attempt to drive. People sort of have this informal designated driver thing but I mean really make sure you’re with someone who will have your back, watch you and make sure you don’t do anything stupid if you know you’re going to be drinking heavily.

        The thing is, if you don’t you’re expected to be held accountable for a decision you make when you’re not in control of your faculties. That’s what’s so crazy about alcohol compared to drugs. Alcohol is 100% legal and there’s no measures in place to control what a person can drink. You can drink your liver out of commission if you want to. Yet if you get drunk and do something stupid while drunk, you get penalized for that.

        I’m not saying you shouldn’t be, but the whole thing is just so crazy. I guess my point is that alcohol is just as bad, or probably even worse, than drugs yet drugs is the only thing that gets a bad rap. Unless the law puts into place a strict two drink per person rule or something, this will keep happening-yet we all know such a rule would be unrealistic. I recall Gov’t trying to put something forward holding bartenders more accountable and if I recall correctly, there was a backlash as it wasn’t feasible. So what do we do? Alcohol is legal so how much blame does society hold when these things happen? I don’t know if this is a rhetorical question or not…I don’t think there is an easy answer to this question…

  6. Talk2mesr8t says:

    This young man is going to have to live with this for the rest of his life! So sad! What ever the out come from the courts, I hope this is a lesson well learned! Drinking and driving can (and did) kills! My sympathy to Dr. Doty’s family.

  7. Not Again! says:

    This young man allegedly made a choice and now he has to live with the consequeces of his alleged actions. This is what is wrong with kids these days. They are not being held responsible for thier actions from a young age. People are always blaming “family upbring” for kids acting out. I’m a firm beleiver that children should be held accountable from a young age, maybe is more people did this then our children wouldn’t be makeing the decisions they are making……

    • So sad says:

      I agree with “Not Again!”. A man, just walking on vacation, minding his own business is no longer living. The person responsible needs to be severely punished for this. How else are we to deter others from doing the same thing. There needs to be a precedent set here.

      As for “A friend says”, I am sure David is a wonderful man, but….he is alleged to have taken the life of an innocent man. There needs to be a suitable punishment for that if found guilty.

      • SL says:

        I agree with your comment. My condolenses to Mr Doty’s family and friends.
        Such a tragic thing to happen while on vacation. So sad.

    • What Next says:

      You did mention the word maybe. I say if cost of living was not so igh then parents would be able to spend more time with their children and hopefully make them better people. But no they have to be out working one or two jobs.

      • sigh says:

        what the heck does this have to do with this situation?

  8. A friend says:

    Most of theses comments are appalling. David wouldn’t hurt a fly. Before assuming let the evidence be released. I can’t stand to read messages from our society that truthfully do not know what kind of guy Mr.Thomas truly is. People make mistakes, it could happen to majority of us, unfortunately it happened to someone who didn’t deserve it. David has been a star for Bermuda, he has travelled representing Bermuda, always helped out in the community but not only helping out in the community. David will be a friend and a shoulder to lead on for anyone, he’s the only young man I know that will never judge a book by a cover. He’s a lover, protector and mentor. I love him and most people are thinking “he has killed someone” yea your right but intentionally he would never hurt anyone.  It kills me to think how everyone on this website is portraying David.. People all make mistakes, live and learn. David will never let this go and I know he is in deep sorrow but with society writing such negative aspects of the situation makes every thing harder. He knows that he’s done wrong enough is enough!!! Their are three sides to every story. You have ONE!!!! Our generation we love to have fun and party.. I’f you truthfully can sit back and say you have not taken one sip of a drink and drove or have been in a car with a driver that has your full of sh**!!!!!! but other than that David you know my prayers are with you and regardless what everyone has to say on this website always remember everyone makes mistakes and some things are sometimes uncontrollable…I love you.   

    • Things Happen! says:


      • chris says:

        so if we knew him, the tourist would be… less dead? stfu.

        • I come on Bermews, just for the entertainment! says:

          I cant stop LOL’ing at your comment Chris, because it’s true.

          • Reserve Judgement says:

            Clearly it could not be further from the truth!

            You kids have too much time on your hand, oh assuming you are kids making such childish comments.

            • I come on Bermews, just for the entertainment! says:

              What is so childish about the comment made?…Chris’ comment makes perfect sense to the comment he/she was commenting on!

              • Reseve Judgement says:

                There is nothing at all to laugh about…….

      • ABC says:

        @ Things Happen! a life gone and u sayin f these people


        GET HELP PLS

    • Um Um Like says:

      He “wouldn’t hurt a fly.” …just unintentionally allegedly drive drunk and kill a tourist. He must be a good guy.

      • A friend says:

        Like I said above wait until all evidence is released. The guy may have been drunk himself and had fallen their are many ways this sisuation could have arised…Don’t assume until he is found guilty and the full story is out for the public knowleadge.

        • green eggs and ham says:

          Accidents happen but come on. You defend your friend by alleging that the victim was drunk.. what difference would that make? You are NOT supposed to run over pedestrians. With that said… not enough information is in the public domain to come to any conclusion. What a terrible tragedy for all involved.

          I don’t know if it is the case here but everyone needs to slow down on the roads. whats the big rush?

          • Reserve Judgement says:

            What is the big rush indeed, don’t be in such a “rush” to judge what others say. If the person wants to defend their friend then rightly so, who are you to judge them? You are right about one thing there is not enough information released to jump to foregone conclusions, you do not know if the man had fallen into the street drunk himself and hit his head at 11:30 at night (oh yes we all stroll along a dimly lit, dangerously curvy road at that time of night stone sober) anyone drunk or not could have run over him. Pitt’s Bay Road is a death trap, many people in broad daylight have been seriously injured and the drivers who hit these people over the years were not drunk. No one is saying you are not supposed to run over pedestrians but there is such a thing a contributory negligence and until everyone knows all the facts we have no right to give this young man a life sentence! Innocent until proven guilty comes to mind, that is why we have legal system, so leave the judgment to them.

            This is clearly a no win situation for all concerned. My condolences go out to all the members of the Doty family and my prayers are with Thomas family.

            • BRANDON DOTY says:


    • Highly Concerned says:

      I hear you and I understand, I know that he is a kind hearted man who would never intentionally hurt anyone but he *allegedly* did make a mistake and people have a right to voice how they feel, however, I do not agree with how they are going on about it. David is a wonderful young man who *allegedly* made a horrible mistake and I hope that he and this man’s family can get through this rough time. May God be with you all!

    • BRANDON DOTY says:


  9. Things Happen! says:


    • Things Happen! says:


      • Come Correct says:

        You’re really no better than anyone else on here…I’ll wait for your comment on the verdict.

      • Grammar lesson.... says:

        Is that English? “You kno him” and you have “alot” to say. No one is bashing your friend, but unfortunately he is alleged to have killed someone. It is sad indeed.

        • anti-ignorance says:


  10. Road Sense says:

    Ok – - I wasn’t going to comment, but I feel I need to reply.

    This comment isn’t about Mr. Thomas nor Dr. Doty. This isn’t about the ills of our society and the way in which children are raised – - My comment is much simpler than that.

    Taking all of the extra out of the situation – - what we are left with is this – -

    A man allegedly made a choice and that choice, along with other outside forces, resulted in the life of another man being lost.

    He will be judged for his alleged involvement and he has to live with his choice.

    We do not need to judge nor do we have to condemn – - it is what it is.

    • g-gurl says:

      Amen !

    • So Sad says:

      Well said Road Sense! I hope all the people who know and love David, and even those who do not know David read what Road Sense said and let it sink into their brains.

      “A man allegedly made a choice and that choice, along with other outside forces, resulted in the life of another man being lost”

      Now let the courts decide his fate

  11. Friend says:

    David is a good person with a good heart, he in no way would hurt anyone on purpose. Someone like him doesn’t belong in jail. If convicted it may be more productive to give him community service to help young people know the importance of not drinking and driving, he really is a good person who made a mistake. Sorry Dave, and sorry for the loss of the family.

    • Mad Dawg says:

      It’s a truly sad situation.

    • chris says:

      oh cool, all good people can allegedly drink and drive now and only face community service.

    • So Sad says:

      so….a not so good person who is a heathen who allegedly kills someone under the influence should go to jail….but the “good people” get community service for the same crime? Come one Friend.

  12. Someone died.... says:

    I don’t think anyone is saying that Mr. Thomas isn’t a wonderful person, BUT lets open our eyes here………………..IF he is responsible for the DEATH of Mr. Doty, then he needs to be held responsible for this tragic incident and held responsible by the fullest extent of our laws. Those of you saying people are bashing Mr. Thomas just hold on a second……he is ALLEGED to have caused the death of Dr Doty by driving a motorcycle whilst his ability to drive was impaired by alcohol!

    Lets not loose sight of the fact that while Mr. Thomas “has to live with this for the rest of life” he at least has a life, Mr. Doty’s life was stolen by a driver/rider.

    • Things happen says:

      Look f off

      • Mom's gingerbread says:

        Put yourself in Mr. Doty’s family place. Do you think they feel any better that their son, brother, uncle, friend is dead, but it should be ok because the person who allegedly decided to ride while intoxicated is a nice person? I don’t think so. No one is debating whether Mr. Thomas is a good person, but let’s be real he “allegedly” killed him, he made the decision to get on that bike, now *if guilty* he must pay the consequences for his actions.

      • Someone died says:

        Maybe you shouldn’t go to Court to show your support if this is how you choose to do so, you will do more harm than good.

    • swing voter says:

      .yah David may be a nice guy, but one man is dead and he still has blood flowing through his veins….he still has life no matter how fc&ked up life is for David right now, he still has his life

  13. xo says:

    Everyone on her sayin negative things I am 100% sure don’t even knw david! He is a great person & would never purposely hurt someone! Yes he made a mistake and rode under the influence but every person has did that.. I don’t care wat u ppl say!! U can’t judge him on that.. Its sad someones life was taking but instead of tryin send someone jail ho did not purposely kill someone how bout u send the ones who purposely do it!! David ur honestly one of the best guys of my generation that I’ve met! & feel no different about u after this because I knw u made a mistake and even god says 2 forgive.. Keep ur head up & don’t listen to these negative ppl!! Xoxo

    • So Sad says:

      Most people are not being negative…but they simply want justice done.

      David is “a man who allegedly made a choice and that choice, along with other outside forces, resulted in the life of another man being lost.” There are consequences he will now have to face that will impact the rest of his life.

      It does not mean David is any less of a great guy, but he is alleged to have made a choice that will now force his life course to change. But he is alive. The victim is not.

  14. Aunt says:

    Things happen and a friend you are spot on. He who hath not sinned throw the first stone. David is a fine young upstanding young man who like All of us at one time or another made a bad decision you remember when your car or bike got you home by the grace of God and your upbringing was not bought into question but his is with a horrible outcome. David is the kind of son all parents dream of having. David our hearts are heavy for you as you have been an inspiration to young and old Bermudians both locally and overseas. Our heart also goes out to the Doty family during this most unfortunate time of bereavement.
    We love you and will be there for you and the rest of the family

    To the rest of you nay sayers who are quick to pass judgement with your unfounded comments my teacher said to me years ago if you don’t have anything good to say then say nothing

  15. Enough Is Enough says:

    @Bernews…is it possible to end the blogs on this story? I am not a family member, nor a friend, but enough is enough!

    This is a very very tragic story for everyone involved. I realize that you have to publish the latest news stories, but I have noticed that some of the people who write in to the blogs are very inconsiderate, negative and judgemental.

    Perhaps you should have an editing policy similar to the Royal Gazette.

    • SL says:

      I agree with you. This has gotten completely out of hand here.

      Its a very sad and unfortunate situation. Always put yourself in the other person’s shoes.
      What if it was your father/mother traveling on vacation and a drunk driver took their life. Think about it.
      Sad that no one was there to stop David from allegedly getting on his bike that night.

    • la la dy says:

      Bernews closed the comment section for the other drunk driver story. Why not this one? Be consistent.

  16. Bermudians jus Talk says:

    Terrible!!!Such a sad story only on the island 4 a few Hours…….Bein a GOOD PERSON anit got nuffn 2 do wit Making a BAD DECISION!!!!!Why must we stray from the TOPIC????Its like we take joy out of others misery!!!As a tourist who expects 2 get 2 ther destination safely only 2 b hit and killed by an alleged drink-driver!?!?!?Im sure this dude didnt mean it if he did it, But when it comes 2 life and death it dosent matter

  17. Frankly Speaking says:

    See why we need to replace the jury system in Bermuda with a panel of 3 Supreme Court Justices? Most of the comments on here say it all.

    • breadren says:

      I will take a jury of my peers anyday!!that is justice, when we all agree what penalties based on facts versus who you know and who will control the three judges decision?~~three people deciding our fates is too risky! we appear to be a fairer society when all are represented through the jury system, do you know anyone falsely accused under this present jury system??

  18. a friend2 says:

    David is a good person, who is already beating himself up for the alleged choice he may have made! These disgusting comments need to stop because you people probably don’t even know him and passing judgment!Also comments like those should not be accepted onto this perticular sight, it would end up causing petty arguments(comments). If you don’t know all the facts of davids case, and what he is going thru or have nothing to say nice then shut the F*** up!

    • sad times says:

      To: a friend2
      What a tragic life lesson to learn. I am sure David feels deeply depressed as he reflects on the great time he had and now contends with what he is up against because of the fact that a life is allegedly snuffed out due to his actions. Of all things in the world, he couldn’t dream that he would be faced with this seriously heavy burden. Reason with him and make him understand he can’t turn back time … It’s done!

      Mr. Doty was on the island to enjoy himself… He ended up being killed

      David must accept that he didn’t plan this, but look what happened by allegedly being intoxicated. His life isn’t over! I only suggest that he turn to the Holy Scriptures and find comfort – Pray

  19. Danielle says:

    How many of you posting these judgmental, “holier than thou” comments have operated a vehicle, while drunk, “feeling nice”, “faded’? This type of situation could have happened to ANYONE!! This is a terrible situation for all involved…and all you fools on here passing judgment need to instead say a prayer for the deceased and his family as well as David Thomas and his loved ones.

  20. Real Talk (original) says:

    Um. I don’t see anywhere where anybody has brought this young mans upbringing into question.

    I think most would agree that “but for the grace of God, there go I”.

    That said, it is what it is.

    He allegedly made a poor choice which he will now have to live with. So too will the family of his victim.

    It is very, very unfortunate and I pray for comfort for all parties and families.

    Hopefully this sends a message to all of us.

  21. Laws for a reason says:

    My heart goes out to everyone involved in this tragic situation. Not only to the family and friends of the victim, but also to the family and friends of the young man involved in the accident.

    From all the comments, I’m sure he is a wonderful person who made a mistake. However, we have laws in our society for a reason. The law against drinking and driving is made for just this circumstance. It is made to protect people from the terrible consequences that can occur when you try to control a deadly weapon without full control of your faculties. This young man will suffer with the knowledge that he killed another human being for the rest of his life. If he’s proven guilty, however, he also needs to be punished for ignoring the laws society put into place in order to attempt to prevent these occurrences. This is the only way that others may eventually learn to act more responsibly.

    Even the best of people can make mistakes. It is the worst of circumstances that this man’s mistake has led to someone else’s death. However, as a good person, I am sure he understands he must pay the price for his folly. Hopefully, he will learn his lesson and pass that lesson on to others.

  22. Mamamia says:

    nice people still drink and drive. This doesn’t justify it.

  23. Things happen says:

    It’s wasn’t a hit and run you mofo’s get ya facts right before you start running ya mouth why don’t you all try closing it …

  24. Human says:

    The comments on Bernews are appalling.. people forget that these are real people’s lives.. this is not reality tv.. And your comments are unneeded, hurtful, negative and bias. You have no idea of which you speak of.
    This is a common situation in which a HUMAN allegedly made a HUMAN error in judgment.
    I for one can advocate that Dave is a gentle, kind, caring, loving, educated, intelligent, young male. He is the epitome of what we want a young black Bermudian male to be but he allegedly made a mistake. A mistake that is NOT FOREIGN TO ANY BERMUDIAN.
    Over this Cupmatch holiday there are VERY FEW who can say they never lifted a glass of alcohol and drove. As I looked around this holiday all you saw was alcohol. This is our Bermudian past time. This is what we revel in and enjoy. We have songs made up about this. Our culture encourages this behavior.
    How can you sit here and spit such venom without even considering both parties who are being affected by this awful situation. Both parties are someone’s son, someone’s brother, someone’s cousin or friend or coworker or family member. There are people who love both of these people.
    There is not one life that was destroyed in this situation there are TWO.
    And just as you say imagine if your family member was killed, imagine if your family member allegedly made this awful mistake that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.
    We fail to see the impact of our words through a computer screen. I sit here crying and grieving and all you see is entertainment.
    For once, sit back, shut up, don’t put any input into it, and be humble and Pray.
    This is not a situation with intent, this is an ACCIDENT. Your words are evil and inconsiderate and may luck always be on your side because we have ALL MADE MISTAKES and no matter what mistakes always have more consequences attached to them than the ones that humans may bestow through courts and jail.

    • So Sad says:

      To quote “Laws for a reason”, From all the comments, I’m sure he is a wonderful person who is alleged to have made a mistake. However, we have laws in our society for a reason. The law against drinking and driving is made for just this circumstance. It is made to protect people from the terrible consequences that can occur when you try to control a deadly weapon without full control of your faculties. This young man will suffer with the knowledge that he killed another human being for the rest of his life if he did it. If he’s proven guilty, however, he also needs to be punished for ignoring the laws society put into place in order to attempt to prevent these occurrences. This is the only way that others may eventually learn to act more responsibly.”

      Just let those words fester with you “human”

  25. tricks are for kids says:

    Let me first start by saying that EVERYONE, whether we like it or not or whether or not we agree has an opinion to which they are entitled to. With that said those that are getting getting angry and using curse words disquised with symbols and name calling….the David that I know would not want you to defend him in such a negative manner.. Be prepared! this is an open forum and many are going to say things that you might not want to hear, so if you can’t handle the heat (in this case others comments) than stay out of the kitchen.

    Secondly life is about choices and unfortunately David allegedly made a wrong choice in this instance. I know David personally and YES HE IS all of what has been decribed; Great personality, great job, role model, good grades while un school, avid sportsman and never an unkind word to say about anyone, BUT this alleged one little error in judgement and he now has this burden to shoulder for the rest of his life.

    To David’s family, you have a tough road ahead and its not going to be easy. Stay strong and united as a family. Give David the support he needs to get through this.

    To Dr. Doty’s family I can’t think of anything to make this go away, but I do offer my sincere condolences and may you and your family find peace and comfort during this trying time…..

  26. mixitup says:

    My condolences to the family of the deceased….I have to agree that David is a really good fella, so much promise and a great personality..Sad that he is in this situation, but we should wait for the facts before we throw him in front of the Bus (no pun). Sad story all around, but as someone mentioned above, I’ll bet every last one of us who consumes alcohol has driven home knowing if they had a breath test they would fail. We have got to do better, all of us.

  27. SoVerySad says:

    I really wish people would start to realize that drinking and driving kills!!!!


    David…. I know you are remorseful…. speechless

  28. green eggs and ham says:

    What a terrible tragedy for all involved.

    I don’t know if it is the case here but everyone needs to slow down on the roads. whats the big rush?

  29. Mister Nice Guy says:

    Here we go again.. i have to smile when i hear ANY politican say WAR AGAINST DRUGS when NONE and i do state NONE want to touch this alcohol issue even after seeing the effects of it. VOTE ??? ya right !!!!!

  30. Liss says:

    All these people passing judgement…wonder how many of you drove “legally intoxicated” this weekend?! This entire holiday people made a “joke” of being absolutely smashed…..then proceeded to drive home. As an island open your eyes….you have a problem!!! Only now that an innocent NON Bermudian loses his life do we see it!?

  31. Victor says:

    It is all very sad for everybody involved, enough said.

  32. Split milk says:

    Wrong place right time that’s for sure… I’m amazed that they both arrived at that junction in time to collide… Fate amazes me… Alcomahol is a hell of a drug. We can all agree nobody wants to hurt somebody on a night out but if u drive drunk… As is alleged…. then your asking for trouble.. Maybe he had a diabetic episode?

    • Split milk says:

      Also maybe d guy stepped off d sidewalk last minute.. Maybe d walker was under influence too… Jus saying. I wasnt der. Only ppl der kno what happened and even then it’s three sides to a story.

  33. Um jus sayin.... says:

    Condolences to the family of the deceased and sympathies for Mr. Thomas and his family. Yes, any of us “good” “upstanding” people could’ve been in Mr. Thomas’ shoes, and it doesn’t dispute the fact that each of us at any given point in our lives might have made a choice. The lesson to all here and our children, understand and understand clearly, think about your actions and choices, because one will have to live with the good and the bad outcomes. Preach this to our kids, make them have a conscience, put the fear of the parent and God back into their lives! That’s it in a nutshell…they think they’re indispensable, untouchable, this a clear example that they are not…allow Mr. Thomas’ story be a lesson to all…think about this good upstanding young man the next time you decide to drink and drive…life’s about choices.

    Truly an unfortunate situation.

    Some of the comments and rebuttals are appalling. The ugly side of technology.

  34. Karma says:

    We all see how ppl ride their bikes and drive their cars all crazy from first thing in the morning to last thing at night. Slow down Bermuda!!!!

  35. Hmph says:

    Why are you people on here writing rude comments? As if this young man is not hurting enough already. If you knew him personally you would know full well that he is in pain! Everyone makes mistakes! No one is perfect! This was an accident! Yes I agree it could have been avoided if he had made a smarter choice. But accidents happen! Instead of being negative, how about you send the family your condolences… And if you want to continue being judgmental, perhaps you should drop a comment on “Police Break Up Gang Incident At Non-Mariners” and send a message to the gangsters that don’t give a d@mn about taking a life!

  36. Alex Brown says:

    This is truly a tragedy, one person suffering because of poor and reckless behaviour. This should be a lesson for young people today. Condolences to the loved ones of Mr. Doty, may he rest in peace. For you people who encourage such a person who would *allegedly* do this by taking away someone’s right to live it is truly shameful to sympathize with Mr. Thomas. *If guilty* He should be punished for his bad actions instead of felt sorry for.

    • Kiskadee says:

      I agree with the above . You are only encouraging young people to drive while drunk if you support what David is alleged to have done. He may be all you say but if he killed an innocent man he needs to be punished.

  37. offtherockx4 says:

    My condolences to the family of the deceased. My sympathies to David, his family and the community. It was my pleasure to have met and gotten to know David, a beautiful young man with a kind soul and a good heart. David would never intentionally hurt anyone and *has allegedly* made one of the worst decisions he will probably ever make in his lifetime. He will have to live with this far longer than any sentence handed down. Again my sympathies to the family of Dr. Doty, David and his family as well as the community of Bermuda.

  38. Forgiveness says:

    To the Doty family, you have my deepest sympathy, and I continue to pray for your comfort during this time of grieving.

    To David, his family, and close loved ones, I am truly sorry that this one *alleged* mistake has resulted in this manner, but as with all things, I am a firm believer in God having a plan and reason for everything happening. The situation may seem bleak, and yes very unfortunate for all persons involved; but continue to dig deep for strength as you continue to go on through daily life.

    To all of those with negative comments about David or the situation, treat it as though you were in his shoes,because believe it or not, mistakes happen to the best of us, including may not have happened yesterday,or today, but it might just happen tomorrow.. and ask yourself if you would like for someone to be making the same comments and remarks you’re making about him, about yourself.

    Everyone makes mistakes, and the same way God forgives us day in and day out, we should extend forgiveness to others.

  39. annette says:

    Instead of all the hurtful comments we should pray for both families because bOth families have lost someone. The dotys lost a father who lost his life. The Thomas family have lost their son,s innonence to an *alleged* split second of impaired judgement.Ugly comments do not make matters any better for either family.Those of youu with the nasty comments need to sit back for a minute and imagine yourself in this situation before passing judgement.

  40. Tragic says:

    Dave is great guy. As others have said he would never hurt a fly. In this case, however, he *allegedly* made an error of judgement and it has consequences for the families of both parties. For the family of the deceased I hope you can eventually forgive David. You only know him by these *alleged* terrible circumstances. I hope you can find it in your heart to eventually forgive David. As others have said David would never hurt a fly. He is a gentle giant. David will take this alleged action like the man he is. *If guilty/convicted* I hope the prosecution and the judge take note of David’s upstanding record and allow him to serve the majority of his time as a suspended sentence.

    This situation is tragic but the phrase “it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy” has never seemed more true.

    To the family of Dr. Doty…no words can bring back a loved one. He seemed like an amazing individual. Bermuda is sorry for your loss.

  41. Leaveamessage says:

    I like how many of you speak as if some other person was riding the cycle and even insinuate that this young man is not responsible for this mans death. Oh, but wait, innocent until proven guilty. Lets just hope something like this doesn’t happen to any of you or someone you love.. Would be interesting to see if some of these comments would be the same if your friend or relative was killed or if he was a foreigner. Oh, yes I had to stick that in there. To the family of Mr Doty, may god comfort you in this time of hurt. Let the court deal with Mr Thomas, whatever the outcome, he is still alive. So how about we show some love for the family of Mr. Doty.

  42. walls says:

    Sounds like an aweful situation, reminds me of the crash a few years ago with the woman hitting the 16 year old near Brighton hill.

    What the circumstances were only those there will know. In the end everyone loses.

  43. Shelly says:

    After reading everyone’s comments, I felt compelled to write about what has been on my mind since I have moved here 6 months ago. As a new driver to the left side of the road, I have observed that drivers’ of cars and bikes exceed the 35km speed limit esp bikes who zoom past me because I am not driving faster than 35/40km. I have mentioned to many people “where are the police to reinforce the speed limits?” Yes, David has made a misjudgment that is now horrible in circumstance. But, in my opinion he is not only to blame. If there were more of people presence on the roads i.e. road checks for drinking and driving and radar checks for speeding, maybe he would have thought twice before driving. I hope that the Bermuda Police look at all these comments that mention driving too fast for the Bermuda roads because you have bicyclists, runners, pedestrians on the roads as well. Also, it seems to me that there are other Bermudians who partake in alcohol and drive as well. I hope in the future to see more police reinforcing the laws of the road.

    • Shelly says:

      Sorry……. meant to type police presence on the roads.

  44. LetHEWithoutSinCastThe1stStone says:

    LET THIS BE A WAKE UP CALL TO ALL !!! I, too, am guilty of going out, having a drink & getting behind the wheel before. We’ve heard he was *allegedly* under the influence, but no one even knows if he was *allegedly* over the legal limit. Everyone I know who is of legal age has had a drink & driven before. This could have happened to ANYBODY !! Unfortunately, now a life is gone. David will have to suffer the consequences of his *alleged* actions for the rest of his life. This doesn’t make him a bad person !! From what I hear from the people who know him, I am sure he will accept the consequences and is regretting that *alleged* choice, and deeply remorseful. I’m positive that he didn’t set out to *allegedly* take another mans life. To the family of Dr. Doty, I extend my deepest condolences. This could have been prevented. Instead of everyone looking to put someone’s head on the chopping block, why aren’t we looking at ways to ensure this doesn’t happen again. DON’T JUDGE SOMEONE BECAUSE THEY SIN DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU DO !!! My heart & prayers go out to both families of this tragic event.

  45. Highly Concerned says:

    Until it happens to you then you will never truly know how you will react or feel. If someone regardless of how loving, kind and sweet took a member of your family or even friend’s life because of a mistake they made are you going to be so quick to say ok well since he or she is such a loving person we’ll just get past this and move on because they didn’t mean it (I hardly think so) BUT I also don’t appreciate some of the comments about this young man because as stated he is human and he is alleged to have made a huge mistake that he will have to live with the rest of his life. Such a sad situation.

  46. Peaches & Cream says:

    Condolences to the family of Mr. Doty. Prayers to David and his family at this unfortunate circumstance. I cant even imagine what both families are going through but with Faith, Hope and Prayer, everything will be ok in time. God Bless.

  47. WOW says:

    THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO ANYONE OF US!!! Poor David has to live with this for the rest of his life! All of you posting bad things about him do you even know where your children are on weekend nights and how they get home???! NO! I’ll let you know right now 90% of people drink and drive and about 10% get caught.

    Keep your head up David! I know you’re a good man with some bad luck.

    My condolences to Dr. Doty’s Family. Stay strong!

  48. Paula Burgess says:

    I would be really interesting if Bernews made it mandatory for people to post their real names instead of pseudonyms. I’ll just bet there would be little to no commentary at all on a lot of matters!

  49. Paula Burgess says:


  50. Shocked and Appaled says:

    It wasn’t too long ago when six year old Tyaisha Cox was killed when walking across a pedestrian crossing by a foreign national that over took a bus while on a cellphone. It sickens me that Bermudians are so quick to condemn their own and call for the harshest punishment when the driver of that car that struck little Tyaisha was only prosecuted for driving without due care and attention and was acquitted of all charges. Where was all the public outcry and ridicule for this lady who never even served any jail time? It is futile to sit up on a blog and try to assassinate the character of someone you only know of after reading yesterdays news, and furthermore do not have all the facts of what really happened. Senseless loss of life is never good my condolences to both families.

    • so sad says:

      There was a huge public out cry when Miss Cox was killed. Most Bermudians were in utter dismay when the woman who struck and killed Tyaisha did not serve jail time. The woman who hit the little girl was ridiculed to the point where she received death threats. I think it is BECAUSE of cases like the aquittal of this woman that people are so concerned and upset about this death. After reading the blogs it would seem most people, whilst sad for the loss of life, and sad for what appears to be a lack of good judgement by a young driver, are looking for justice to be done. There are consequences for allegedly breaking the law by driving drunk, and killing someone while doing so. My hope is should David be found guilty,an appripriate and severe punishment will be set to deter the majority of people on this island who still continue to drink and drive from doing so. My condolences to BOTH families

    • 2 tired of misinformation and agendas says:

      Not this BS again ! I was proven that the woman driving the car in the accident involving Tayiesha Cox didn’t even own a cell phone .
      The bus driver (read , ‘key witness’) confirmed that little Tyiesha ran (RAN) out in front of the bus on the crossing right into the path of the oncoming car that was not speeding. There was little to nothing that the car driver could have done to avoid the tragedy other than maybe have been doing 2 mph.

      It’s been obvious for a long time that certain people have been making this whole accident out to be something it wasn’t for their own (and obvious ) reasons.

      This newest accident involving Dr Doty is a whole different scenario and not even comparable other than the tragic end result .

  51. Dont judge says:

    All the people with their negative comments just think for a second what if it was you that had a few drinks thought that you were ok to ride and caused this horrific fatal accident. Yes we should grieve for Dr.Doty, yes it is tragic but we are all human and none of us know our fate so before you judge remember you too will be judged one day.

    • More with less says:

      Irresponsible behavior must have consequences. So, while we all make mistakes, we must all pay for those mistakes when they harm another. That is why we have laws.

      • Voice of Reason says:

        Over the weekend a friend of mines was driving her car onfront street when a young lady “drunk” stumbled into the road and ended up being struck by my friends car. My friend was not drunk and was not speeding at the time of the accident. Her car sustained substantial damage and the young lady was struck had to be taken by ambulance to king Edward. When my friend asked the police who will be paying for her car their response was “we can’t charge the drunk girl with anything and we can’t force her to pay for your car”. It is a good thing that people were around to validate the fact that the young lady fell into the road bacause if you had seen the seen after the fact it appeared that the person driving the car was at fault. People need to exercise responsibility when drinking because aynthing can happen.Studies show the less you know, the more you think you know.DRINK RESPONSIBLY

        • More with less says:

          Agreed, it works both ways. Should should have been charged with public intoxication and had to pay for the car damage.

  52. Alex Brown says:

    Thank you very much Kiskadee

  53. Your Brother says:

    God is with us my brother.

  54. More with less says:

    I think it is extremely sad that police are occupied with finding plants as opposed to drunk drivers. I think it is extremely sad that police officers aren’t allowed to give road side breathalyzers and have to take people to town in order to do so. Allow roadside testing legislation to be put into place PLP. Do something worthwhile for a change.

    • Jason says:

      Say something worthwhile or just go back to work please.

      • More with less says:

        Drunk driving is important you idiot. People die from others drinking irresponsibly. Roadside testing is important. You are probably a regular drunk driver.

        • Jason says:

          Sadly I don’t drink alcohol (or smoke plants). But like I said, say something worthwhile or sit back down in the corner please. Or at least formulate an argument that doesn’t make me believe you’re 14. Possibly the worst formulated argument I’ve ever read. Although I’m sure deep down inside you believe it’s valid. I just pray you’re able to comprehend what I’m talking about but I doubt that.

          “People die from others drinking irresponsibly. Roadside testing is important. You are probably a regular drunk driver.” – Argument of the Year

          • More with less says:

            There is nothing sad about you not drinking or smoking. As a matter of fact, that would seem all the more reason that roadside testing would be important to you. Heaven forbid you or a family member get hit by a drunk driver one day as it is more common than you think. You are a bully and I won’t “sit back down in the corner” because you don’t like my opinion. I do believe it IS a valid argument as do most people. Police resources aren’t used wisely period. Meanwhile innocent people die because of it. Bully

    • GlobalCitizen says:

      Yup Agree! Weed does not kill people, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! case and point… especially the drunk idiots

  55. Workingirl says:

    When I heard of this incident I was completely outraged. I said to myself, man people are so careless and stupid. This poor man comes to Bermuda on vacation and is *allegedly* hit by a bike while walking. The I looked on Bernews and saw Davids face and I am in dismay! I watched David grow up and I know his family. He comes from a good home and I feel for his mother and sisters. I pray for the victims family and for the family of David. There are lots of people who drive drunk every night that are on here posting. So please Bermuda, you never know when this type of incident will hit your doorstep. Stay strong Bermuda.

  56. Liz says:

    My condolences to the family of Dr. Doty. Pitts Bay Road not the safest of road to drive or walk just like so many of Bermuda’s crazy roads. As for the young man who is the same age as my son, my heart goes out to your family this is a very hard time for them. I feel your hearts. This young man did not go the road thinking this was going to happen. Unfortuately it *allegedly* did and I am sure he is feel it so please be careful words are really hurtful. You people who are writting things where not there therefore you do not know what took place. …this is a very unfortunate situation. Remember the woman who killed the little girl who was crossing the road up near Purvis. So if he was not *allegedly* intoxicated and it happened then what?

  57. SIGHHHHH says:


    Why are comments on this story STILL OPEN but comments are CLOSED on the story published today involving another young man who was charged with causing GBH to two individuals…shut it down. Both men deserve the same level of respect as they will have their day in court.

  58. BRANDON DOTY says: