CITV Video: “In The Know” With Premier Cox

October 8, 2012

An upcoming broadcast on the Government’s CITV station “In the Know” programme will  feature Premier Paula Cox, who sat down for a 30 minute talk with host David Minors. Premier Cox discusses a variety of topics ranging from local and overseas economic matters as well as what Government is doing to tackle crime and violence. The programme can be seen below, and also on CITV from Monday October 8th through Sunday October 14th at 4pm, 8.30pm and 4.30am.

- Video removed due to complaints -

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  1. Chart says:

    CITV being used for electioneering. Time to pull the [plug on this propaganda station.

    • Yng Black Mind says:


      Please show me where in the interview the Premier uses the opportunity to “promote her political party”?

      She is the leader of the Government, thus the interview is about what her government is doing – - not specifically about the PLP.

      Don’t allow “silly season” to cloud your mind about the wonderful things that CITV does throughout the year – - they are the only local station that provides ACTUAL local programing which features LOCALS,and LOCAL CONTENT. We cannot lose that – period.

      Yng Black Mind
      (those who know understand)

      • 32n64w says:

        If this was meant to be a balanced and honest interview vs. an infomercial the Premier would have been asked more challenging questions versus the softballs David lobbed her.

        The only reason he was there was to read from a script. Just check how he needed to look down for every “question” (and still screwed up the wording, mustn’t have rehearsed his lines), never asked a follow-up or requested clarification of her responses.

        Don’t see how the public are better “in the know” for being subjected to a one sided sermon that failed to acknowledge or even apologise for the Government’s many missteps or offer any real plans to reduce the debt or Government spending.

        Nevertheless, presumably you should have no problem with the opposition being afforded the same 30 minutes of airtime to identify what the government is NOT doing or share what also could be done? Wonder who would write David’s questions for him if that was the case?

      • 32n64w says:

        Furthermore, if this wasn’t a political broadcast disguised as an infomercial why did she use the PLP’s “Standing Strong” election tag line?

      • Sandgrownan says:

        Another Cog snorefest zzzzzzzz….i know she’s lying, her lips are moving

  2. Pastor Syl Hayward says:

    Isn’t there some kind of watchdog for appropriate electioneering? If there isn’t, there should be.

    I am still wondering who is paying for the printing of those propagandising pamphlets that blew up my mailbox misleading the public about the OBA’s intentions re: Future Care, Day Care and the EEZ.

  3. Family Man says:

    I think Wayne should watch this so that he’s “in the know” on the Park Hyatt Hotel in St. George’s.

  4. pebblebeach says:

    More Cogwash…

  5. Y-Gurl says:

    Paula is “in the know” after all she’s the one who signed the cheques”