All Three Independent Senators Reappointed

January 4, 2013

All three of the Independent Senators have been reappointed to the Senate, Government confirmed this morning.

A statement from the Government said: “His Excellency the Governor, acting in his discretion in accordance with Section 27 of the Bermuda Constitution, has made the following appointments to the Senate: Mrs Carol Ann Marie Bassett, Mrs Joan Dillas-Wright, Mr James Stanhope Jardine.”

The Senate now consists of the three Independent Senators; three Opposition Senators: Diallo Rabain, Renee Ming and Marc Daniels; and five Government Senators: Michael Fahy, Nalton Brangman, Lynne Woolridge, Alexis Swan and Jeff Baron.

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  1. alicia says:

    wow… what a disappointment. I know that a lot of people were hoping that Kim Swan would get a senate seat as an independent.

    • frank says:

      maybe now he can go don play golf all he don in the last election was to block votes stupid a===s

      • Tick Tock says:

        It’s funny how people like Mr. Wayne Furbert and Mr. Kim Sawn are talked about bad on here by their former party pigs. When these black men were running around as the leaders of the UBP you treated them like royalty. Now they get bashed every which way the ubp/OBA flag flys. Next you people will be throwing stones at Premier Craig Cannonier when he doesn’t perform as his masters tell him. For now keep up the good act. Many people are placing bets on how long Premier Cannonier will last before he suddenly come on the media and states he’s stepping down for personal reasons. Tick tock..tick tock…

        • My, my as I am glad to read the concerns of the people whom visualises the departure of Premier Craig Cannonier; one way or the other. Would a “NO CONFIDENCE” vote……suffice. But who would be the new premier of Bermuda???
          And which way will we go? There will be some choppy seas that Premier Cannonier will have to manouver n the mixed up moods n attitudes will not be of any help!!! But we all better fasten our seatbelts……it’s gonna be a bumpy ride……we’ve only just begun…….

  2. Yng Black Mind says:

    Congrats to the reappointed senators; however, I am very disappointed that Mr. Kim Swan was not appointed to the Senate. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge that would benefit the country – sad that the Governor did not see it that way.

    Yng Black Mind
    (those who know understand)

  3. Not To Worry says:

    Not to worry as I am sure Mr. Kim Swan will challenge someone for the Mayor of St. George’s spot. That would actually be a better position for him

  4. Just saying says:

    Maybe if Kim Swans wife had not been so vocal he might have had a chance to be appointed. They are all tired of her remarks. She should be the one disapponted.

    • Webster says:

      Kim Swan, should never have allowed his wife to rant and rave on the steps of city hall prior to the election.

      • Change says:

        Why not she spoke the truth about the OBA!

      • Family Overseas says:

        After reading I am so surprised, that all Mr. and Mrs. Swan do for Bermuda, there could be such mean posts. I listened to the speech and was very proud of my cousin. Why are you all hating on her? We all support her and Kim. Come back home where you are appreciated especially since we are in power, we can find a constituency for you to run. Leave small minds with smaller minds.

    • Good Woman says:

      I know Mrs. Swan personally and Mr. Swan… She’s a good woman, great community senior non profit provider and supports her husband in every respect. We were all proud of her in supporting her husband and found no fault in her statements. Time will tell. Trust me, she’s looking forward to having her husband home on Fridays. She always said being in politics provided her with a seat at funerals, some good meals government house and a parking place in town besides that she paid her way on the bus.

      • Webster says:

        So know Mrs Swan can have her husband home on fridays !!!!WOW !!!!!!

    • dthtoo/ says:

      Just saying, Kim Swan’s wife simply spoke the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! TRUTH is an enemy to white folks.

      • Come Correct says:

        Yup, paint us all with the same brush, racist! Can’t wait until our finances are thoroughly looked into.

        • Actually says:

          I’d hate to break it to you but there were folks on both sides..

          • Come Correct says:

            I can accept that as a reality but I was simply pointing out truth isn’t the enemy of white people. Truth is the enemy of PEOPLE with something to hide. Notice the capitol letters with no idiotic generalization. Just because a white person lies automotically makes me a liar? I take people at face value and if I think anything negative of you it because your actions told me, not what you look like. Forgive me if I’m intolerant to dthtoo/’s stupid comments. Believe me I know the ubp were no angels, greed knows no color.

  5. Vote for Me says:

    How could Mr. Swan be appointed as an independant Senator? Immediately prior to the election he was the Leader of the UBP… hardly independent!!

  6. Huh? says:

    Kim Swan could not have been appointed as an Independent Senator when last month he was running on a platform and the leader of a party. Having been the leader of a party and former member of parliament (just 3 weeks ago) Mr. Kim Swan would must likely not be eligible for an independent senate seat for many, many years (and thats assuming he doesn’t continue running and speaking out on issues so fervently, things an “independent” senator cannot do).

  7. ABC says:


    ANYWAY ………………………………….

    • LMAO says:

      Kim Swan would of been a great Independent candidate, sad day for Bermuda, we lost one of the best politician to date.

  8. Reality Check says:

    It’s really quite amazing how even a decision NOT to make changes to the three independent senate seats can meet with such severe criticism.

    What is even more amazing is that several people can suggest that Kim Swan should have been appointed as an independent senator so soon after the election in which he stood as the leader of a political party. I would strongly suspect that if he had been appointed there would have been an immediate outcry from the PLP linking his appointment with the so-called secret conspiracy to replace the UBP with the OBA.

    Personally, I thought that the three independent senators were all excellent choices in the first place and they will provide invaluable experience to all those newly appointed senators from the OBA and the PLP at a time when we need to steady the ship and make some forward progress. Glad that the Governor saw it the way he did.

    I have to agree with “Not to Worry”. Kim Swan clearly has a great love for St. George’s and would make an excellent candidate for the position of Mayor in the Olde Town.

  9. Reality Check says:

    @ Webster. The answer to your question is nothing.

  10. Prayerful says:

    Nomination day for the Corporation of St. George’s posts has past, hasn’t it.

  11. Eyes wide open. says:

    Garth Rothwell is the new Mayor of St. George’s, now that’s settled. So, no Senate seat for Kim and no mayoral prospects until 2015 either unless something drastic happens. Next topic!

    • Webster says:

      kim do what you do best….. play golf ….stay out of politics… your time in politics has come to an end….

  12. LMAO says:

    Eyes open, loss on both ends. Kim Swan could of done the best honest job.

  13. Fed Up Nana says:

    Hey Frank;
    I am not a great supporter of Wayne Furbert etc. or some of OBA members, this being said; if you care to share any political reason as to why kim Swan is an … Go to the front and express your concerns.

    Name calling from behind the scenes is not what Bermuda needs especially, when so many people have no jobs; losing their home because lack of work.

    Come forward and be a positive thinker and hope this country gets back on track economically, so those who are struggling financially, can see a light at the end of the Bermuda Tunnel.

  14. J Starling says:

    I was often amused during the election campaign when people were strongly opposed to voting for Independents, saying that they cannot work in our system. I tried pointing out that our system already has Independents, in the form of the three Senators in question.

    Personally, I question the utility of appointed Senators who are accountable to either the two party leaders or the Governor. Would much rather see the Senate elected, or abolished in some way to make our system a single-chambered parliament. There is already precedents within the ‘British’ system with the Welsh National Assembly, the Northern Irish Assembly and the Scottish Parliament, all being elected and single-chambered.

  15. god1st says:

    @ dthtoo The truth is your enemy ,and the truth doesn’t have a color,seems as if you are tired of life when you decide to go leave the door open.

  16. swing voter says:

    with the exception of the 3 elder independent members, the senate is full of young energetic eager minds that will lend balance to the chamber debates. sorry no room for an ex politician with limited employment options. I think the OBA will give Swan serious consideration when they re open the golf course