American Admits Swallowing/Importing Cannabis
In Magistrates Court this morning’s [Feb 19], Rodney Swan –an American citizen from New Jersey — pleaded guilty to importing 394.19 grams of cannabis resin into Bermuda on 31st January 2013.
The Crown Prosecutor told Magistrate Khomisi Tokunbo that Swan had arrived in Bermuda from JFK and cleared Bermuda Immigration, telling them that he was coming to Bermuda to see his girlfriend, attend a show, and planned to stay five days.
However, Customs officers suspected him of being a “swallower” and selected him for a secondary search. Swan, 29, was taken aside and his bags were searched. Police were called in, and Swan was taken away, where xrays showed foreign objects in his abdomen. He was then taken to KEMH where he excreted 21 pellets at 11:49pm that night; and a further 27 pellets early morning 1st February.
After examining and analyzing 37 of the 48 excreted pellets, Police determined that the weight of illegal drug was 394.19 grams and Police pressed ahead with the final phase of the charge of importation. The remaining 10 pellets must still be analyzed.
Magistrate Tokunbo ordered Swan held in custody until his sentencing date of 9th April 2013. The Crown Prosecutor indicated that by then, the remaining 10 pellets would have been analyzed and the total weight of the illegal drug would be known. The Magistrate also ordered a Social Inquiry Report on Swan.
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It always amazes me how many people are so willing to wrap their lips around a joint and puff, or snort a line of coke knowing there is a good chance that at some point in their lives they will smoke or snort something that came out of someone’s arse. I’ll pass thank you.
Passing Grass???
Yea, cool, go to Bermuda, they’re an island, they must love ganja like Jamaica. Yea, that’ll be cool.
Sorry mate, but you’re dead wrong. Bermuda has some of the most strictest laws pertaining to marijuana in the western world. Unfortunately.
Its people like you who hang out on front street begging because you are such a bunch of pot smoking bums. Leave our country as you are not fit for civilized society.
I smoke pot, i dont beg.I work..up yours a$% hole
The idea that all people who smoke cannabis amount to nothing but being a bum is a fallacy. In this day & age if someone believes this they must live in a bubble. We have had doctors, lawyers, professors, athletes, mayors, judges heck even the current U.S. president who have admitted to smoking cannabis & all of these people have been successful.
The drug laws here are uncivilized & they are what give momentum to the uncivilized antisocial behavior in our society. A society that agrees with the imprisonment of others for possession of a piece of PLANT is far from civilized.
Preach Preach!!
Well go back to drinking your alcohol, way worse, on Front Street and stay there. Leave us alone you b**ch!
The bums are alcoholics, herione and crack heads. Nobody has ever became a bum from pot, thar is absurd.
Once they figured out he had the drugs inside him, they should of excorted him back to the US immigration hall (which is classed as US soil) and told them he was carrying drugs. That way they would put him on trail & in jail in the US and save us a lot of money…
Good Point!!!
very good point!!
The money saved by us is a loss to Bermuda’s judicial system. They won’t just imprison him but also slam him with a hefty fine. This is what keeps the judges & lawyers in Bermuda rich & is the reason why they didn’t send him to U.S. Authorities. Also another reason may be that our judges enjoy the chance of putting on airs especially when the news could potentially go overseas.
Real sh!tty work lol
enough reason to stop smokin….#gross
Not really bra…they were in bags/shellz
Any that is okay with you??? You know that regardless of how they were packaged it still would com out the same exit point!
But is the sh*t touching de herb?! NO so stfu n move along.
@bermyshotta – U are living proof that drugs kill brain cells.
If you like kissing butt – go for it – swallowed herb is usually wearing protection anyway.
No he’s right, and you just answered his point you dummy. The herb never touches poop, and besides if you didn’t ask or know where it came from you’d still put it in your mouth and smoke it, so STFU and fall back!
Just as well that he was caught… likely some sh!tty weed anyways…
It was hash lmao
Is that what they used to mean when the said “skunk weed” in the 80s>
if marijuana wasn’t illegal we wouldnt have to read about this in the paper, nor would we have to hang our heads again because our judicial system is wasting more of our precious moneys…for shame.
Why are people talking about legalsing weed when Bermuda already has its fair share of dumb ass pot zombies. One thing Bermuda could do without is more dopey bums moping around the place and giving us a bad name.
If you smoke marijuana you are a bum, the bottom of the food chain and basically a complete loser. Yes a loser.
Really..and what proof do you have that i am a bum. Do you know me? I think not you piece of s$%t. I am an honest hard working individual that enjoys a joint at the end of a hard days home. So how does my pot smoking affect you in any way, and why am i not allowed to use cannabis because you say so?! you sir are a total moron.
Guess Obama’s a loser then. FOH with that BS! You just sit on your couch drinking away your days, you’re the f**kin loser. Can’t even get any leg, hahahahahahah ya b**ch!
So you think Barack Obama, Bill Murray, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, John F Kennedy, Steve Jobs, Art Garfunkel, Abbie Hoffman, Al Gore, Alexander Dumas, Arnold Schwarzenegger, All the Beatles, Bing Crosby, Bix Beiderbecke, Bob Denver, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Burt Reynolds, Cab Calloway, Carl Sagan, Carlos Santana, Carrie Fischer, Charlie Sheen, Charlize Theron, Actress, Chris Rock, Actor, Chubby Checker, Cilla Black, Conan O’Brian, Count Basie, David Bailey, Dan Quayle, David Hockney, Diego Rivera, Dionne Warwick, Dioscorides Pedanius, Dizzy Gillespie, Dr. Francis Crick, Dr Lester Grinspoon, Dr. R.D.Laing, Dr. W.B. O’Shaugnessy, Drew Barrymore, Duke Ellington, Errol Flynn, Evelyn Waugh, Francis Ford Coppella, Francois Rabelais, Gary Johnson, Gene Krupa, Jazz musician, George Washington, Harrison Ford, H R H Prince Harry, H R H Princess Margaret, Hunter S. Thompson, Jackie Gleason, Jane Fonda, Actress, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Capriati, Jesse Ventura, John Denver, John Kerry, Johnny Cash, Jon Snow, Julia Roberts, Kenneth Tynan, All Of Led Zeppelin, Lenny Bruce, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Wolpert, Louis Armstrong, Louis Hebert, Mark Stepnoski, Mick Jagger, Mike Bloomberg, Miles Davis, Mo Mowlam, Modigliani, Montel Williams, Neil Diamond, Neil Young, Newt Gingrich, Oliver Stone, Oscar Wilde, Pablo Picasso, Pancho Villa, Peregrine Worthstone, Peter Fonda, Peter Sellers, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, All Of Pink Floyd, Ray Charles, Richard Feynman, Ross Rebagliati, Rudolf Nureyev, Rudyard Kipling, Ryan Farrell, Salvador Dali, Samuel Beckett, Sinead O’Connor, Steve Martin, Stephen King, Steven Soderbergh, Gordon Sumners, Ted Turner, Thelonious Monk, Tomas Enge, Victor Hugo, Wesley Snipes, & Willie Nelson amongst many others are or were bums, the bottom of the food chain and basically complete losers?
You would be so lucky to fill any of these people’s shoes but I bet you are not even fit to be a shadow of their shadow. I bet you have even idolized one or more of these people & never even realized you were looking up to a “bum”.
Notice that many in the list that have past away were African American Jazz Musicians. They are one of the major reasons cannabis was made illegal. Their red neck racist hater (the first American drug czar) wanted to have an excuse to arrest all of them & used their cannabis use to his advantage.
Yet you hang off of the every word when governments and pharmaceutical companies tell you its bad, denying you and family members of a natural and plentiful source of medicine, but according to you I’m a dumb ass zombie…right. Funny thing is I bet I’m still higher on the food chain than you. Your probably sitting behind your computer overweight bordering coronary heart disease or prediabetes whereas this pot smoking dumb ass zombie makes it a point to stay fit and healthy daily not to mention I’m a law abiding citizen other than the fact I like to end my evenings with a spliff. So 2 fingers way up to you, you judgmental pric. You want to see dumb ass zombies? Go to parliament and look at all the clueless idiots trying to stimulate our economy while further putting us in debt with their failing war on drugs. Furthermore those bums you talk about moping around, weed didn’t do that to them, alcohol and hard drugs did. Now go drink your rum and beat your wife.
Why do people fight so hard for weed? Why is it that you can’t live without it? It must be so hugely addictive to have so many people spend so much money on it when they risk going to jail etc. Or it is just so mind-blowing an experience that you risk jail and spend so much money on it. And it must be so mellowing that you would tell someone to go drink your rum and beat your wife.
I’ve smoked before, but a long time ago, and it wasnt that great. And I’ve smoked shag and smoked elite stuff too. As I matured it was easy for me to leave alone. Why can’t other people do that?
And cheap weed will not stimulate the economy. Right now entire neighborhoods in Bermuda are financed by expensive weed. Take the money out of weed and you will find more poverty and violence.
That gives a whole new meaning to the term “poo-poo weed”.. I always thought it meant it was the boom-shakka-lakka but I guess not.
Freakin hell Ty! You stole the words from right out of my mouth!!!
Getting caught was just plain sh!tty luck…
It would help if the people commenting a comprehension level above primary school to understand that it wasn’t weed it was gum. Resin. Whatever u wanna call it. Anyways keep the drugs off the street the jobs out of bermudians hands and watch the crime continue to rise. Thanks government and bps for another job well done. ( said with intense and unimaginable sarcasm)
Bob the Builder? Is that not a television show for toddlers?
I’m confused… is it gummy sh!t or sh!tty gum?
Legalize it… like Portugal. And watch usage of all drugs drop off. Seriously.
Bermuda is backward when it comes to drug control.
Bum…!? Bwaa-ha-ha-ha!! Look in the mirror.
James Goodfellow’s face probably looks like their backside so looking in a mirror won’t help. They look in the mirror & the first thing that comes to their mind is “bum”.
one thing for sure you can sure tell who is addicted to alcohol or pharmaceuticals here…they are in denial for starters…”oh not me”…right! Also their irrational thought patterns show that they are a very judgmental lot huh? i just find it very sad and a shame that these people actually believe what they are “repeating” and i say this because i can guarantee they haven’t put in the time to research for the “truth” themselves…you all just cannot see that they sensationalize s#!t such as this to keep you distracted from the “real” problems coming your way…
A f#@kin yankee comes here s#!tz out a handful of vegetation…and it makes headlines…sighhh God help them.
What’s gonna happen to the other 10 pellets, we will probably never hear about those.
james goodfellow. i smoke weed does that make me a bum? absolutely not considering I am CEO of my own music company. U live in a hole. I bet u smoke cigs or drink alcohol. Dont call ppl who smoke weed a bum. They are probably more successful then you. Nice FAKE name btw
Yes it makes you a bum.
Why don’t you go & put a diaper on your face & hands. Save society from your textual & verbal diarrhea.
James. I bet you take pain killers for your head ache or back pain.. Synthetic herion that is. I bet u have an occasional drink. GUESS WAT .. NO ON ON THE PLANET HAS DIED FROM WEED. So when your done snorting zoloft. post a decent comment
He’s probably frustrated because the prozac filled suppository his shrink proscribed him is irritating his tushy every time he sits to type a comment.
i know police and lawers that smoke it,
it was banned cause blacks were using it back in the day to get white woman high while they played music for them
They weren’t using it to get “white woman” high. This is just a misconception spread by the 1930s fake & terribly directed movie reefer madness & the racist drug czar Harry Anslinger. The woman of european origin used it because it had a better uplifting effect then alcohol a depressant. The reason they hanged around African American Jazz musicians smoked is because they realized jazz was cooler than the red neck honky tonk music & sounded better coming from those who invented jazz than from those who tried to imitate it.
bda is living in the past,,
get over it the ganja an’t going no were
your kids will bring it home one day, promise you that
Isnt’ there a serious health risk from swallowing drugs
Only if they are chemically processed drugs or toxic plants. The only risk of ingesting cannabis is if the person is already mentally unstable when the high kicks in they may flip out when coming face to face with their inner demons. They won’t die just may end up in the fetal position with their thumb in their mouth crying uncontrollably. Same thing can happen with alcohol only difference is you can be poisoned with alcohol & die but not with cannabis.
The real danger is with the capsule thats containing the cannabis which is usually latex rubber & can cause complications in the digestive track.
Swallowing cocaine or heroin whether in a capsule or not is extremely dangerous. There was a Bermudian who tried this with cocaine & during the flight the capsule burst & the cocaine combine with his stomach acids & ate away at his organs.
Not only are you a bum but you are also incredibly dumb.
You’re the one who’s argument has been shot down by other commenters besides me. You can’t even back up your opinion. Your the ignoramus who keeps stating that a plant used since the dawn of man by thousands maybe even millions turns a person into a bum. Maybe poster jredmond is right that you are a troll maybe you are poster jredmond which would make you a schizophrenic troll either way you’re the one typing BS under this article.
Maybe you should try taking you’re antidepressants orally instead of using suppositories then you wouldn’t use the word bum so frequently since yours wouldn’t be so irritated.
James Goodfella is trolling you lot heavy. He’s probably high as hell and laughing his a$$ off at y’all getting so upset. lol
Who knows maybe he is or maybe not but I know for a fact there are many ignoramousos who think this way in Bermuda & he could be one of them. There are some who even think that crack & cannabis have the exact same effects. Some even think people become influenced by satan when they smoke. I guess satan is more concerned about the influencing the sin of gluttony in these instances since the worst evil I’ve seen someone do when high is clean out their friends fridge.
Ur James Good Fellow