End-To-End “Get Ready, Get Fit” Launched

February 14, 2013

Minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin today helped to launch the ‘Get Ready, Get Fit’ – a 12-week fitness programme which helps ensure that participants are in good shape when they take part in the Catlin End-to-End event on May 4th.

“May 4th may seem like a long way away but the sooner you start training, the better you will perform on the day,: said the Minister.

“Get Ready, Get Fit brochures containing a 12-week training programme leading up to the May 4th event will appear in mailboxes around the island this week, and I would urge all aspiring participants to begin preparations for the event now.”


Funds raised in the 2013 event will support nine charities; The Adult Education Centre, Coalition for the Protection of Children, The Family Centre, Greenrock, The Reading Clinic, SCARS, Westmeath, WindReach and the Women’s Resource Centre.

Minister Gordon-Pamplin’s full statement follows below:

Good Morning Everyone,

Let me begin by saying that the Ministry of Health & Seniors is very pleased to once again throw our support behind the 2013 Catlin End-to-End.

As we all know, the promotion of healthy lifestyle practices, such as regular exercise, leads to the prevention of many of Bermuda’s leading illnesses and diseases.

Obesity, diabetes and Congestive Heart Failure continue to plague our island at alarming rates – rates above the average for OECD countries.

One of the objectives of the Ministry of Health and Seniors’ Well Bermuda Strategy is to increase public awareness of the factors influencing health and to foster adoption of healthy lifestyles.

The Catlin End-to-End also promotes a healthy lifestyle through its series of activities that, over the years, have encouraged our community to be involved in the practice walks and preparation activities. All of these things, when taken together, can lead to positive lifestyle changes.

I am particularly excited to be here today to help launch Get Ready, Get Fit – a 12-week fitness programme leading up to the May 4th Catlin End-to-End event which helps ensure that participants are in good shape when they take part.

May 4th may seem like a long way away but the sooner you start training, the better you will perform on the day.

Get Ready, Get Fit brochures containing a 12-week training programme leading up to the May 4th event will appear in mailboxes around the island this week, and I would urge all aspiring participants to begin preparations for the event now.

The Ministry of Health would also like to encourage participants to see their family doctor for a physical to make sure that they are up to the challenge.

Not only will this help to ensure that you can safely participate in the event, but it also provides you with important information about any specific health problems you may not be aware of.

The charities that the End-to-End will support in 2013 provide critically important services in these difficult economic times and their efforts deserve our full support.

Funds raised in the 2013 event will support nine charities, with an emphasis on the wellbeing and safety of our community. They are:

  • The Adult Education Centre;
  • the Coalition for the Protection of Children;
  • the Family Centre;
  • Greenrock;
  • The Reading Clinic;
  • SCARS,
  • Westmeath,
  • WindReach and
  • the Women’s Resource Centre.

Over the years the Bermuda End-to-End event has raised more than 4.25 million dollars for local charities – making a huge difference in the lives of thousands of Bermuda’s residents…

So in closing I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to the Bermuda End-to-End organizers on behalf of the Government of Bermuda.

Thank You.


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  1. More info at https://www.facebook.com/Bermudaendtoend
    Thanks for the coverage Bernews!