Allied World Donates $28,500 To St. John’s

March 3, 2013

On Thursday, February 21, Allied World presented St. John’s Ambulance with a check for $28,500 to assist with repairs to their ambulances and other medical equipment.


Kirsten Faria, Chief Operations Officer for Allied World Bermuda commented, “We are immensely proud to support the efforts of St. John’s. Hundreds of people receive medical assistance from them annually and their work is invaluable to our community.”

In addition to providing funds for the organization, several Allied World employees volunteer with St. John’s, including Michael Murdoch-Smith – Medical First Responder & Deputy Commissioner, Brian Steinhoff – Medical First Responder & Duty Section, Andrew Osbourne – Medical First Responder & Duty Section and Alethea White – Instructor

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  1. mpartiality says:

    Congratulations and well done Allied World! A very deserving and appreciated donation. I am sure what you have given will be doubly returned.

  2. Bermydude says:

    Thank you Allied World!!