Kite Flying Prohibited In Vicinity Of Airport
With the approach of the Good Friday and Easter holiday weekend, the Department of Airport Operations would like to remind members of the public that kite flying and the launching of Chinese Lanterns is forbidden around the L.F. Wade International Airport and Clearwater Beach areas.
“Flying kites and launching lanterns in the vicinity of these areas can pose a safety hazard for aircraft landing and taking off,” a spokesperson said.
Specific areas where kite flying is prohibited include
- Kindley Field Park
- Kindley Field Road
- Clearwater Beach
- Southside
- Ferry Reach
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And what happens WHEN people breach this? Cause there will be people who do just that. Is it a law that people are not supposed to fly kites in the mentioned areas? Not that I personally would need a law as it seems like common sense should prevail. I guess what I am trying to ask is, what is the ultimate consequences of the persons who ignore the DOA’s request?