PLP Urge OBA To Be “Accountable For Cuts”

May 8, 2013

Minister Scott has “failed to come clean” about the OBA’s cuts to the financial assistance budget and has “tarred people on financial assistance as being potentially on illegal drugs or being poor money managers,” said Shadow Minister Michael Weeks today [May 8].

Mr Weeks appears to be responding to comments made by Minister Wayne Scott on TV last night. Minister Scott said “We are looking at different provisions to help people get back on their feet, help people get that sense of worth…things like community service.

“Help people get back on track with things like mandatory financial planning, family planning, drug assessment – if that is warranted,” continued Minister Scott. “Keep in mind that the purpose of financial assistance is a hand up – then we need to make sure we are trying to help people all around.”

Mr Weeks said, “Minister Scott has failed to come clean about the OBA’s cuts to the financial assistance budget and the tremendous impact it has had on Bermudian families in need. Instead, he has tarred people on financial assistance as being potentially on illegal drugs or being poor money managers.

“This approach is offensive to the majority of people on financial assistance who before the recession, always worked hard, contributed to society, met their obligations and obeyed the law.

“We urge the OBA to be accountable for their cuts, the hardship they have inflicted on the people and refrain from besmirching the reputations of Bermudians who, through no fault of their own, find themselves on financial assistance,” concluded Mr Weeks.

In February, speaking on the budget, Minister Scott said the Department of Financial Assistance 2013/14 budget allocation is around $39.47 million, a decrease of 0.9% from last year. The Minister said there are around 1750 people on Financial Assistance, the highest ever recorded since the programme began.

“Historically, the combined number of applicants who are seniors and persons with disabilities have accounted for at least two-thirds of all financial assistance applicants. However, able-bodied unemployed persons and persons with low earnings now account for approximately 50% of all applicants,” said Minister Scott at that time.

This year’s Throne Speech said that Government will incorporate life skills programmes — such as money management and parenting skills — for people receiving financial assistance or the child day care allowance.

It was also stated that able-bodied persons receiving financial assistance will have to participate in community service if they have not found employment three months after receiving their initial grant.

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  1. Sir George Somers says:

    OBA urge PLP to be “accountable for spending spree”

  2. Been There Done That says:

    Financial Assistance is not a lifetime appointment….. People should be made to contribute to society if they want society to contribute to them.

    • Portia says:

      Frankly, if a person has been gainfully employed, and then loses that employment through no fault of their own (i.e. redundancy) then I think it is fair to say that they have “contributed to society.” They paid their payroll tax and social insurance every month, same as the lucky people who got to keep their jobs. If they come to Government now asking for some of that back, because they’ve lost a job, then it is presumptuous to infer that they are in that position because they have poor money management skills, or to say “Oh, can you pee in this cup before we issue you a check?” How degrading! We need to be careful how we treat those who are down and out – none of us are immune to having it happen to us.

      • RawOnion says:

        The requirements to receive financial assistance were in place when the PLP was in power. I know, I went for financial assistance and was given the spill on money management. I told them I dont have a problem managing money, mines simply ran out due to no employment. But I was made to feel like a scum sucking low life so I didn’t bother fill out the forms.

      • true story says:

        Drug tests aren’t a bad idea. Start them on the financial assistance and inform them that they will be tested by hair follicle in after their 3rd month and will require a test to be in before their fourth months payment and one test per month thereafter until they are able to get a job. I am all for legalizing marijuana but as it stands my problem with it is if they can afford $600 an oz (It may have gone up since I several years ago) then they don’t need financial assistance.

        This way they will not be turned down for existing drug use but if it continues they will be turned down. Not all people on financial assistance are drug addicts or have poor money management skills. But if you are getting money for no work they could think of the classes and drug tests as their job.

        If I got laid off and required financial assistance I would not object to this. It is a small price to pay for money for shelter and food.

        The community service is also a good idea. Additionally, they will get experience in another field which opens up employment opportunities.

      • Bermy says:

        I am all for helping the down trodden and believe that each case should be judged on its merits. However, I am sure that when these people were gainfully employed and making their contribution to society, they wanted to know that there were policies in place to ensure that the system was not being abused. Afterall, it was their money at the time that was helping to fund these programs. No one is knocking them for having fallen on hard times as one never knows what predicament they may find themselves in. But there has to be rules and policies in place to safeguard the integrity of the system.

        Secondly, community service in an of itself is a form of employment for those that are on Financial Assistance. Most community service jobs are not an 8 hour day, 40 hour week requirement. It gives them a feeling of self worth in doing something that they can relate too or maybe they may even become exposed to a possible career change. This requirement is only sought after one has been on financial assistance for 3 months in any event.

        If I had to take a simple money management course or piss in a cup in order to keep a roof over my head or food in my children’s mouth, I will put my pride in my back pocket probably do jumping jacks if that is what they asked as well.

        Nothing is free and the country is in a financial mess and all of us rowing together is te only way we going to get ak on sound financial footing.

      • smokey says:

        all true! let me educate the public on another matter. Businesses stealing pensions both private and social, and health insurance.They take it out of your pay , claiming to send it to the proposed carrier on your pay slip but instead pocketing the funds for themselves on the pretence of saving their business.This is fraud ! WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE LIST OF COMPANIES IN THAT SHAME LIST OF DELIQUENT COMPANIES THAT WERE DOING JUST THAT,PUBLISHED IN THE DAILY. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FOLLOW UP. WHY IS IT THAT THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS DO NOT LINK UP WITH ON ANOTHER ON THESE MATTERS! Well im made to understand that survival for some businesses depends on it stealing its employees benefits, and government condones this privately but without actually saying so. eg businesses that say that they will be your health carrier having acess to your private info,with their own terms . If this is the case why do we have health insurance carriers! People should be able to burrow off their pensions when in hard times but if nothing is going in then nothing can come out.People should be able to debit offer their pensions for living expenses also not just rent .Cant live in a house with no food.OUR punishment for these businesses crimes is just a slap on the wrist that is why so many are repeat offenders. WE THE BERMUDIANS CAUGHT UP IN THESE FRAUD SCANDLES ARE ASKING THE GOVERNMENT TO PLEASE HELP US TO RECOUP THESE STOLEN FUNDS AFTER ALL THESE CRIMES ARE BEING COMMITTED ON YOUR WATCH AND YOUR SUPPOSED TO ENSURE THAT THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN. WAITING FOR A RESULT. JAH BLESS.

    • Rhonda Neil says:

      @Been There Done That

      Are you suggesting that persons applying for FA did not only pay direct taxes to the govt coffers, but also stimulate the economy prior to falling on hard times…

      • Bermie says:

        I am sure he was not suggesting that at all. It is reasonable to understand persons initially being out of work for a perios of say 3 months and the Government willing to help them for they did pay into the system, but there comes a time when it ihas to be shown that they are not abusing the system. Give them some motivation to get out and do something. But leeting them just lay up we are creating a welfare state which will get bigger and bigger. Go cut some grass, pickup trash or take senior citizens on a drive around the island.

  3. Bermy says:

    We need to encourage everyone that is on Financial Assistance to do what they can to get off it. This is for their own self worth. The PLP have to come to the realization that nothing is free except for the air we breathe. The chickens always come home to roost.

  4. SoMuchMore says:

    weeks. go listen to what mayor bloomberg said today, there a new gov and the diff is night and day lmfao.

  5. Jesus Cantona says:


    Ooooooh my sides are aching.

    Accountability criticism from the PLP??


  6. Nuffin but da Truth says:

    2 words for the failed plp

    SHUT UP!

  7. Soldier says:

    Man dude, Did I see you driving an A class broken down blue little 20 yr old Pinto today… LOL !!!!! You really missing that GP Car, you know it too…..!!!!!!!!!!! Your party had its day, STFU and move on……. As Bloomberg say, A much better feel !!!!!!!!!

  8. Raymond Ray says:

    Of course,(though not all)there are some spending public assistance funds on narcotics…The people of Bermuda nor the P.L.P. can’t be that naive to believe otherwise? So yes, if that’s what the money of some being used for (when allocated for other purposes) then by all means do cease aiding and abetting those that are guilty.

  9. Argosy says:

    Mr. Weeks. We voted you OUT! Please go away.

  10. Xman says:

    this doesn’t sound right to me !
    was the PLP ever in control or ACCOUNTABLE for there cut’s.– NO” Thats why were in the economic condition were in today.
    PLP you should keep very quite on the subject of money because this is the area were you lost the election.
    [ not on cuts but failing to cut ]

  11. Rockfish#1and2 says:

    Weeks was almost mute when his colleagues were spending our money like drunken sailors on shore leave.
    Suddenly he has regained his ability to speak. Wonders never cease!!

  12. OMG says:

    Mr. Weeks – please read the following:

    Things are happening for Bermuda which was not happening for the last 14yrs under the Green Brigade. The recovery process will be a long road to travel and some will be happy with the changes but in the long run it will be better for everyone.

  13. Rhonda Neil says:

    how much will it cost the “us” the govt vs what we will save on this drug testing witch hunt…. The GOP is doing the same in the USA … Florida spent in testing fees the equivalent of helping 300 hundred families of 4.. but typical of a conservative govt the issue is not spending…. just who the spending benefits…. I am sure there are and will be some very wealth testing facilities, when all is said and done…

  14. Triangle Drifter says:

    Somehow PLP & being accountable all in the same article just don’t fit.

  15. Maria John says:

    I think we should encourage people for financial assistance s this is for their own worth and PLP should play his major role to help the people when they need..
    People should contribute their major role to the society when the society need it from them ..