Video: Health Minister On Hiring Consultants

May 17, 2013

Former United Bermuda Party and One Bermuda Alliance MP Louise Jackson was hired as a consultant, said Health Minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin, who also said she “inherited a significant number of consultants.”

“It is a known fact that Mrs Jackson has been the fiercest advocate and had perhaps the most robust and informative knowledge of the situation respecting seniors,” said Minister Gordon-Pamplin.

Mrs Jackson was hired for a 6 month period at a rate of $5,000 per month, and her engagement comes to an end in June.

The Minister continued, “When I went into the Health Ministry, I inherited a significant number of consultants.

“I have had to look at those, not the least of which was a very clear political appointment of the wife of a prominent former PLP member who was given a 2 year contract because, I was made to understand, that that contract was made available because that person did not have employment therefore they were brought into the Health Ministry.

“These are the kind of things we have had to deal with. I am not suggesting for a second that the former Minister had no value or no right to bring in consultants as he saw fit, but I can tell you that the money that has been paid for the 6 month engagement pales in comparison to the amount that was paid for the other political appointment.”

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  1. WHAT says:

    The point is the OBA said they wasn’t going to do the same BS the PLP did. 2 years 6 months it’s all the same. What does the … know about health issues, is she a nurse or something? Friends hiring friends & family will forever be a joke in both parties.

    • Furby Logic says:

      That’s true. The question is what Ms. Jackson doing for that 6 months.

      Who was the PLP minister’s wife? What services was she providing?
      Don’t we have the right to know?
      What happened to transparency?
      Don’t point fingers if you are not willing to give details
      Let’s start telling the truth

      • Ph$%kyou says:

        STFU, the fact is they said they would be different. That’s what the people voted for and now we’re getting up the poop shoot with no Vaseline!

      • Politicssucks says:

        Remember they hired Mrs Wade

  2. Watching says:

    I agree and Tourism has done the same thing! Very frustrating. Same ole Same ole!

  3. Building a better Bermuda says:

    They never said they wouldn’t hire consultants, that is a load then PLP like t o rant about. The OBA said they were going to reduce the consultant pool and make sure the consultants they hire are hired for a productive purpose and held to results.

    • Maddog says:

      September 11. The husband of Patricia Gordon-Pamplin was released from custody late Friday night but is due to appear in court tomorrow. Dennis Pamplin, 57, was released on Friday after he posted $75,000 bail. The charges still stand and he and his co-accused, Ronald Ellis, a 38-year old Bermudian, and Mark Small, 40, of New York, will appear in Morris County Court in New Jersey tomorrow. According to reports from the Daily Record in Chatham, New Jersey, Pamplin, Ellis and Small were arrested on the suspicion of money laundering and conspiracy on August 28. Police seized more than $98,000 in cash in what they call “a possible drug deal gone wrong”. Two Chevrolet sport vehicles were involved in a high-speed chase heading west along Route 24 and may have been involved in an accident at 12.45 p.m. When Chatham Police arrived, two men ran from the vehicles into the woods and turned out to be Small and Ellis. The men accused each other of robbery when Officer Larry Dillon approached them. Small and Ellis both had in their possession white envelopes, one with cash coming out. The envelopes were taken from them as the third man, Pamplin, stayed with the vehicles. Police searched the vehicles and found more white envelopes containing money. They were also confiscated and all three men were taken in for questioning after the money was sniffed by a narcotics dog revealing there was drug residue.Need we say more!!!!

  4. Rockfish#1and2 says:

    We voted for your party with the clear understanding that the hiring of ALL but essential consultants would stop.
    Please explain the rationale behind this hiring.

    • frank says:

      remember you voted for change can a zebra chane it’s strips when will you all understand that the oba is the same old wicket people like the ubp and pam your father must be turning over in his grave to know that his child has joined those wicket b@=s=t=@rds

      • Mad Dawg says:

        Funny. I didn’t notice you or your paid comrades complaining about the waste of money spent on Howard Associates. But of course, they were hired by the previous government. Therefore you will not say a word about it.

  5. Encyclopedia says:

    The Minister should publish the names of the consultants hired by the previous minister and what they were paid. It is time the citizens knew where the consulting money went in each ministry.

  6. Time Shall Tell says:

    Wait, she says “I inherited a significant number of consultants”. Yet she goes on to hire yet another consultant all when it was OBA complaining about the number of consultants the last government had???

  7. swing voter says:

    Its just plain stupid not to expect a key ministry to hire consultants on short term contracts. What bothered me is the extended ‘full time’ contracts that we saw over the last 8 years, and the return on investment associated with those contracts….or the lack thereof.

  8. Portuguese/Bermudian says:

    This is a damn joke…..the OBA is doing exactly what the PLP did…why do we have incompetent Minister in any given Ministry. I certainly understand the need for consultants, but do we have any competent Ministers out there?
    The country is in debt – can’t pay the civil servants, but they have money to pay the consultant. BS.
    The PLP, the OBA and whatever party decides to form, are in it for personal gain. Lining their pockets and the pockets of their friends and family and to hell with the rest of us. There is no transparency – that was just to get voted in, to me they are worse than the PLP – they promised to be different and they are doing the same crap.
    Fed up with it all….where is the CHANGE?????????

    • J Starling says:

      Well, hopefully you’ll still have the option of voting for your local non-aligned candidate in future elections, or be in a position where you yourself can run as a non-aligned candidate, or help organise a new party (though hopefully a non-traditional party, a non-party party).

    • Mad Dawg says:

      They’re not doing “exactly what the PLP did”. Far from it.

      The PLP gave permanent $150k per year jobs to useless hangers-on. Like Commissiong.

      This was a relatively cheap 6m contract to a person with experience, to help the new govt get its feet under the table.

      You’re obviously a paid PLP plant. That much is obvious.

      • Portuguese/Bermudian says:

        You obviously missed my point. The OBA were very critical about the hiring of consultants and rightly so. Rolf was a total waste of money. The man is an idiot.

        The cost of bring Jackson on board is not the point – the point is that they, OBA, are also hiring consultants at every turn. Some have become public, some not yet. Why are we putting people into a ministry that they are not qualified to be in? if the PLP already had a consultant in that ministry, why not utilize them. Why go and hire yet another?

        I will end by saying that I am not a paid PLP plant, as you have called me…I am a free thinking individual, and I don’t care what party is in government – wrong is wrong and right is right.

        Just like the PLP, the OBA are in this game to line their pockets. They enjoy the perks. Some of them from “rags to riches” they love it. To hell with Bermuda cause by the time they have make their money they are out of here and we are left in a hell hole.

      • Sacha Commissiong says:

        Please get your facts right. Rolfe Commissiong never received 150k per year with respect to any contract while serving as a consultant to the Premier. In fact he never had a contract that exceeded $100,000. and compared to the fees given to some of the OBA consultants such as Corey Butterfield he was underpaid.
        African Bermudian

  9. Who feels it knows it! says:

    Minister you are sad for stating what you have and singling out the Consultant hired by the former Govt when you inherited many, not to mention putting the salary on blast! Anyone knows hiring consultants come at a premium price. Messy nasty politics! You know full and well there is family and friends hiring by both and you are trying to justify your hiring of an OBA “friend” Be exposing the other! Isn’t it a conflict as LJ also sits on the BHB board? Nasty nasty witchiness politics Minister!!!

  10. Xman says:

    I think that Ms Jackson comes at a cheaper price and this particular subject [ elderly care and welfare ] is her thing
    so the OBA thinks …… $5000 a mth .. Hmmmmm .
    Please notice the word ‘inherited ‘ – one would have thought that the OBA would have cleaned shop first.
    It’s definitely looking familiar !
    Consultants : person, people ,group ,company who have a specific and specialised amount of knowledge about a specific subject,product or event.

    • Building a better Bermuda says:

      At $5K a month for 6 months, that is quite cheap. As or what thy inherited, it is very hard to clean shop when contracts are involved. Most of the old contracts expired at the end of the last fiscal year, and the OBA did allow some to expire, but we do need to be provided with an inventory of how many consultant contracts are currently active, who has them, how long they are for, when do they expire and how much they are for.

  11. J Starling says:

    I feel the Minister here is deflecting from the issue, trying to avoid answering the legitimate questions raised on this issue, by a mix of shoving attention away and justifying her actions along the lines of ‘but they did it too’.

    If what she says about the PLP members wife having a job manufactured for her is true, then yes, that deserves to be slammed and shamed, but she’s just lobbed that one out there without evidence to back it up, which strikes me as a tad unprofessional and unbecoming both her office and the OBA’s ‘doing politics differently’ emphasis. Might even open her up to libel.

    It seems to me that the time has come to tighten up the whole hiring of consultants.

    Clear guidelines, made public, to stipulate how consultants are hired, and full public disclosure of their pay and job description (with any reports not falling under issues of national security being made public asap).

    • Who feels it knows it! says:

      Couldn’t agree more…criteria and vetting process to be made public.

  12. Tell the Truth says:

    Madam Minister,
    A good explanation and reasoning given to making your decision. You followed the appropriate protocol and agreed a short term contract at a reasonable cost to the taxpayer. And finally, you are not extending it just because of F&F contacts.

    Your consultancy contract is far better than some of the consultancy contracts that have achieved nothing and cost us a whole lot more. A certain consultant living in France and US Waivers which can be submitted online are two which quickly come to mind.

  13. Wow says:

    I guess. Mrs. Jackson is without a job also that’s why she was hired.

    • frank says:

      she can live on her pension i don’t know why she even entered politics cause she always walked around with her nose in the air

  14. Just saying says:

    It is dissappointing that in an attempt to justify hiring “another political appointment”
    the Minister sees fit to undermine Mrs.Wade. There is no doubt that Mrs Jackson’s has been a fierst advocate for health & seniors issues, however Mrs Wade’s expertise is by far greater, with over 25 years experience in health care, long term care and a masters degree and post graduate studies in healthcare.

    It was clarified last year by Ministers Blakney and Desilva that Mrs Wade was a full time consultant for two ministries, therefore her payment does not “PALE” to what Mrs. Jackson’s $5000.
    What are Mrs. ,Jackson’s “specific responsibilites or requirements” and is she full time????

  15. Story Teller says:

    While you all might disagree with Ms. Jackson’s appointment you cannot say that Ms. Pamplin is not being transparent.

    For instance the public was not made aware of the appointment of Ms. Wade (on a 2 year contract by the way) until it was raised in Parliamentary questions by the former Opposition. While on the other hand the current Government announced, on their own accord (i.e. not due to Parliamentary questions), the appointment of Ms. Jackson to a 6 month contract.

    So while you all can rant and rave about the appointment itself, you have to applaud the transparency with which the appointment has been made.

    • Story Teller says:

      And if I remember correctly the former Government’s consultant was being paid circa $11k a month.

  16. Just saying says:

    In response to J Starling….

    The PLP established a Cabinet Committee to vet all requests for hiring government consultants.Their role was to determine if the request was justified, whether a civil servant could do the specific work and if the recommended individual had the qualifications and experience. The process which took months, provided transperency to avoid allegations of cronyism and napertism …”friends and family”

    The OBA must immediately — and publicly — stipulate their policy and guidelines for hiring consultants

    Mrs. Jackson was hired in December 2012 as a result of the Minister ” asking the PREMIER”.

  17. shirley Richardson says:

    I don’t have a problem with consultants, if they are qualified professionals in their specific field, but Ms. Jackson is not a qualified professional in health care. unlike health minister DeSilva, who brought on Dr. Aristide-Sterling, who was in the process of helping to develop a national health plan, Ms, Jackson is an advocate for seniors,well so is Age concern, there are many people here in Bermuda, who are concerned about the well being of our senior population, that is why under the PLP, certain benefits were given to seniors, free drivers license,elimination of land tax,increase in pension benefits,free bus and ferry tranport,ect.

    It is quite clear, that the OBA is rolling back all of the positive things that the former government put in place for our seniors.yet they claim they’re for the average working class Bermudian, it also appears that the 2000 jobs they claimed they would create, are going for friends and prior party affiliates , Donte’Hunt made a PS,Corey Butterfield, consultant for Shawn Crockwell David Dodwell, Consultant Tourisim, and now Ms. Jackson consultant, for seniors, The OBA has not been in power for six months yet, and they have already been exposed as the (OLD BOY’S ASSOCIATION.)You may have fooled some people, but you have not fooled this voter, I am really looking forward to the next election.

    • Story Teller says:

      Donte Hunt was a candidate for the OBA in the last election and has been for several elections. He is not the fortunate family member of a politician receiving lucrative contracts, but he part of the Governing team and obviously his Party believes he has much to offer.

      David Dodwell was hired by the former Government for their Tourism Board and yet you did not complain nor did you make some claim about it being an Old Boys Association appointment. Just like your Dr. Sterling comparison Mr. Dodwell is well versed in the tourism industry and as such can provide valuable input into helping revive the our failing tourism industry.

      Ms. Jackson has long been an advocate for seniors and has championed that cause for eons as her time as an long serving elected member of parliament. She is on a temporary 6 month contract as opposed to former appointments of 2 years at more than double the salary. However, I would also like to know in which manner Ms. Jackson is being used in her consultancy role due to end next month.

      I can’t speak for Mr. Butterfield as I do not know him, but I would also like to see what contributions he is putting forward and whether or not he is earning his wage or if that position is necessary in the first place.

      You might’ve not been fooled, but it is shame you weren’t this proactive considering previous consultancy appointments of Ms. Wade, Mr., Commissiong, Ms. Webb’s et al all of whom received six figure salaries (as divulged in response to previous Parliamentary Questions).

      Either way I believe established Terms of References should be made publicly available for each and every consultancy role so the public can decide their necessity (if any at all).

    • frank says:

      we should just kick the oba out now that is what they do in other islands

    • We the people says:

      Donte Hunt is not a Permanent Secretary. Where do these ridiculous rumours come from? He was hired by the Public Service Commission (i.e., no Cabinet involvement)as a temporary rent inspector for several months.

  18. Unjrust Realities says:

    SMDH!!!! We have ministers with portfolios that need consultants to tell them what to do while asking government employees to take pay cuts. Louise Jackson is how old????? How much more money does she want to make????? I would think with her “commitment” to seniors and her support for cutting the country’s deficit, she would have volunteered her services in the interest of what she believes in!!!

    I’m just waiting for the Minister of Education to hire his consultant to sort out an education system that is failing.

    And we all fell for the okey doke . . .Unbelievable!!!!

    • jay says:


      We didn’t vote for you to point fingers. You are acting as small minded as they come. We voted for change that would have a positive impact on all Bermudians.

      Can you accomplish something of significance and stop complaining and whining.

      From the speech I gathered that you do not have a clue about health care in Bermuda. So how can you lead our Country if you don’t even know what you are doing?

      • Rockfish#1and2 says:

        A reminder:
        The previous Minister(DeSilva) was a bulldozer operator, did you question his credentials when he was appointed?

  19. Tellitlikeitis says:

    what the HELL is really going on OBA .

    I mean really what the HELL is going on, I voted for real change and this is what I get I mean you starting to look and sound just like the PLP would accused of sorts of wrong doings.

    what ups with the new JOBS you promised and the cutting back on the use of consultants.

    All I see and hear is lies and trickery.

    The heritage wharf dock will be completed on time, now completed in september
    The hiring of Consultants.
    The amount of trips flying around the globe.
    The GP car are all being driven.
    The Jobs,Jobs!Jobs,Promised.

    But yet you talk crap about pay cuts etc.

    I am so hurt and frustrated that i brought into your color coated lies.NEVER again OBA.

    • frank says:

      you should have asked someone before you gave them your vote

  20. Honestly says:

    Just another way to keep her on the payroll! That’s what the lady meant to say! Expertise non…retired from the hospital industry…no and no! My God help us if this is a new govt. spending unnecessarily when we don’t have any money!

    • Mad Dawg says:

      It’s about 20% of the amount Rolfe got PER YEAR for the past 5 years. And I can actually see a point to it.

      • Deliverance says:

        e3xactly. Mrs Wade being hired? for what? Renee? Rolfe? and all the rest of the hangers-on… all got $10k+ per MONTH for anywhere from 4 – 5 years. PLP Administration is still a JOKE and the sooner we get some forensic accountants to do a proper audit and name and shame we’ll go thru this every time the OBA needs to hire someone.

        • That's nice says:

          No we will go through this because the OBA went against what they pledged they wouldn’t do. PLP are not an administration just in case you have been asleep the past 5 months.

          • Mad Dawg says:

            They did not make any promise about not hiring consultants. Burt tried it, and it’s a complete lie. So that part of the PLP commentary is pure rubbish.

            Then there’s the part about not over-spending on consultants. That’s the part where comparisons are completely valid. Someone with experience in the subject was hired temporarily for a total of $30k. That compares with the PLP practice of making permanent appointments at $150k + a year.

            So the OBA didn’t ‘go against’ anything they said. Another PLP myth.

      • Honestly says:

        No matter who has hired these so called consultants for plp UBP or the OBA! Right is right and wrong is wrong when their decisions are based on the person and NOT their expertise! We need a govt. with a real vision and a plan. Not a spontaneous govt.

  21. Oh my my says:

    I was wondering where Wheezy was all this time. With all the crap that’s been happening with the seniors since Dec.17th and I haven’t seen or heard a peep from her. Prior to that she’d be on the news twice, three times a week lying……I mean fighting for the rights of our senors. Is this why? Wheezy say it isn’t so.

    • Just saying says:

      You got it right lying.

    • Story Teller says:

      Please tell me what “crap” has been done to seniors since the election?

      Are you referring the roll back of the licence exemption (which now gives them a 50% exemption as opposed to 100%) law that was obviously being abused by the relatives of some seniors (re: false registration of vehicles).

      Or is the leveling out of the Futurecare premiums which saw the minority enrolled paying a rate that was substantially less than later enrollees despite receiving the same benefits? So the minority of the Futurecare recipients (i.e. first phase of enrollees)was faced with a $50 or 14% increase in their monthly premiums while the majority of enrollees received a $195 or 31% reduced premium rate. And somehow you explain this as being “crap” towards the seniors?

      Lastly, the reopening of the clinic is very much a positive move for seniors that cannot afford health insurance. Even Dr. Subair noted what an important step this was by the new Government.

      So please elaborate on all the “crap” that has happened to seniors since December 17 2012? Please.

  22. Just saying says:

    In response to Story Teller..
    The fact is the Minister had a press conference on hiring Louise Jackson (5 months into her 6 month contract) and only after the Opposition brought the matter up in the House on Friday.
    Itis not about transparency as is not a requirement for our Government to make public information on any consultants

    Unfortunately certain Bermudians only seem to take issue when Bermudians are made consultants…even though their money stays on the island. There have always been and will always be six figure contracts paid to non Bermudians…why not to qualified Bermudians????

    • Story Teller says:

      No one on here as advocated for higher compensation to foreign persons as you have bizarrely claimed in your last post. Guess you forgot that this thread was to show your utter contempt an disdain for the OBA. The hate foreigner thread is somewhere else.

      So apparently you are one of those “certain Bermudians” as you appear to be outraged at the rewarding of a short-term and low paid consultancy position to a Bermudian (re: Ms. Jackson).

      I mean I endorse for the publication of these consultancy contracts as noted in my previous post. For instance I would like to see why a former Government minister was receiving a highly lucrative contract for many years despite being based in Europe. That is akin to your “foreigner scenario” about our money being sent and utilized overseas as opposed for the benefit of the struggling Bermudian economy.

      Lets start there…

      • Thanks story teller says:

        Keep it real. There is hate and disdain going around on this blog for everyone to get a daily helping. Bermudians, PLP, Christians, BIU, any black male whether he take a leading role in anything or he be a criminal, any judge that doesn’t lock up someone for any thing they do. Then there is disdain for the OBA , gays, expats,……. There is just a lot of hatred on this small island and we have it on display daily thanks to this kind of forum. You have to weed through so much hate to get to anything constructive and this is what OUR children see daily if they are unfortunate enough to stumble onto this blog. And we are worried about them watching porn and BET??? This is far more toxic.

      • Just saying says:

        Clearly you are incorrectly
        “reading between the lines” on a number of issues;
        1. I did not claim anyone was advocating for higher compensation for foreign persons, but merely stated a fact..that there will always be the need for consultants who could be paid six why not use qualified Bermudians

        2. My issue is the “rewarding” of a short term and low paid consultancy position to this Bermudian. Because this contract, if there was one,was a waste of tax payers money as the PS and civil servants were quite capable of bringing the new minister ” up to speed” , “identifying the outstanding issues” and “major players in that arena”.
        3. I stand by my previous post of “awarding” not “rewarding” short term or long term contracts to QUALIFIED Bermudians consultants if civil servants are not qualified or unable to do the work.