Man Admits Trying To Smuggle Items Into Prison

June 12, 2013

A man who admitted trying to smuggle items including cell phones, rum and rolling papers into prison will now spend time in prison himself, after being sentenced to 60 days of incarceration.

In Magistrates Court this morning [June 12] Tyevon Bean, 23, pleaded guilty to being in Westgate Correctional Facility without lawful excuse and smuggling goods into the prison. The offences occurred on 14th May.

Senior Magistrate Archie Warner sentenced him to a maximum of sixty days in prison with time to start on 16th May.

The Magistrate was told that Bean had been detected on the grounds by the CCTV system. Police were called and they found Bean hiding in the bush with two bags containing several items.

After he was captured, Bean was found to have five Blackberries, two bottles of dark rum, one bottle of white rum, as well as protein powder, cigarette lighters, Rizla rolling papers, loose tobacco, and packets of candy.

The Court was told that Bean — who was previously released from prison earlier this year — had agreed to smuggle the items on the promise of $250.

The charge initially alleged that Bean had also sought to smuggle in a pocket-knife but Bean objected to that and the Crown withdrew that item from the list and struck it off the charge.

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  1. Hey says:

    Whoa….$250 for 5 Blackberries, booze and more ! Are these stolen or do they belong to someone…who was holding these phones, who gave him these phones…get them in jail for being assisting in the crime.

  2. US Observer in Pink Sand says:

    “The charge initially alleged that Bean had also sought to smuggle in a pocket-knife but Bean objected to that and the Crown withdrew that item from the list and struck it off the charge.”

    So now you can object after being charged and the Crown will withdraw that particular one just because you object??? So…where’s the alleged knife? Must be chillin on west gate beach waiting to be picked up.

    ok did he get inside the gates.fencing.walls?

    Items For Sale (In Prison Mind You):Five Blackberries, two bottles of dark rum, one bottle of white rum, protein powder, cigarette lighters, Rizla rolling papers, loose tobacco, and packets of candy.

    Enough Said.

  3. Bermy Boy says:

    There sure are some dumb fools in Bermuda.

    Tyevon (what sort of name is that?!) are currently in pole buddy.

  4. 101 says:

    the guy is weird n the sad thing bout it he has a child blind leadin the blind

    • Tyevon Bean says:

      you dont know what someone has gone through in he/she’s life so before you be a critic look in the mirror and ask yaself what have you done to help out in the struggling streets of bermuda. ******* ****!

  5. pickle juice says:

    OH GREAT! Now he can hang out with his friends and come out in 60 days feeling like a gangster.

    • Tyevon Bean says:

      you dont know what gangster is “pickle juice”

  6. Raymond Ray says:

    What sort of deterrent is that which was handed down to this individual? Here we see ONCE AGAIN Mr. Warner passing out inappropriate sentences to individuals that rightly deserve more time to make others think twice… before doing anything as he’d been caught doing.
    To think he’d been released just recently is more reason to give him far more time in prison.

  7. realogg says:

    look hop off the post… leave my cousin alone… u all talkin bout him but wait till something happens to you or your kid and he or she is getting humiliated publicly by their own country. Thats why bermuda is so messed up cause all you haters worry bout everyone else.. F off and leave the boy alone…… Thanks