Hospitals Board To Replace Four Ambulances
The Bermuda Hospitals Board [BHB] said they are replacing their four ambulances within the next six months.
A spokesperson said, “BHB’s existing fleet of ambulances is nearing the end of its useful life and as a normal part of doing business, we are replacing the fleet of four ambulances in order to maintain a reliable service.
“BHB’s criteria for selecting the vehicles includes design specifications that reflect the challenging conditions of Bermuda’s roads, while meeting the clinical requirements of the service.
“BHB has a robust procurement policy that requires a fair, tendering process, which has only just commenced. We look forward to updating the community in the coming months, once the fleet purchase strategy has been confirmed.
“The ‘maneuverability’ of KEMH’s ambulances will always be limited by Bermuda’s older, unimproved roads, which were designed for horse and buggy transport and remain unsuitable for easy access by modern emergency services vehicles.
“BHB has traditionally purchased the smallest ‘full-sized’ ambulances available from the US market to accommodate our narrow roads and uses vehicles smaller than those of Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service ‘first responders.’
“The hospital’s entire fleet of ambulances will be replaced within the next six months and maneuverability and turning radius statistics will be factors included in the decision-making process regarding this purchase.”
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Wait a minute. How old are those vehicles? 5 years? 6 years? Yes they are only Fords but they should last longer here where their mileage is low.
I think BHB should publicize the maintenance records for their fleet of ambulances so the public can be more informed.
I thought those ambulances were pretty new. Also, the roads haven’t changed much in many years so was this a consideration back then when the hospital purchased the ones they have now? Maybe the fire service needs to sit in the same meeting when they need to replace the now wider fire trucks that they have.
Is this why the BHB are asking us to do marathons, have bake sales and donate donate donate to KEMH? I would like to see some financial accountabilty from these clowns, how much is this foreign company taking us for to build this new wing (its not a whole hosital)and how far over time and budget is it? I think they (BHB)need to do better in managing their plant and assets so we are not constantly digging in our pockets