Weather Forecast For Friday August 9
Friday August 9th is expected to be overcast, with the high to be near 29°C/84°F, and the low to be 26°C/79°F, according to the Weather Underground.
Winds are expected to be less than 5 km/h. Friday night is forecast to be partly cloudy. The relative humidity is expected to be near 66%.
The sunrise will be at 6.38am and sunset will be at 8.09pm. High tide will be at 11.04am and 11.16pm, while low tide will be at 4.54am and 4.54pm.
The hourly forecast, as provided by Weather Underground, is here.
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This is in stark contrast to your “long range” forecast issued a few days ago, don’t know why anyone would plan anything around your observations (not forecasts) if you haven’t been right in the last 360 days why did I think you may have it right for today!