Photos: PLP Southampton Back-To-School Party

September 7, 2013

School children of all ages and their families made their way to Southampton Rangers on Thursday [Aug 29] for the Southampton Back-To-School party hosted by PLP MP Zane DeSilva and former PLP Candidate Stephen Todd.

PLP Meetings and Back to School Day 2013 012

Mr DeSilva has hosted the event for the past few years, and this year the event included games for kids, school supplies being given out, face painting, food, fun castles, horse and buggy rides and more.

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  1. inna says:

    looks like a nother no show to me! keep it up PLP!!

  2. Nuffin but da Truth says:

    Zaney can afford to feed these kids for s month or more…

  3. huh? says:

    collie buddz should be ashamed of himself.. so wat if he is yout father in law.. why would u take a break from your tour to come back here to support zane and the Pathetic Lying Party

    • AwayFromHome says:

      Why should he be ashamed? So is he now going to be ostracized by the old cliques, because he chose to do what he feels is right? I admire him for not wanting to follow the sheep. Another young man of courage.

  4. God 1st says:

    Well Done to all those involved helping and giving back to our community. Yes PLP keep up the good work. Our children are the future and we must invest in them.

    • Nuffin but da Truth says:

      Ignore the pathetic fool above!

      • God Grant me the Serenity - please says:

        @ Nuffin but da Truth -Yes please do ignore the likes of ignorance. You see – you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time! Go way PLP far far far away!! And take your son-in-law with you. Money can buy some but not others. In these tough economic times I expected a packed SR field. And a huge police patrolled traffic jam! Give up PLP. Go away PLP. Stop trying PLP. The majority has spoken. Stephen Todd you are a good man. Can’t you find something else to do with your precious time? Don’t you know that when you lay with dogs you are sure to rise with fleas. Show me your company and I will tell you who you are.

        • Rhylee's Nana says:



  5. RawOnion says:

    Ahhh, I see the PLP are sticking to their mandate of winning people over through handouts. The handouts are surely needed now but we all know it’s to get the votes. I can hear sheeple now, “well the PLP gave me this and gave me that.”

  6. cant stop laughin says:

    what is sad is when people use Children a Pons,whether it is to promote them selves their company or just Politicking,, people can see throu what is real and what is Phot Op,,,,thats why we have the problems on the island,,people know who is real and who is fake,,a person in a suit dont fool people any more,,that game is Old..

  7. AwayFromHome says:

    It’s nice when politicians take the time to interact with the people. It looks like everyone was having a good time. If I remember correctly, isn’t the PLP known for having such get-togethers in the community and identifying with the working class? I don’t recall the UBP doing this back in the day, however they may have. It’s been a long time so I stand to be corrected.