Premier: ‘This Must Be The Age Of Collaboration’
“The time of conflict has passed and this must be the age of collaboration,” said Premier Craig Cannonier at today’s [Sept 2] Labour Day event.
“Now that the middle class has become the new poor, we must embrace a collective effort to collaborate. For we battle on the grounds of a global economy and must embrace the B.I.U. motto –‘United We Stand – Divided We Fall,” continued the Premier.
The Premier’s full speech follows below:
Good morning Bermuda. As your Premier, I am honoured to be here today to spend this day with you, the hard working men and women of Bermuda – Happy Labour Day!
I’d like to acknowledge the President of the Bermuda Industrial Union: Mr. Chris Furbert, General Secretary: Ms. Molly Burgess, the Minister of Home Affairs: Senator Michael Fahy, Ministers of the Government, Opposition Leader, Parliamentarians, Labour Leaders, Bermuda’s workers, family, friends, ladies and gentlemen…
As we celebrate this Labour Day, we have been reminded that it’s been 50 years since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s , “I have a Dream “ speech. If you press the time even further, you will know that there was Jesus, another great orator, who taught us “I am my brother’s keeper”.
After hearing Pastor Nicholas Tweed at the BIU Banquet and at St. Paul’s yesterday, there is a theme residing and ideas are still percolating – it is the idea of collaboration, the thought that we must be seeking allies out of enemies, friends out of adversaries.
The time of conflict has passed and this must be the age of collaboration.
Now that there is little money – we must start thinking. Now that the middle class has become the new poor, we must embrace a collective effort to collaborate. For we battle on the grounds of a global economy and must embrace the B.I.U. motto –‘United We Stand – Divided We Fall’.
We know it’s possible. We have a proud history of the labour movement in Bermuda…..of people of diverse backgrounds finding solutions. It happened in June, when all of the Unions and Government representatives met for the Collective Bargaining Agreement, 2013; each brining their own agenda, but in less than one month of collective talks, produced a workable solution for Bermuda and Bermudians.
And that’s why I applaud the Unions for seeking a Tripartite Assembly of the private and public sector along with the Unions, coming together- seeking empowerment.
They are to be commended. They demonstrated a willingness to lead.
This is the way forward.
In closing, I’m reminded of the song we sang in church yesterday, celebrating the BIU: ‘I pray for you, you pray for me…..I need you to survive’.
May God bless you–May God Bless Bermuda – Happy Labour Day!
Once Dunkley takes over Cannonier will flip flop like Wayne Furbert.
(The time of conflict has passed and this must be the age of collaboration) so you want to wave the white flag and sing combiya now your in power, I don’t think so it will always be war.
Please explain this war, who it is with, why and what you are going to do.
Leave Craig alone we all know the poor soul is a puppet. But no one was pulling his strings today. Craig when the OBA kick you to the curb like a donkey and they will do this. The doors of the PLP will be open. In the meantime you need to grow some Baseballs.
As Jim Woolrridge said “those little white boys don’t mind you being in charge as long as they can tell you what to do – “The House That Jack … C.V. (Jim) Woolridge
So, because one person said something, all people are like that, is it? Wow ! Was that over 50 years ago too. wow.
“The PLP has out UBPed the UBP” – The late Julian hall
don’t want him and buzz
Mike ain’t taking over and Craig will stay put…
Dunkley can’t take over unless the OBA membership vote him in as party leader. So you’d better join the OBA so you can vote for Premier.
Was this just a photo opp for the premier cause I marched and I did not see him ?
well you might wanna go get checked for bein retarded. u see de photo? lmfao some people…
Bernews took the photo or their affiliate.
Your point?
My point is he is a fake n he is not for the people. I hooe u watched to see how many of us wher out marching. The largest group they have ever seen.
Right is Right
Yes he marched.
Collaboration is the last thing the BIU wants. The glue that holds them together is confrontation. Without confrontation the BIU administration would not have a job.
Correction the glue that holds the BIU together is SOLIDARITY amongst the workers. If you knew your History about Bermuda’s injustice between employers and workers you would’ve made a more sensible comment, but I’m not surprised. LMAO
how long are the oba going continue this charade??? everyone knows that this guy is not really the premier, now lets get serious and move forward
As long as Assad says he knows nothing, fool.
How long did it take Ewart to send the country in to financial ruin be honest who got us in this mess and we wont get over it six months either we all need to work TOGETHER and STOP this finger pointing…
Ah did you just finger point? LMAO
@ Katlyn
Impressive has spoken the truth and You attempted to spin and deflect.Leave the rhetoric alone.
@ Triangle Drifter
Propaganda sales have dropped recently.
Watch out for, “the snake in the grass” beside you in this photo Premier Craig Cannonier…
The PLP are responsible for the Bermuda today.The OBA are going to try to improve our island home,lets join them and try to make it better.
Mazumbo mentions there will always be a war…
let me assure you that he will be the first to fall!
I have no problem with that as long as I know it’s for a good cause. Ever heard of Crispus Attuks. LMAO