Minister Fahy On Grocery Store Price Monitoring

February 10, 2014

Since the introduction of the 10% Wednesday discount by local grocers, staple store item prices have stayed at a steady level, according to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

A spokesperson said, “The Ministry advised that Consumer Affairs was tasked with monitoring the prices of those grocery stores that participated in the 10 percent Wednesday discounts. This was in response to consumers’ concerns that prices would be hiked in order to offer 10 percent.


“The public will recall that as one of Government’s Throne Speech, pledges, it announced that participating grocery stores would offer a ten  percent discount on Wednesdays as a small step towards helping to ease the financial burdens facing Bermudians.

“From November 2013 – January 2014 representatives from Consumer Affairs monitored standard store item prices on a weekly basis.

“A shopping basket list containing 60 products included standard items such as bakery, dairy, cereals, meats and fish, oils and fats, fruits, vegetables, sugar and confectionery, prepared foods and snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.

Today Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said the findings “reveal that grocers were not increasing prices on the Wednesday discount day.”

Minister Fahy said, “We undertook to conduct a monitoring exercise because we wanted to evaluate if there was a fluctuation of prices during the Wednesday discount day.

“Other than the usual price increase for certain products, there was no evidence to indicate any significant increases occurred on products listed on the staple food basket list. In fact, what the study did reveal was that it would not be in the grocery stores’ best interests to engage in potential price hike practices which could be in breach of Bermuda’s laws.”

The Minister continued, “If there were price variances, it was partly due to local suppliers offering different deals and discounts to the supermarkets at various times.

“Additionally costs have been affected by rising food prices globally, due to extreme weather which has affected harvests worldwide.

“Shortages drive prices up. As an example, the report revealed that the price of beef is expected to rise as ranchers suffered great loss of cattle and feed crops due to severe weather and those that survived were taken to market earlier.

“This has a global effect – less meat means higher price per pound due to a cattle shortage.

“As another note, Bermuda imports most of its food supply. This transfer of goods depends on the cost of oil. If oil prices go up, so does the cost of shipping, which is absorbed as much as possible by the supermarkets.”

Minister Fahy concluded, “It was a timely report, as we recognise that there was a degree of skepticism in the community regarding this initiative, and I thank Consumer Affairs for their efforts.

“We were pleased to see that since the introduction of our Throne Speech pledge that grocers were not being unscrupulous in raising prices, and consumers were able to genuinely benefit. So, we view this as a demonstration of shared sacrifice on the part of our local grocer partners.

“It is hoped that in the near future we can announce additional incentives that will benefit Bermudians.”

The Minister advised that Consumer Affairs will continue to monitor food prices.

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Articles that link to this one:

  1. Minister Fahy Updates On 10% Grocery Discount | | June 19, 2014
  1. Question says:

    I question the findings of the report based on the fact that the information contained has not been seen by anyone other than the Minister according to the article. Will the report be available to the public? Will we be able to verify the findings of the report?

    Just a few questions I believe we would all like the answers to – - just saying.


    • Greed Killed Bermuda says:

      I agree, why talk about the report, just release it!

  2. wondering says:

    Ok so someone please explain the price change weekly for items that are routinely one price for 3 days of the week and routinely a separate price for 4 days every week or on a rotational system….yoghurt for instance is routinely 1.47 or 1.44 or 1.41 (same item) and then routinely on special for 99 cents. whilst i get the marketing strategy – i don’t get why the price isn’t constant for months with the difference in sales trends marketed throughout the store with other items to make up the difference in order to maintain the store’s bottom line?

    then again, why does milk or bread NEVER change price week over week?

    makes you wonder

    • shaka zulu says:

      Not sure how you will regulate the stores, but why stop there Minister Fahey, the banks have also hiked there fee’s and i may not have much in the bank, but will consider putting my money in a bank overseas , if i think it is better for me in the long term..Sick and tired of being “had” from these banks and insurance companies, for the sake of making more money for the shareholders!!

      • Family Man says:

        Yes, I see Capital G has now instituted a new charge of $7 to have money deposited in your account with them.

        Got to cover all those bad loans from people who actually have money I guess. Although it would have been better not make silly loans in the first place.

        Its getting so that I just want to keep my money with PayPal.

      • Gotham says:

        Totally concur with you Shaka except for one detail: the big money remains with executive management and useless weak directors still feeding at the trough… Shareholders have mostly been screwed too in recent years, think Butterfield and Argus in particular. The inability of directors to control greedy managements and protect both shareholders and customers remains an absolute disgrace both here and in many other recession hit places. Some Canadian style laws making directors more personally responsible for failures, especially ones of oversight, would go a long way.

      • JUNK YARD DOG says:


        Initially the C/D Certificate of Deposit came into being about 40 years ago to fill the void left here resulting from English Capital investment which built this island and financed the B.B.B. Bermuda Building Boom ,being repatriated for tax reasons by the British Government of the day.

        Many Bermuda home owners including me found their open ended interest only mortgages being called for repayment in full for no fault of their own.

        Bermuda had to come up with the money fast in order to reinstate those mortgages, this was done from the capital derived from the C/D which was an excellent way for the small investor to safely invest what little saving they had over a fixed term at a fixed rate .

        Not to many years ago a small investor could invest in a C/D and get about 6 %, a person who prudently saved their money via that system ,could ,in time acquire a home of their own or at least a piece of land.

        To day the income derived from a C/D is very little for the investors, you know the ones I mean the ones who saved Bermuda.
        The question I put to you is…….. What happened ?

    • Terry says:

      Bread and milk are staples.

      They sell everyday.
      “yoghurt” does not.
      Plus if I have 200,000 containers to sell by expire date, of course I will lower the price, still make a small profit and see what demand I have.

    • Family Man says:

      So you’re suggesting that stores should not offer specials to get you to shop there?

    • CommonSense says:

      If items are coming closer to their expiration date the retailer will lower the price in order to move the product before it expires so that they don’t take a loss.

      Additionally if the retailer has a surplus of items they will lower the price to move more of that product, making up for the loss in profit per unit by increasing the quantity sold.

      • Tommy Chong says:

        I guess you’d make a better manager than the ones we have in some of the grocers now. What you say is common sense but doesn’t happen. I’ve seen products in some stores that are close to expiry with the same price as the newer ones & that’s after they upped the price & blatantly put a new sticker on top of the old. The worst experience I had was getting a can of coconut cream & on the same day purring it into a dish I was making for dinner guest. Didn’t think of looking into the can when I opened it as I was in a rush so by the time I purred part of it out I realised it was brown & rank. When I checked the expiry date it was more than a year over. It ruined the meal I was preparing & even though I was reimbursed for the expired can I was not reimbursed for the other items the rotten coconut cream went on. Another thing is when I came to the store to complain they went to check the cans & found that most of the others of that product were expired also.

    • discount lol ha ha ha says:

      People don’t be so blind. All the stores jack their prices up discount day. I go store often n I kno prices. So we are not really getting a discount. So we are getting suckered.

      • Unearthed says:

        The prices of all groceries went up. Especially at Market Place in Shelly Bay. They leave the old price tag and the new price tag on the product which makes it quite obvious.

        For example, Uncle Ben’s rice is normally priced at $1.99 they hiked the price to $2.63 which is a 32% increase.

        Did everyone including Minister Fahy think the grocery stores were giving away discounts for free? LOL

        • Jim Bean says:

          1.99 is a special price their was no hike it simply went bk to normal price.

    • Jim Jones says:

      I think you’ll find that perishables go down in price the closer they get to their ‘sell by’ date.

  3. Toodle-oo says:

    Oh Michael , you silly boy , the prices haven’t changed during the 10% off Wednesday deal because they increased their prices right before it came into effect .. LOL (ok , just kidding)

    Now my tiresome rent rant versus the cost of everything else .

    A cottage near me has just come back up on the market . The previous tenants moved out after only a year after they couldn’t find tenants to re-rent their own privately owned home . Quite a common money making scheme here it seems . And one that also keeps the cost of housing inflated.

    The owner of the now empty cottage had hell to get $2300 a month out of the last tenants but despite the disastrous economy has put the house back on the market for $3700 a month !

    So where is our real driver of the outrageous cost of living coming from ? It’s pretty obvious to me .

  4. tricks are for kids says:

    At the end of the day grocery stores mark their prices as they see fit…and clearly not everyone is on the same page…If the stores get their goods from BGA and Butterfield and Vallis how can something so simple as a tin of Pet Milk be one price in a grocery store than up to 20 cents more at another store if BOTH stores are getting the same wholesale rate?

    PS. I just used Pet Milk as an EXAMPLE….I have seen the variation in prices on a number of goods. I believe someone did try and explain it before but I understand (not saying that they were wrong)THEIR logic…Perhaps someone else can explain……

    • tricks are for kids says:

      *Didn’t understand….

      • James Herald says:

        trix – you clearly do not understand the simplest of economics. You sell something for whatever someone will pay. If your price is tooo high, nobody will buy. If your price is too low, you will lose money. But then perhaps your post is a joke cos nobody could be that stupid.

        • Tommy Chong says:

          You’re the one who clearly doesn’t understand economics because it’s not as simple as you suggest. One major part of economics base is Market equilibrium which doesn’t exist in Bermuda because like every other necessity here it’s controlled by monopolies that upset the balance of the supply & demand rules.

        • tricks are for kids says:

          I’m probably JUST AS STUPID as you and yours…Very seldom do I answer back when someone feels that they have something to say but really doesn’t amount to anything…I asked a legitimate question…If goods are purchased from the same wholesaler how can there be such a vast difference in pricing at stores and the answer (not yours) is because there is NO price control and people can charge what they like…it’s not a matter of too high or too low….I really feel like using words that Bernews probably wouldn’t allow but I’m better than that…Sorry if my question ‘bothered’ you but I’ve always be taught that uf you don’t know or are not sure of something than ask…..

    • Sandy Bottom says:

      They might be different prices because they pay different rent. One is in town, the other is miles away. One is open longer than the other. One is a nicer shop than the other. Or offers better service. Or more convenient parking. There could be any number of reasons why prices wouldn’t be exactly the same.

      • Tommy Chong says:

        LMAO!!! I’m starting to find your comments amusing even if they do lack substance they’re still good for a laugh.

        Sandy you do realise this is a Bermudian news site & the article does relate to Bermuda? Maybe a better question would be do you realise that Bermuda is only about 20.6 square miles? The nearest store outside of town is in the next parish over which isn’t, “miles away”. The parking is about the same as the ones in town especially with the new addition. The, “nicer” comment is the one I find the most amusing of all since the niceness of something is a human sentiment that varies.

        The only factual statement that you’ve made is to the hours of operation which only goes to show when analysed that some shareholders here are comfortable enough with their profits that they don’t need to change their hours regardless of them being outside of town.

        You would do well as a speech writer for Minister Fahy. I’m sure he would love to ad your excuses onto the others he already has.

        • Suzie Quattro says:

          Are you deliberately being moronic?

          The cost of premises in Hamilton is way higher than out in Sandy’s, for example. If you have no experience of business I guess you might not know about these things Tommy.

          Keeping a premises nice, fresh and modern costs money. We all know supermarkets that are nicer than others. It affects the cost of doing business, and impacts the prices they might have to charge. But as you said, human sentiment varies. If you don’t care about buying your groceries in a musty old building that isn’t maintained properly, there are places you can go. They are a bit cheaper.

          It always amazes me how some people seem to revel in the idea of being dumb.

          • Tommy Chong says:

            It takes a dimwit like you to go from town all the way to Sandys for an example when there are numerous grocers in between. Upkeep of a premise cost but most of these buildings are owned by the companies so theres no rent liability so that saved cost can be offset onto the upkeep not the customer. Beside how do you know which grocers are up kept better than others? Do you visit each & every store to supervise maintenance. From my knowledge there’s only been one store recently that has renovated & that was their parking lot not the interior & that doesn’t justify upping prices because that monies been made long ago & that’s only one done while their other hasn’t been but the prices still go up in both. What the heck is a grocer that’s more modern than others Bermuda when all have basic freezers, shelves & registers? Is there a store here I don’t know about that has an automated shopping cart with a grocery list mind reader? You’re logic doesn’t connect when our one & only exclusive premium store exist in town & is rented & I would think kept, “nice & fresh” but there are products there priced the same or sometimes cheaper than other stores around the island. In business upkeep should never be offset onto the customer as it’s an intangible for them.

            • Suzie Quattro says:

              The point, that you seem unable to grasp, is that there are numerous possible reasons why the costs of running one business are different to the costs of running another. Therefore there are reasons why their prices might be different.

              You would not expect a Four Seasons to charge the same rate per room as a Quality Inn. And for the same reasons you should not have expected White’s Supermarket to charge the same price for chicken as Miles Market.

              The customer makes the choice whether he wants to pay extra for the arguably nicer surroundings, more modern shop, arguably better service, or convenience. Some people do want those things, some don’t. But to the extent they cost money, they do create reasons why one shop doesn’t have the exact same prices as another.

              • Tommy Chong says:

                I do grasp the concept of marketing opulence but I don’t buy into it.

                If you want to spend your extra dollars on that certain Je ne sais pas ce que like the disney song says, “be my guest”. Just as some spend thousands on vinyl bags with the letters LV printed all over them it’s all in the imagination. All I’m saying is don’t shove fairy tale logic down others throats as a justification to why their getting ripped off. Like I mentioned in my previous comment Miles’ prices are the same or sometimes cheaper than other stores around the island so your logic is intangible.

                • Sandy Bottom says:

                  So go to a cheaper supermarket then.

                  Suzie’s right. You’re too fr**kin moronic to grasp the point.

                  • Tommy Chong says:

                    Neither tweedle dumb or you tweedle dumber are right because neither grasp what happens with many businesses here when it comes to market strategy. Here when the competition ups the price the strategy is to up prices also. There’s no cheaper supermarket there’s just cheaper produce sold at whatever the going price is across the island at the time. The best a consumer can do is hop from one market to the next finding what’s still at a lower price. Unless one has enough time on a wednesday to play grocery store hopscotch there’s no advantage to the 10%. The government needs to give the discount on their end not the groceries so the government can force a cap on the other end justified by a real shared sacrifice.

  5. Curious says:

    I purchased an item at MarketPlace last week- a Healthy Choice microwaveable meal for lunch. Last week it was $4.29 (and that was Wednesday), today it was $5.19. No excuse for an almost dollar increase. And they are quite brazen about: they simply stick the new tag over the old one so you can confirm you’ve been d*cked!!!

    How is that with 10% my grocery bill remains the same as with 5%- same items weeks to week with only slight variation- because there was no way the grocery stores were going to have their bottom-line hit by offering 10%!!!

    They are only reviewing the staple items- but man cannot live by bread alone!!

    • Terry says:

      See above.
      Plus if I can get 10 Healthy Choices cheaper of course I am gonna sell them cheaper on ‘spashall day’.


    • Grocery Store Worker says:

      Apparently, the Healthy Choice Dinner was on Special from Wednesday til Saturday night for $4.29. Regular price is $5.19.

      • more than enough says:

        10% of $5.20 is 52 cents
        making it $4.68 approximately

    • positivity says:

      I agree with you. I have seen plenty of items at Marketplace jacked up by 25% + from one week to the next. Ridiculous. I just refuse to buy certain items there. One week a large block of shoprite cheese was 4.99. The next week, the small stick of cheese is the same price. Tired of getting ripped off. Perhaps we need to start being more vocal about this and posting blatent price hiking!!

    • James Herald says:

      Make your own soup.

  6. Lennie says:

    An question that would be answered by the shop keepers would be, have they seen a trend by their shoppers towards Wednesday’s and has it effected their Tuesday and Thursday sales??
    I personally shop primarily at a major grocery store in Devonshire and can tell that the deeper discounts offered on a Wednesday has made them busier on that day. But with overheads remaining the same are they losing money in the long run on the other days. Maybe, it might be sensible to offer a second 5% discount day per week instead. Well done OBA and especially Min Michael Fahy for assisting us in saving money, move onto Belco next PLEASE…

  7. Tommy Chong says:

    Yet again the minister is trying to lead us up the garden path. Of course grocers won’t increase prices on discount days as this would be too obvious. Instead they increase prices sporadically throughout the month but as always the minister has an plethora of excuses for business owners. If its not the weather it’s the supplier & if not the supplier it’s the cost of oil. Does the minister expect me to believe that a can of food with an expiry date that has a couple of months to go had a second higher price tag stuck on top the first because of weather, oil or supplier? I’ve even peeled of two price tags before finding the first a dollar less than the second & third two & a half dollars more than the first. No worries because we have laws that protect us against this because all laws especially the business ones are enforced. RIIIIIGHT!!! The USDA stats show a yearly increase of 1.4% due to the weather but our increase goes up monthly. We should all believe this minister because he NEVER goes back on his word.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Just to address your point about pricing and not the Fahy comments .
      Two weeks ago I had a chat with a senior rep from THE major food importer on the island in the grocery aisles of what is the major supermarket chain. We were talking about the chain’s own ‘no name brand’ line of goods versus the well known brand names that us locals have always loved to stick to.
      He said that they (the big importers) know very well that the local chain in mind could easily price their own brand about 35-40% lower than the 10% or so that they already do but why bother ?
      They’re making tons more money and people still think they’re getting a bargain .

  8. Nuffin but da Truth says:

    biggest load of bollocks I ever read,the prices are changed whenever these people want too..they are NOT going to listen to anyone in any Government until they start doing something about it.

  9. Dangel says:

    The Consumer Affairs survey is of no vital importance (public cannot verify) as the grocery stores were raising their prices from September or even August. I suspect that were ensuring that their bottom line was not affected by agreeing to the 10% discount. The only way that the stores will stop the practice of increasing prices at whim is if we the Public use the power that we have and shop less (particularly at the stores which are brazen enough to put new price labels on top of each other. The same stores also does not have scanning capabilities and therefore if you the consumer is not vigilant you will and up paying the higher price and not the special price as indicated either on the shelf or newspaper advertisement.

    • Tommy Chong says:

      In other more society focused countries stores would be fined for stacking prices but here they don’t even acknowledge the fact that some stores sell a cartons of berries at normal price even when more than half have mold on them.

  10. BlueFamiliar says:

    I have no expectation of markets increasing prices just on discount days, that would be too obvious.

    What I want to know is if the markets are aware of what items are on the list that is being monitored. It would not surprise me, given the dramatic changes in some prices since the 10% was put into effect, if they are increasing other items in order to make up for their losses. And that is after taking into consideration shortages, natural increases and the cost of doing business in Bermuda.

  11. speak my mind says:

    I am a single mother of three, trying very hard to buy healthy foods/snacks for my children to go through the week. The cereal alone costs ( shop rite brand)$18 for three boxes, milk x 7 cartons( we all eat cereal mornings) is roughly $35, bread brand $5 and 2 lb. Of oven roasted turkey$12. I haven’t brought dinner yet!!!! Let’s not forget the mayo $5. That’s $75 minimum and the courts agreed for my children’s father to pay $200 per week for 3 school aged children!!!!! What’s the judges doing to help the situation, I wish they would standardize the cost paid per child. I’m tired of hearing about the mothers of 2 getting $350/week. What the hell!!!!!! I’m sick and tired of this damn court system and the judges that eat out everyday. They can’t possibly shop in Bermuda.

    • SMH says:

      My ex was ordered to pay $300 per month. He never pays and the court clerks do nothing about it. They don’t respond to email and make you feel like you’re the problem when you go in for follow up. I feel for all parents relying on the court system for payments to purchase food for children. That is one government dept that needs privatization.

  12. more than enough says:

    most shops use many different money making strategies to increase sales.
    layout, lighting, placement. other strategies read a little more like the paper prepared for crockwell about bypassing the referendum. in saying this i mean in the way that these strategies prepared in a way to directly benefit the business profitability solely, in this case. as in the case of crockwell, the interest of the government.
    i’m pretty sure this is another money making strategy disguised as savings for us. furthermore, wasn’t the alcohol sales on sunday scheme slipped through conveniently at the same time?
    quid pro quo perhaps? or something like that.
    i only just heard that shops now, also open earlier than ever on sundays, to accommodate these sales.
    after operating costs a business must make a profit, as this is the fundamental reason business exists. i’m sure that a lot of business owners could afford to make a little less profit. but i doubt that is something that business owners want to do, in fact they want to do the opposite.
    it’s possible, if the government make the proposed cuts from the top down, other businesses might be inspired to do something similar. in the spirit of ‘shared sacrifice’. this may truly help reduce the over inflated government payroll, and maybe even bring down the price of goods and services.
    unfortunately greed and capitalism will most likely get in the way.
    how about monitoring the bta money? still no word on dat.

  13. Looking in says:

    Thankyou Minister Fahy and Thankyou grocery stores!

  14. Really says:

    This is a big waste of time and energy grocery stores are businesses and are subjected to overseas prices and shipping costs etc , we don’t live in Russia and government can’t demand that stores of any kind have fixed prices . How about government take the duty of food brought in oh no they won’t do that I forgot their kitty is empty also .

    • Tommy Chong says:

      The government could realistically take duty off some of the food items if they divided the duty taken off & placed it on top of non necessities like alcohol, tobacco & junk foods/drinks. They would most likely make more off alcohol since there are many on island who consume more liquor than food.

  15. Common cent$ says:

    Everyone wants to hate the grocery stores- they are not nonprofit organizations or community service. Stores have operated on the same percentage markups as well as distributors for years. What hasn’t seemed to change either is how people shop. If you’re making less or the groceries cost more now- shop smarter! Make a list, drink a few cups of water before you shop to cut hunger, private label products are sometimes 1/2 the price of name brands, buy in bulk and actually plan out your shopping trips better! Bring a calculator and actually have a budget for once instead of guessing- use math- it’s a pretty cool thing too!

    • Tommy Chong says:

      If you use math on the bulk stores products you will find most aren’t saving you much if any & because of our climate when you open a bulk item you need to consume it before the months up or it will go flat or bad. I’ve tried using containers to put the excess in but even the air sealed ones don’t allow it to last that long.

      I’ve always made lists & thats how I know that there are stores that up prices of products without any logical reason. This just leaves me trying to do a balancing act with my list because what I budgeted for is not in the budget anymore.

      I do also try to shop generic products first but then I have to look over the ingredients as many generics have more preservatives & other contents more harmful than name brand. There’s no use saving money at the moment when my family & I will pay in the end for doctors bills from not eating heathy. Eating healthy is more expensive in Bermuda than eating whatever’s cheap & it shows in our health statistics.

      • Toodle-oo says:

        Bulk shopping at the well known (let me think here) 4 outlets is a joke .
        If you know the unit price of any given item it’s a huge help. In a lot of these places they stock well known items in larger ‘odd’ sizes that you’re not used to seeing . (trick number 1)
        You might think it’s a deal , but when you know the unit price in most cases you’re better off shopping at the Marketplace on 5% Wednesdays (much less 10% Wednesdays).
        As an example look at the bulk packaged tooth pastes ,soaps , cereals , tuna fish ,laundry detergents and even t/p .(things you’re familiar with)
        There’s almost NO savings at all. And in a lot of cases they’re outright MORE expensive.
        Hard to believe when you consider the huge difference when in a Costcos or whatever in the US .
        Bulk shopping in Bermuda is another smoke and mirrors trick that’s designed to fool the un-savvy shopper .

        • Kiskadee says:

          Shopping in places like Arnold’s is much more expensive than the supermarkets. I watch the prices carefully and bulk toothpaste is more expensive than buying individually at a supermarket. The exact same can of nuts is over $10 in Arnold’s and just over $6 in Lindos.

  16. Me says:

    I find Lindo’s to be cheaper. With 2 children I buy pretty much the same staple items weekely and if there are 5, 4 of them are cheaper at Lindo’s. Any everyweek the price is the same unless its on special. Marketplace on the other hand, one day it’s one price, the next week it’s another and the next it’s on special. Very confusing, messy and they are all over the place. And why aren’t all the items the same price at all the stores??

  17. Lemon Tree says:

    Apples at Mkt Place USED to be $1.09 – then the price went to $1.39 at the beginning of the year. Explain that to me! Im finding them cheaper at H100s!!

    • Jim Bean says:

      Picture this a farmer workin in hot sun handling his crop and Mosquitos biting up their backs and a threat of heat stroke. Business is not goin well instead of seelin the apples for 40cents he jacks up the price to 75cents the grocery store is at the mercy of these people. Prices have to go up on things all I know is if I can’t afford something I don’t buy it. I know a sneaky fact though people complain but they still consume so I guess prices aren’t that high…

  18. Truth is killin' me... says:

    Minister Fahy…please have talks with BELCO NOW…SUMMER IS COMING!!!

  19. Slim says:


  20. Slim says:


  21. Looking in says:

    Finally a govt that cares for the people!

    • Tommy Chong says:

      Careful Now!

      Wearing your rose tinted glasses while reading on a computer screen may not be the best for your eyesight.

  22. Looking in says:

    Wow,the OBA is doing a great job for we Bermudians,I hope they keep it up!

  23. JUNK YARD DOG says:

    Obesity in Bermuda is at an all time high.

    There are ways to save about $200.00 of your monthly food bill, then again you could put that $200.00 you saved towards real food that are grown here in Bermuda. Dept of Parks no more flowers at crow lane round about , Cauliflower and Cabbage works for me.

    ” The right Diet and Exercise boys and girls”

    If some of you weigh in excess of height/ weight you may a have a real problem looming and may be you should save up for the Air Ambulance .

    For only one hour go on U TUBE look for / key in “Food that kills”.

    You will get an eye opener and you will not need to read this any further……….. I am trying to save your life here………….

    There are several food items available in supermarkets which I consider to be comfort foods and are not absolutely necessary to sustain you for a health based diet. Some packaged foods claim to do just that,but may slowly kill you any way.

    I was told that hunger and thirst fall in the same category, may be a glass of water is all you need to satisfy the need to eat.

    Those South coast diets , well ! what can I say you have a choice.

    I am not about to name specific brands or packaged products and if you want to eat chocolate in preference to an Apple be my guest.

    I respect the fact that some of you are very passionate on you choice of diet and so be it .

    As I have said in many of my posts, you do have a choice, so choose wisely.

    An Apple , an Orange or a Banana take your pick !

    I choose Cauliflower.

  24. more than enough says:

    bush’s baked beans, vegetarian, small tin.
    at a1 paget they were $2.22 cents for as long as i remember.
    10% of $2.22 is 22 cents.
    price now – $2.33, an 11 cent raise.
    exactly %5.
    contrary to the claim of the minister, this is one tangible example of a price hike for every day, which seems to have been made in tandem with the offering of a one day discount.
    who is this helping again?
    i’m sure with little effort, we could find many more examples of this deceptive practice.

  25. Kiskadee says:

    I am not convinced that prices have not increased as Senator Fany says. Every time you go into the Market place prices have gone up on certain items. Dishwashing liquid had gone up over $1 from the last one I bought and cream cheese also well over $1 with no price on it so that you didn’t know until you got to the cashier. I really do not know how a family with children cope with cereal at nearly $7 and the price of fruit and bread. The price of fruit and nuts is very high at Lindos and the price of fish has really gone up. Strawberries are $8.99 and small punnets of blueberries and raspberries are $6.99. How can Market Place sell them for $ 4.99 this week? I know some people never check prices but as a retired person I have to see where the best value is and I do feel sorry for people with a low income who have a lot of children to feed .They need to shop wisely to make sure they have nutritious food and that can’t be easy with the very high prices for healthy food .

  26. Lisa says:

    You can apply every theory of business and sales in the world and you will NEVER be able to justify the outrageous and blatant prices, and the absolutely disgusting produce that these stores continue to sell. The main indication that greed has far outweighed “helping the people”…the day you walk into a store to buy a baby formula that was a week ago sold for $14 and the next is marked up to almost $23. Forgive me but shall I believe that there is a shortage of formula too? Or more believe that it’s damn greed!! Shall we expect more reports this week…that 10% thanks but I’ll pass on the moldy fruit and mildew bread on “special”