Photos: High Winds Postpone Powerboat Racing

June 22, 2014

High winds and rough seas today [June 22] caused the Bermuda Power Boat Association to postpone scheduled racing at Ferry Reach in St George’s.

Power Boat Racing Bermuda, June 22 2014-28

Some of the boats that came out decided to have some fun and practice in a closed circuit race that saw three A-Class boats entertain those that attended with some high speed racing along Ferry Reach and the Grotto Bay area. Some time later a D-Class boat entered the water and joined in.

Revised schedule for the remainder of the season:

Power Boat Association Schedule Bermuda, June 22 2014-1

The next scheduled race is lined up for St George’s Harbour on July 13th followed by Ferry Reach racing on July 27th. There is a break from racing for Cup Match and to give drivers a chance to prepare for the Around The Island Race scheduled for August 17th.

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  1. Franklin jr says:

    Pointless turtle killing season begins! bermp bermp!

  2. Jeff says:

    Those poor turtles. Sickening!

  3. Islander says:

    So, only race boats kill turtles?