Minister: Plans For New Airport Terminal Building

November 10, 2014

[Updated with video] The Government has reached an agreement with the Canadian Commercial Corporation [CCC] to pave the way for the construction of a new purpose built airport terminal building, Finance Minister Bob Richards announced today [Nov 10].

The Minister said the construction phase will “produce hundreds of much-needed jobs for Bermudians,” and the “financing will rely entirely on the future revenue streams from the new airport itself.”

Speaking at a press conference this morning, Minister Richards said, “Today the Bermuda Government is announcing a historic agreement with the Canadian Commercial Corporation [CCC] to pave the way for the re-development of the Bermuda airport, including various sources of financing. This re-development will involve the construction of a new purpose built terminal building.

“The redevelopment of the Bermuda airport represents one of the most important capital projects ever undertaken on our island shores. It will play a crucial role in the renaissance of the Bermuda economy while also being one of the most costly. Its success will be paramount to all in Bermuda.”

“The construction phase will initially produce hundreds of much-needed jobs for Bermudians and deliver multiple layers of public benefit including, we believe, the basis for a new prosperity,” continued Minister Richards.

“One might ask, ‘Why do we need a new airport?’ The airport is Bermuda‘s principal gateway, the place where travelers to our island get their first impression. What do we want that impression to be? We want that first impression to be consistent with the brand that Bermuda presents to the world and that brand can be summed up as, ‘First Tier, First Class, First World.

“That is the brand we want to convey, whether the traveler is arriving for business or leisure. Certainly the current terminal building, with sections dating back to the 1940′s, does not convey that branded message.”

“Our intention is that the financing will rely entirely on the future revenue streams from the new airport itself,” added Minister Richards.

21-minute video of the full press conference

Tourism & Transport Minister Shawn Crockwell said, “Today is indeed an historic occasion for Bermuda, an occasion that I am quite pleased and honoured to be a part of.

“The signing of this agreement paves the way for the re-development of our airport, the first major upgrade to the L.F. Wade International Airport since it was constructed.

“This re-development project is significant for our island. One of the most important capital projects that we have ever undertaken, it is a costly project which will bring much needed jobs, something we are definitely quite pleased about.

“Notwithstanding all of the economic benefits that the Minister of Finance has outlined, as the Minister responsible for Tourism and Transport, I am excited that we are embarking on this first tier development that will leave us with a first class airport, one which we will all be very proud of.

“I believe that this new attractive and sophisticated modern facility will enhance our tourism product. It will impress everyone that passes through it, visitors and locals alike, and it will make that first impression for those coming to Bermuda, a lasting positive impression that is aligned with the Bermuda brand – quality, first class and world class.

“The construction of a new purpose built airport terminal is long overdue and this Government was determined to make it happen – we were very cognisant of the many obstacles presented to us and especially the financial implications that could have prevented this from happening. I am most pleased with the financial creativity that has brought us here today.

“This public private partnership between the Bermuda Government and the Canadian Commercial Corporation does indeed represent a renaissance for Bermuda – to our economy and to our product. I know that we can all agree that the success of this project will be legendary. As I said earlier, today marks the beginning of an innovative development that we can all be proud of,” concluded Minister Crockwell.

Update 10.39am: Minister Richards’ full statement follows below:

First let me introduce and acknowledge the presence of Mr. Luc Allary, Regional Director, Caribbean & Central America for the Canadian Commercial Corporation and of course acknowledge my colleague the Minister of Tourism Development and Transport, The Hon. Shawn Crockwell, and new Junior Minister Senator Vic Ball.

Today the Bermuda Government is announcing the signing of an historic agreement with the Canadian Commercial Corporation [CCC] to pave the way for the re-development of the Bermuda airport, including various sources of financing. to pave the way for the re-development of the Bermuda airport, including various sources of financing. This re-development will involve the construction of a new purpose built terminal building.

The redevelopment of the Bermuda airport represents one of the most important capital projects ever undertaken on our island shores. It will play a crucial role in the renaissance of the Bermuda economy while also being one of the most costly. Its success will be paramount to all in Bermuda.

The redevelopment of the Bermuda airport represents one of the most important capital projects ever undertaken on our island shores. It will play a crucial role in the renaissance of the Bermuda economy while also being one of the most costly. Its success will be paramount to all in Bermuda.

One might ask, “Why do we need a new airport?” The airport is Bermuda’s principal gateway, the place where travelers to our island get their first impression. What do we want that impression to be? We want that first impression to be consistent with the brand that Bermuda presents to the world and that brand can be summed up as, “First Tier, First Class, First World.” That is the brand we want to convey, whether the traveler is arriving for business or leisure. Certainly the current terminal building, with sections dating back to the 1940′s, does not convey that branded message.

The new terminal will show the arriving passenger that he/she has entered a country that is indeed First Tier, First Class and First World. The new terminal will create a buzz in tourism circles and substantially enhance the airport terminal experience for the travelling public.

For Bermudians, it will not only bring jobs, but it will engender a sense of pride, reaffirming our sense of self esteem for our island’s unique qualities as a tiny but first world nation.

For visitors, it will reinforce the island’s status as a successful and sophisticated up-market tourism destination as well as a leading international business centre.

A key and novel component of this project, and the reason I am announcing this instead of one of my colleagues, is the financing component. The fact is this project would have probably gone ahead long ago if funding was available for it. But with Government running large annual deficits and debt soaring, a new airport terminal had been impossible – until now.

Having carefully considered all its options, Government has decided to avail itself of a novel procurement model offered by way of an arrangement with the Canadian Commercial Corporation. CCC is wholly owned by the Government of Canada. The proposed transaction will take the form of a type of public private partnership, [P3], a model that will allow Bermuda to build, use and eventually take possession of the most modern of facilities for civil aviation, without significant burden on the Bermuda treasury.

Some of the benefits to using the CCC approach to redevelop the Airport are as follows:

  • This model cuts the procurement time dramatically, enabling shovels to be in the ground and jobs created much sooner than traditional methods.
  • This model significantly reduces the cost of procurement, particularly the use of expensive consultants.
  • The new terminal will be customized to Bermuda’s needs.
  • CCC will guarantee that the project will be delivered on time and on budget.
  • The project will be financially self sustaining.
  • There will be a Canadian infrastructure developer. CCC will conduct its own due diligence to be satisfied that the Canadian developer has the technical, financial and managerial capability to deliver on the contract.
  • The transactional approach will not require any initial expenditure for the airport by Bermuda.

The model demands total transparency, adhering to international best practices; with no recourse to the balance sheet of the Bermuda government, direct or contingent.

Our intention is that the financing will rely entirely on the future revenue streams from the new airport itself.

We will also benefit from the uncompromising standards, world class experience and expertise of CCC.

Established in 1946, CCC, a federal crown corporation, was mandated to facilitate international trade on behalf of Canadian industry, particularly within government markets.

CCC will select a Canadian developer from its already pre-selected stable of Canadian firms. This company will enter into a contract and Concession Agreement with the Bermuda Airport Authority to develop and manage the project. Title to the airport and adjacent property will remain in Government hands. This will be the core of our unique P3 arrangement.

This company will maximize local employment by way of sub-contracting opportunities, in the selection of contracting firms to actually carry out the work on the ground. The vast majority of these sub-contracting companies will be local Bermudian firms employing local labour.

The government has already chosen a world class financial adviser to formulate the financial model required to make this project financially viable and advise us on all economic aspects of this project.

We will also be engaging an independent construction firm to review the project model in all its aspects to formally verify that Bermuda is getting value for money from this arrangement.

This structure, which is tried and tested in other countries, has a number of reduction advantages:

  • reducing the risk and expense of procurement,
  • reducing the risk of budget overruns,
  • reducing the risk of late delivery,
  • reducing the risk to the Bermuda Government treasury and balance sheet,
  • reducing unemployment in our island and validating value for money issues.

It is a winning formula on all fronts.

We are now at the start of a long and complex process with many milestones along the way. The next important milestone will be a Go-No-Go decision, and assuming it’s a Go, the final construction contract and a facility management service Agreement [and related financing arrangements], which will govern all aspects of the project, will be developed and concluded. At that time the final costs and design features will have been ironed out.

There are few options to create jobs by way of infrastructure projects for a government that already has high debt and is adding to it annually, by running deficits. The traditional way of financing such projects surely would significantly increase government debt. In collaboration with CCC, our unique P3 model will enable Bermuda to create hundreds of jobs for Bermudians without significantly putting your government further into debt.

There are a myriad of questions you may have about the physical aspects of the new terminal but these will have to be the subject of subsequent public announcements as we move forward with the process.


Update 3.37pm: It is expected to cost in the “range of $200 million” the Minister said, and the building will not be in the same spot as the present one, it will be located “between the round-a-bout and Stonecrusher Corner.”

The Minister said the plan is to break ground in about a year, and the project should take about three years.

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Comments (117)

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  1. LOL (Original TM*) says:

    This is not needed but it will produce jobs in the sort term.


    • swing voter says:

      Not needed? book a tour of the facility with someone that works there ;-)

      Uncle Bob knows that its one less expense to worry about….Brother Jeff knows that his unemployment stats will improve

      everybody wins, with one exception….go figure

    • High Road says:

      Trust me , it is needed

    • lucky 7 says:

      Not needed? When visitors come in (especially for the 1st time) and they get wet walking off the plane because its raining, what kind of 1st impression is that? And for us locals, its just a pain in the a**.

      • Raymond Ray says:

        I also agree. While embarking or disembarking one isn’t suppose to be trudging through puddles nor dodging rain drops. It may be expensive but it will benefit the Island (and its people) in the very near future in more than one way…

    • Bermy says:

      Trust me as someone who works at the airport this is much needed and well overdue. The current facilities are literally crumbling around as I write this!

    • wakeupbda says:

      When was your last visit!

    • @ LOL(Original TM) not needed,don’t you think the security down the airport is tired of standing outside in all sorts of inclement weather, not to mention running after women’s wigs when it blows off in high wind. In all serious it is about time and let’s make sure is a state of the art facility and not like the jokers that did the present airport during the last renovation stage.

      Be good to walk through a jet way and not out in to all the elements.

    • sadly suspicious says:

      Let’s see if a new company comes in to set up shop, bring with it 10 non-permit holders, then apply for more. Minister Fahey –look at the new applications for exemptions by Canadian residents to purchase LAND AND/OR HOUSES! I wont believe it till I see it–there will be more jobs probably but it wont hep the struggling person. It will help certain companies “in bed” with the minister, who may become subcontractors and who will probably have work permit or non-work permit holders employed. Minister Fahy wants to get rid of the middle class BERMUDIAN, make was for A new group of immigrants (and their families), sell them land and homes, and if and when Bermudians want to buy peoperty, they will be unable due to either the lack of it (we ARE NOT BIG) or the continued extreme cost of it.

  2. sage says:

    Where is the artists impression?

    • High Road says:

      you can find it at the airport ops section on

      • Serious Though says:

        Can they also do some training too, Bermuda customs staff needs it. customer service service with a big smile. just saying

  3. mike says:

    How will it be financed?

    • Ian says:

      “Our intention is that the financing will rely entirely on the future revenue streams from the new airport itself”…

      What it sounds like that translates to is they are relying on foreign financing that was secured on the basis that if future revenues dont allow repayment terms to be met then ownership of, what is currently the peoples asset, will transfer to the hands of the guys financing it.

      Basically a back-door way of privatising the airport which is what they (OBA) want to do in the first place.

      • Double Standards says:

        Same as the hospital? Or was that somehow different as always?

        • Ian says:

          I dont expect you too take notice of the blatent going ons in front of your face Double Standards… No expectation at of it at all.

          • Ian says:

            Correction.. No expectation of it at all.

          • serengeti says:

            So you are ok with the hospital being owned by a foreign corporation, because the PLP did that?

        • ya right says:

          It’s a PPP. The same as the hospital for the most part. It’s ironic that when the PLP got the PPP going for KEMH they came under harsh scrutiny but this time around the OBA gets praise.

          • inna says:

            Cousin, its been public knowledge for approx 5 hours.

            Best believe the scrutiny will come mate!

          • Sandgrownan says:

            Not from me. PPP has been an utter failure everywhere.

            • clairvoyant says:

              Almost everywhere. The model is based on investors making money. How can that be cheaper than government borrowing money and doing the job in house? Investors only invest where the returns are healthy. You can now expect the revenue to go elsewhere further eroding government’s revenue base.

          • Seen says:

            And the people that supported it then will no doubt come out against it this time.

          • hmmm says:

            You made that up…….

      • Sandgrownan says:

        And the fundamental flaw in al PFI/PPP agreements. It will happen to KEMH too…

      • Voice of Reason says:

        EXACTLY!!!!! A Bermudian Arioport owned by a Canadian Private Company…Sounds about right…SMH

      • “..future revenue streams from the airport itself” will not be available until some time in the future. So the real question is where the money will come from NOW. Answer is it will be come from borrowing a very large sum at an exhorbitant interest rate. Read between the fuzzy lines.

  4. D says:

    Leave the airport alone!

    • Non 33 Voter says:

      I just don’t understand people who stand in the way of progress.

      • Ian says:

        You think everything the OBA does is in the name of “progress”…

      • Ronald says:

        They are either big fans of mediocrity or they’ve never been on one of them there big ole flying machine aeroplanes before. Sad either way.

  5. D says:

    Well they did promise more jobs let’s seeeeeee folks! I need a job!

    • ya right says:

      Remember these jobs will mostly be temporary the same as any other construction project. The good thing is it will help stimulate the economy the same way as other major projects i.e. KEMH ACW.

  6. Frustrated says:

    Spend the money on a new bridge that’s where the tax payers dollars need to be spent SMH

    • Truth(Original) says:

      A bridge doesn’t produce revenue. It is a “dead” spend. If they govt is going to spend money it needs to be on things that produce revenue for the Govt, especially in the near term.

      • frank says:

        well if that road to the airport gets washed out how will people get to their hotels from the airport

    • A Better Bermuda says:

      Rebuilding the causeway is part of the agreement.

    • Commonsense nBda says:

      Yes, why don’t w e ask the PLP what happened with the money that the U.S. gave us for that bridge next to that “temporary” Bailey’s Bridge.

  7. Impressive says:

    What is the initial costs of the project? Why a Canadian Firm? just asking

    • Lala says:

      It’s a PFI – the Candian company has the capital to build it.

    • A Better Bermuda says:

      Why…did you want the project yourself? SMH

      • Impressive says:

        Not my line of work, but for a 200 million contract i can be persuaded to learn very fast.. ;-)

  8. Trulytruly says:

    Is this bold enough for some out there?

  9. Encyclopedia says:

    Why CCC? Was there an RFP or is there a “DEAL” between OBA government and CCC?

    Foreign companies who have built airports would have done the Build, Operate, Transfer (BOT) model quite easily. Generally the developer collects a “user fee” per passenger as their revenue for a certain number of years.

  10. campervan says:

    Thanks OBA for standing strong for Bermuda with actions and not rhetoric.

  11. Toodle-oo says:

    The way things are going around here with air arrivals in a few years we ought to be able to get away with one of those plastic sheds that you can buy at Gorham’s

    So where will the site for it be ?
    Will it be elevated to take into consideration rising sea levels in the years to come ?
    Will it be scaled and designed in the unique Bermudian vernacular or will it be an ugly, characterless , metric scaled monolith that looks even more out of place ?

    There are far more pressing things to worry about right now . Yes , the current airport consists of a lot of patch work and old and new but are the people working there suffering because of it ?

    Leave it as be until we get all of our other problems sorted out.
    This is a want not a need .

  12. Triangle Drifter says:

    Finally! The ‘Gonna Government’ was gonna do it. Year after year they were gonna build a new terminal, along with that causeway that keeps getting damaged.

    Yes we need it. That terminal is an embarrasment for a place that like to promote itself as a prime location for business & lesure travel. It is a hodge podge of add ons & adaptions from the 1950s. Here we are 2014 & passengers still have to walk in the rain. Small regional airports have better facilities than Bermuda. Islands to the south that we like to turn our conceited noses up to have better facilities than here.

    Oh, & name it after somebody who had a strong influence on Bermuda’s aviation IB or tourism history. Definetly NOT a politician unless that politician was also mover outside of his/her political position.

    • mixitup says:

      Oh, & name it after somebody who had a strong influence on Bermuda’s aviation IB or tourism history. Definetly NOT a politician unless that politician was also mover outside of his/her political position.

      Let me guess… “Trimingham Intl Airport” or maybe Dodwell Intl.” That should make you feel better.

      • frank says:

        the name is not going to change

      • Triangle Drifter says:

        See now, you are coming around. Why yes, one of those names is a possible. One of them had an awful lot to do with the creation of the tourism industry.

        Got any more suggestions. Remember now, must be people who made major contributions to the wellbeing of Bermuda. You know. People who actually created jobs.

        • mixitup says:

          You need serious help my friend. I’ll leave it at that.

  13. Y-Gurl says:

    lets hope this doesn’t turn into a KEMH fiasco!

    • serengeti says:

      KEMH is a ‘fiasco’? Wow, it’s odd that Zane hasn’t mentioned that.

  14. Unbelievable says:

    This is great news! Jobs! Well done, OBA!

    Now the next test will be to see if this is a clean deal i.e….no one has to resign over it or one minister doesn’t contradict the other, etc. Nothing that is impeachable just making sure the ducks are in a row.

    Otherwise, well done!

  15. Double Standards says:

    Now get the St. George’s hotel developing going.

    Mix those two east end redevelopment with the Pink Beach, Sonesta, Belmont, Ariel Sansa, Hamilton Princess and Morgans Point jobs with an Americas Cup win and we will see some economic progress.

  16. Jeremy Deacon says:

    I am not convinced that PPPs work. If you look at this link ( you will see some of the problems that happened in the UK, where it is called PFI.
    In the longer term it costs a private company more to borrow than Governments, because they have to pay a higher rate of return. That means it must be self-financing in order for the company to repay the debt.
    That means it has to raise more revenue – so there will be new ideas, for sure, but there is also the danger that the majority of the cost will be passed on to the passengers, and for a long time.
    It is the same model used to build the new hospital wing – there the debt has to be repaid by the BHB, so it has to raise new revenue and or/cut costs.
    I understand that the Govt is broke and I understand the dire need to create new jobs and a new image, but I do think this will end up with increased costs for the consumer……. and the big ‘what if’ is, what if CCC finds it cannot pay off the debt it owes …..?

    • Onion says:

      Word on the street is that the borrowing cost for some of these infrastructure products is lower than the marginal cost of debt for the Bermuda Government.

      • Jeremy Deacon says:

        I’ve not heard that. Traditionally borrowing by governments is cheaper because there is usually so much more guarantee…

        • Onion says:

          The Bermuda Government is in worse fiscal shape than some junk grade debt.

          It is a miracle that we can still borrow cheaply.

        • serengeti says:

          But the government is reaching the limits of its ability to borrow. So the bigger issue is that this method of doing it gives access to different sources of financing. It gets around the obvious practical constraints on the government’s ability to add to debt, and at the same time boosts the economy.

    • 4 Bermuda prosperity says:

      Firstly you are correct to question the wisdom of PPP schemes. In the past hey have had varied results, however the same could be said for many construction projects particularly in Bermuda. Some PPP schemes have however been very successful and like any major project need to be well considered. This seems to be aimed at a viable level given the number of air arrivals for the concession to run on existing passenger numbers not fictional increases in thoroughfare.

      Secondly, we are all aware of the deficit that exists and this will bring $200M in to the Bermuda economy now which would not be the case if it were Government funded. This will balance some of the lost $Ms of BDA taxpayer money with foreign capital.

      While we do not know the details, it is normal for such concessions to revert ownership to the domicile country. This will certainly happen before the new airport is as old as the existing one. Long term viability is usually balanced by improvements in efficiency which should be significant given the aging infrastructure and should provide a long term saving to Government (removal of maintenance liability) until the hand over of the concession.

      All in all it appears a modest, affordable model and if project managed effectively a huge boost to Bermuda.

    • Commonsense nBda says:

      Jeremy, when the PLP built the Acute Care Wing, did you object to that project with that same degree of distaste. The building is now complete and ALL Bermudians very benefitting. Sometimes tells me you won’t be complaining when your able to walk on and off the plane and be warm and dry, or maybe you will complain!

  17. Commodore JB of BBIRYC says:

    This is great news. I hope they upgrade the private jet facility as well. I’d like a more state of the art private jet facility when I fly back and forth. If not I’ll have to evict everybody that rents my private island and build my own airport on Hinsons Island.

    • High Road says:

      You crack me up!!!

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Now if an airport had been built at Dockyard, as suggested by a PLP member some time ago, you could have your general aviation facility there.

    • hmmm says:

      You are not even close to being funny. Quit the act.

  18. abracadabra says:

    Who brokered the deal and at what benefit to whom?
    I hope Derrick Greene has nothing to do with this.
    Why is Vic is the Photo op?
    Only other opportunist not there is Wayne Wannabe Scott.

  19. watching says:

    While there are obvious short term benefits to this, how does this affect Bermuda financially long term?
    what will the annual payments cost to finance the airport?
    how is the airport expected to be self financed?
    why aren’t any Bermudians or Bermudian companies involved?
    typically the OBA is giving little to no information or details.

    • 4 Bermuda prosperity says:

      Answers to your queries from standard model PPP (that do work globally):

      In the long term BDA gets an airport and has much reduced maintenance liability so an effective cut in the budget allocation.

      The annual costs will usually be private and will usually depend upon the hand back date, but payment should come simply from the airport traffic. Costs will only increase for flyers if that period is set short by the client. That is a valid business decision balanced by the BDA Govt in this case against arrivals and price tolerance and agreed with the private partner.

      From the same fees that are currently levied and improved efficiencies of the facility from modern construction and reduced maintenance costs.

      They will be in the construction, airport concessions and operations. Unfortunately there is no BDA company with the required expertise to undertake this solo. However with a foreign company there is also no local liability for failure or overspend which has generally not been pursued historically.

      They have just sealed a del that would undoubtedly have required a great deal of confidentiality for business reasons. If there is no information in the future this would be a fair gripe. :-)

  20. Anne says:

    Well its about time!, I for one hope they will deliver a first time facility for our travelers and locals alike- I am tired of getting wet walking up and down those steep iron steps!

  21. Anne says:

    oops! ** first class facility ***

  22. watching says:

    OMG….We need a new bridge and not a new airport.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Yeah, we need that new bridge too. The ‘gonna’ Government was gonna do it. Remember? Somehow $800,000,000 went missing, a school project went way over budget, a court building went way over budget, people went for junkets all around the world &, oh yeah, Beyonnce came here.

      10 years after Fabian. Still no bridge.

      Where did all the bridge money go?

      • PBanks says:

        It’s a right shame that the money received from the Americans which was to go towards Causeway/bridge development got funneled elsewhere. Not to mention that many people say we got shortchanged on the exchange in the first place, but that’s another matter.

        Where we would get the money from now for that project? No idea, and as mentioned elsewhere, it’s not a future revenue earner the way that a new airport would be.

  23. Jo Blo says:

    It sound like an interesting approach conceptually. I just suspect there is some Devil in the details as it sounds just a little too good to be true. CCC and particularly the investors behind them are being painted as angels who arent looking to get anything/much out of this.

  24. Onion says:

    More off balance sheet debt for Bermuda.

    • Jeremy Deacon says:

      yes, but still a debt

      • Lois Frederick says:

        But we don’t pay for it directly. The airport will be paid for by fees generated at the airport. Less of a burden to us. Only pay if you use the facility. The less you travel the less you will pay.

        • Terry says:

          You believe that Lois?
          When arrivals fall…..
          Never mind.

        • Toodle-oo says:

          Hang on to that dream Lois .
          Remember that thing called ‘hospital levy’ ? Remember how long we’ve had it ? Has it ever gone down ? Do people who don’t use KEMH not have it deducted from their pay cheques ?

  25. Curious says:

    Will the gov reach out to new airlines and such to come to the island? All well and good to have a nice airport but if it isn’t being frequented by visitors then it has no point. Hopefully they do so. More flights here are needed from others places to help increase tourists coming here.

  26. Alvin Williams says:

    The Egyptians built the Pyramids; the PLP built the new court and police station; I guess the OBA will built a new airport. We are all the same after all? As long as they don’t change the name.

    • jt says:

      Keep it on budget…on time…and transparent…that will distinguish it from the PLP capital projects….not sure about about the pyramids.

      • PBanks says:

        I suspect the labour issues were a bit different if you want to bring Egypt and the Pyramids into this…

    • Bermewjan says:

      What’s wrong – don’t you like the idea of the “Bob’s International Airport”? How is it any worse than the current name?

      Personally I vote for “Kindley Field Airport” or “Bermuda Airport” – radical I know, but they sort of ring of true to me.

  27. BDA says:

    Canadian companies are slowly purchasing Bermuda, but we’re to blind to see it. Jobs will be provided but just like the hospital it’s temporary. Stay Woke Bermuda….

    • A Better Bermuda says:

      OMG..not Canadians? What about when a large part of Bermuda was sold to foreign (US) lenders in 2010 by way debt? OMG….not Americans too? Let’s face it, in 2010 we were all sold into a form of financial slavery.

  28. navin johnson says:

    Jetways please….no more stairs to climb in the rain would be nice

    • mixitup says:

      You think they will spend that type of money and not build jetways? Duhhh..

  29. Alvin Williams says:

    Well that is just it; Bermuda being a British Overseas territory means they have control over our air space. In fact they use us as a bargaining chip when they negotiate air routes with other countries; principally the United States. Now it seems to me anyone who wants to control a new Bermuda airport would want to expand new links with the rests of the world.
    Presently Bermuda has to get British agreement if it wants another airliner to land in Bermuda. Has anyone asked why all those European airliners fly right over us on their way to the Caribbean? And is there a fee paid to the British for the use of Bermuda’s air space? Questions that should be asked but are not?

  30. Somebody's Momma says:

    Does this include a new Causeway as well?

  31. Eyeinthesky says:

    “I believe that this new attractive and sophisticated modern facility will enhance our tourism product” ……

    Are they building a beach next to it as well…. comon….this is a crazy statement. When did tourism evolve to the point of having a great airport will get the tourist to come here…. because that’s what we need …numbers…not a pretty airport…

    The present airport is far better then 90% of the airport to our south, they continue to do better than us with older airports.

    Just crazy thinking….

    Can we find a permanent fix of the 10 plus year old temporary bridge… smh

    • mixitup says:

      Ahhh almost every island to the south now have better facilities than Bermuda. Let me name a few. Nassau, Haiti (yes haiti) St.maarten, VI, Kingston, Trinidad. Shall I go on?

      • clairvoyant says:

        You are kidding, right? I have been to all these airports and all except Princess Juliana are sad excuses for airports. Even at the Princess you have to look for air conditioning.

  32. Raymond Ray says:

    AL, the last time I checked Bermuda was / is still a British Colony. If they choose to charge others to “fly in our air space” then they have all rights.
    I agree, it’s a fact that there are flights traveling over us / Bermuda onto elsewhere. We should be luring them to the Island but in order to do this we must present an appealing vacation plan e.g. flights, hotels and on Island excursions for a reasonable fee. (What’s that old saying about catching more flies with honey rather than $hit?)

  33. Terry says:

    If one watches the video and verbal you will notice the ‘chap’ representing the Canadian firm hardly raises his eyes whilst reading or commenting.



    • Raymond Ray says:

      Yeah Terry you’re right. It reminds me of nearly all of the Progressive Labour Party representatives when “reading” a statement as oppose to facing”the nation” :-(

    • mixitup says:

      I noticed that also. I also noticed how unconvinced and unsure Bob Richards sounded.

  34. Rasta says:

    Great news Minister Richards!

  35. Lois Frederick says:

    Interesting the estimated cost is said to be $200 mil. In the proposal from 2005, on the airport page on, the amount was projected to be $401 mil. I wonder how they managed to half it? I guess they worked out the potential service fees and then worked back from there to come up with what could be afforded.

    • Time Shall Tell says:

      What could be afforded you say. Last cry from the government was there there was NO money but money is found for this? If they worried about first impressions then tell me why so long after the storms the roads outside of the airport still have major broken branches all over the place? Tell me why is there trash still blown all up against the airport fence? Why is there bags of illegal trash dumping where the original Causeway swing bridge bridge, Why is there still uprooted palm trees? Why is there still a Temporary bridge in place? These founds should be put towards a proper replacement of the causeway & just make due with repairs & cosmetic upgrades to the L.F.Wade International airport. I guess a renaming of the airport will also be in the works after these planed changes are complete too huh?

  36. Bermewjan says:

    Hey everybody, I have absolutely no money! In fact I’m in debt up to my eyeballs, but I’m going to have a new swimming pool built in my back yard because my family will benefit from it, especially my brother in law, who works in construction.

    I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to pay for it, but maybe I can charge people to come swim in it after it’s built or maybe I will have to sell it and the land it’s on to one of my neighbours after it’s built because otherwise I may go bankrupt.

    Does this sound like a good idea to you? Or do you think I should pay off my debts before indulging in such a ridiculous, frivolous head-in-the-clouds fantasy first?

    No wait… why am I asking you your opinion? It’s obviously a brilliant idea because it came out of my amazing brain. Yep, I going to announce it to everyone as a fait accompli later today! I’m sure they will all totally love the idea! Man am I good or what!

  37. Time Shall Tell says:

    Didn’t this very airport win award for best in the region just a few years ago??

    • clairvoyant says:

      Yeah it did win. Now we need to knock it down and start over.

  38. Triangle Drifter says:

    Successive Governments from well into the UBP days have been promising a dock to be built so that visitors can begin their fun in the sun with a boat ride, which will take pressure off our very busy roads & save time for those going to the West End & properties with docks in the Hamilton area too.

    Taxi drivers will complain, but they complain about everything so for once lets consider what the customer might like.

    Is a dock part of the airport plan?

  39. itsastart says:

    you got to start somewhere. Will benefit Bermuda and everyone, hopefully this is the start of something good in Bermuda.

  40. Bermewjan says:

    Wait, did I mention I’m in debt up to my eyeballs… because the government debt per tax payer is astronomical…. and one day we might simply have this debt deducted from our bank accounts. And before you say “that’ll never happen”, please note it has happened in other countries.

    So knowing that possibility exists how do you feel about spending on a huge new capital project while we are in the middle of a debt crisis?

    I know how I feel and I’m clicking my heels together as we speak!