Premier Addresses Visiting Caribbean Delegation

October 31, 2015

“No matter what our differences are politically, socially, regionally, each of the Parliamentarians in this room today share a unifying bond,” Premier Michael Dunkley said in his welcoming address to a visiting delegation from the Caribbean.

“As leaders, whether we are Parliamentarians in Government or Opposition we have an obligation to provide the best service and representation possible to our constituents and to our Country,” continued Premier Dunkley.

The Premier was speaking at the 17th Biennial Conference of Presiding Officers and Clerks of the Caribbean, The Americas and The North Atlantic Region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association which was held in Bermuda from October 25th to 29th.

Delegates from 14 Caribbean countries in attendance, with the event including representatives from Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Nevis Island, St. Christopher & Nevis, St. Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago, and Turks & Caicos Islands.

17th Biennial Conference Bermuda October 30 2015 (3)

Addressing the gathering, the Premier said: “To His Excellency the Governor, to the Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, Ministerial Colleagues, CPA Executive, Members of the Legislature and invited guests: Good Morning!

“I am delighted to welcome you to the 17th Biennial Conference of Presiding Officers and Clerks of the Caribbean, The Americas and The North Atlantic Region.

“This truly is a distinguished gathering of legislators and parliamentarians. It is hoped that this week’s CPA conference will prove to be a catalyst for action and change. And based on some of the topics, I am excited about the prospect of some very significant resolutions coming out of this conference.

17th Biennial Conference Bermuda October 30 2015 (1)

“In fact I was very intrigued and encouraged by some of the proposed discussions on the agenda this week, such as:

  • “The Role of The Speaker: Initiating strategies and outreach programmes to enable the public to understand his/her role and responsibilities.”: and
  • “Is Adversarial Politics Sustainable in Small Islands: Implementing successful strategies in managing contentious House debates and the importance of fostering relationships and cooperation with each other.”

“These are some very weighty, thought provoking topics, and I am genuinely heartened that each of you have embraced the challenge of seeking to navigate through these discussions.

17th Biennial Conference Bermuda October 30 2015 (2)

“The Conference theme “The Relevance of Parliament in Today’s Society” is a timely and appropriate topic. I am of the view that no matter what our differences are politically, socially, regionally, each of the parliamentarians in this room today share a unifying bond. We chose to get involved in public service so that we can better the world around us and uplift and empower the people we serve through a democratic process.

“As leaders, whether we are Parliamentarians in Government or Opposition we have an obligation to provide the best service and representation possible to our constituents and to our Country. We have an obligation to conduct ourselves in a manner of the highest integrity, because the fact is, we are representatives of the people and we must lead by example.

“And we must be good and upstanding representatives which evoke the respect of our citizens.

“So, yes, there is a relevance of Parliament in today’s society.

“And we need to demonstrate that relevance to our respective communities not just by our words and actions, but by encouraging them to get involved and active in all aspects of the political process.

17th Biennial Conference Bermuda October 30 2015 (4)

“So ladies and gentlemen, this conference serves as a pivotal opportunity to facilitate an open forum for candid and frank discussions about the shared challenges all parliamentarians in the region face.

“You have a powerful agenda ahead of you, one that has the potential to significantly advance change on significant areas of concern. And sometimes, in order to effect a positive and meaningful change, we must critically reflect on the way we do things. This requires foresight, courage and vision. And I have no doubt that the members of the CPA possess that in abundance this week.

“So I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your service, and I wish to thank all of those who helped to organise this important event.

“I also wish each of you a very productive week of deliberations and discussions and I look forward to hearing about the agreed upon conclusions at the close of the conference.”

In addition to providing the welcoming remarks, the Premier also welcomed the group to Camden later in the week.

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Comments (11)

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  1. Betteh uplift de trash from de dide de roooaad…

    • Onion Juice says:

      Facilitate an open forum for candid and frank discussions.
      Would be nice if they can use those attributes before they Legislate and pass amendments.

  2. Raymond Ray says:

    After having read the above, what has been accomplished? Inquisitive minds would like to know.

  3. DarkStar says:

    I bet a few in that room squirmed at that speech–any bets on how many of the folks in that room became politicians for their own betterment as opposed to what Dunkley said

    • Oscar says:

      I may not agree with all kinds Mike’s politics, but he hit the nail on the head and I hope his speech did make some of them uncomfortable. Me personally, I’ve always wondered at what point does someone with the best political intentions go bad.

  4. Flooding says:

    I think the problem with the Premiers remarks to that gathering is that His Government, under His leadership, has become the example of poor governance.

  5. Coffee says:

    Did he mention his opposition to Bermuda becoming a member of CARICOM ?

  6. Cup Of Tea Anyone? says:

    Did you mention your opposition to intelligence?
    drink some tea. it stimulates the brain, if you have one.
