Somers Limited July 2016 Share Repurchases

August 9, 2016

In a filing with the Bermuda Stock Exchange [BSX], Somers Limited, a financial services investment holding company, announced that during the month of July Somers purchased 2,200 of its own common shares at an average cost of $13.75 per share. The Shares will be cancelled with immediate effect.

Somers Limited is a listed financial services investment holding company whose major assets include its 100% owned subsidiary, Bermuda Commercial Bank Limited, one of Bermuda’s four licensed banks and a 62.5% holding in Waverton Investment Management Limited, a UK wealth manager with £4.5 billion assets under management. The Group’s other investments include a 57% interest in West Hamilton Holdings Limited, a Bermuda property company, a 44% economic interest in Ascot Lloyd Holdings Limited, a UK independent financial adviser, a 23% interest in Merrion Capital Holdings Limited, an Irish financial services group and a 99% stake in Stockdale Securities Limited, a corporate and institutional stockbroking group.

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