30 Minute Video: ZBM Evening News For Sept 12
“PLP MP puzzled over Education Board’s decision to hire non-Bermudian Commissioner, Island’s crime rate down steadily but gangs remain a problem, and third man in court charged with murder of Lorenzo Stovell,” are some of the stories ZBM said are set to be covered in their newscast this evening.
With an aim to expand the way they deliver their news to the community, the Bermuda Broadcasting Company is continuing to live stream their evening news programme online for viewers both on the island and abroad.
ZBM said that their news programme this evening includes: “PLP MP puzzled over Education Board’s decision to hire non-Bermudian Commissioner, Island’s crime rate down steadily but gangs remain a problem, and third man in court charged with murder of Lorenzo Stovell.”
The live video will begin at 7.00pm, and play to 7.30pm, and then the replay will be available: