30 Minute Video: ZBM Evening News For Nov 23
Comments from Opposition Leader David Burt and Finance Minister Bob Richards on the airport redevelopment project, while compared to other jurisdictions Bermuda is moving at a faster pace to have provisional gaming licenses issued according to OBA Senate Leader Michael Fahy, and the Opposition Progressive Labour Party is cautiously backing the Government on the amendments to the Gaming Act, are some of the stories ZBM covered in their newscast this evening.
With an aim to expand the way they deliver their news to the community, the Bermuda Broadcasting Company is continuing to live stream their evening news programme online for viewers both on the island and abroad.
The live video will begin at 7.00pm, and play to 7.30pm, and then the replay will be available:
We might be getting value for money but the PROBLEM is that value for money is leaving Bermuda and Canadians are benefiting from this, not Bermudians!