“I Like Big Putts” Wins Footgolf Tournament

November 20, 2017

Team “I Like Big Putts” — consisting of the well dressed team of Rakeem Deshields, Shannon Burchall, Ezekiel Stoneham and Kijaun Wilkinson — avenged their second place finish in the inaugural tournament in 2016 to finish with the top score and overall first placed trophy in Saturday’s Tournament.

I like Big Putts Bermuda Nov 2017

A total of nine teams entered the event sponsored by Burrows & Lightbourn [Amstel Bright, Bacardi and Dewar’s] that took place at Turtle Hill Golf Club Footgolf course.

Using the Best Ball Format, second place overall went to Klopps and Robbers [Monica Dunstan, Kim Johnston, Zeldon Trott, Coyatito Smith] and third place overall went to Kickin Smoke [Tyler Fox, Talia Iris, Corby Fox, Dominque Rivas].

Other results were:

  • 1st All Male Team – Big Balls & Big Holes [Garon Wilkinson, Ian Cameron, Simos Charalambous, Stefanos Economides]
  • 1st Mixed Team – Rent a Ballz – [Lindsay Sousa, Aaron Medeiros, Stephen Smith]
  • Top Individual Score – Rakeem Deshields
  • Best Hole – Kijaun Wilkinson
  • Furthest Kick – Shannon Burchall
  • Best Dressed – I Like Big Putts

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  1. Fisherman says:

    [Tyler Fox, Talia Iris, Corby Fox, Dominque Rivas] – Yezz Dudes