Lamb To Serve As Project Manager For NAMLC
The Ministry of National Security is advising that effective Monday, February 5, 2018, the Commissioner of Corrections Lt. Col. Edward Lamb will begin a nine month secondment with the National Anti-Money Laundering Committee [NAMLC], where he will serve as the Project Manager for the NAMLC.
“The public will be aware that NAMLC has been tasked with ensuring that Bermuda is compliant in time for an upcoming international assessment,” the Ministry said.
During Col. Lamb’s secondment, Assistant Commissioner of Corrections Keeva Joell-Benjamin will serve as the Acting Commissioner.
A NAMLC spokesperson said, “The National Anti-Money Laundering Committee is pleased to welcome Lt. Col. Edward Lamb, who joins the Office of NAMLC team within the Ministry of Finance.
“Lt. Col. Lamb will carry out a critical role as Project Manager, to ensure that the various programmes and initiatives being driven by NAMLC are progressing smoothly, efficiently and within the targeted deadlines.
“We believe that Lt. Col. Lamb’s enthusiasm for this project, his discipline and boundless desire to serve his country will be great assets for the team.”
So our so called minister of finance can’t do this as a finance minister. Another committee, more tax payers $ wasted.
Be Jingus.
The Commissioner of Corrections is now a finance expert on money laundering? Does he have a finance background?
Could someone provide a reason why this individual has been chosen for this position please.
Is he an accountant or maybe he has a background in finance or maybe law enforcement or is this just the usual shuffling of senior civil servants to new and even more lucaritive posts?
that more like a demotion….. With the state of the Corrections Department and all the drama that is unfolding, it is more like they are trying to give him as grateful an exit as they can…..
obviously he has spare time to do this and not the Prisons!!!!!!
All this current government does is flip flop people from one post to another.or set up a committee. Just what have they accomplished since they took over. Absolutely nothing oh Jea I forgot gave government workers a raise bought new GP cars and travelled. Hmmm very interested to hear the budget and see how they propose to pay down the debt?????They will never accomplish what Bob Richards did in paying off the debt. One day it will come back to haunt the people who voted for them.
I can hardly wait for this budget too!
It will be interesting to hear how we are going to fund all this spending that has happened since July 2017. The America’s Cup created a breathing space with it’s ROI. The air is now being sucked up by thoughtless spending which shows no sign of being reined in.
Plenty of committees and more committees and loads of rhetoric and hot air. All blow and no real action where it is needed!
Am I missing something here?
Can you please tell me if these guys are attempting to prevent the laundering of money or are looking to catch people…I dont see the police having any part of this and they are the only ones who investigate. This doesn’t sit right. Big headlines not backed with any mention of police. Sounds like a government looking to justify their existence.
Is this appointment someone’s idea of a joke? Or is Lamb being positioned for something else?
this guy went from the regiment to prison service with no clue what
to do now we move him again for nine months give him a few more dollars before he retires he must be either a lodge boy or a frat brother
Wow! And his background in finance or even project management is what?? Can we for once make appointments on merit and not favor. If we really want results and integrity, it starts with utilizing those that have the credentials, successful experiences and most importantly have earned consideration through stellar works. Nothing has changed with this PLP government.