“Small Spill” From Vessel At Blackhorse Wharf

July 15, 2018

A “small spill” occurred from a vessel positioned alongside Blackhorse Wharf earlier this month, officials have confirmed.

A Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre spokesperson said, “BMOC received a report of a suspected Diesel spill in the Narrows, between Smith’s Island and Chapel of Ease, St David’s.

“The report was initially investigated by BMOC staff and Police land unit who confirmed a smell of diesel in the area but were unable to see it due to fading light.

“Department of Environment & Natural Resources [DENR] marine asset was tasked to investigate the area the following morning, reporting that a small spill had occurred from a vessel positioned alongside Blackhorse Wharf.

“A generator was being craned ashore with fuel line still connected, resulting in a small loss of fuel.”

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