Video: Denis Pitcher Appointed To FinTech Unit

January 14, 2019

[Updated] Premier David Burt is holding a press conference this afternoon [Jan 14] regarding the FinTech Unit. We will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below.

Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 17-minute replay is below

Update 5.39pm: Premier David Burt said, ”As you are aware, Bermuda continues to make strides in the Fintech space, both locally and globally. Fintech is transforming the way we do business and has sparked the creation of innovative new technologies that deliver financial services in ways never before imagined.

”To date, 55 companies have been incorporated in Bermuda, some of which have already started hiring Bermudians. As of January 9, 2019, the Business Development Agency was in discussions with more than two dozen strong prospects for incorporation during 2019 – which means that the pipeline for new company formation is strong.

”Without a doubt, Bermuda has carved out a pioneering and leadership position in this area. This kind of momentum and activity requires the right resources and support.

”In October, the Government announced the creation of the Fintech Business Unit [FBU] to manage and oversee Bermuda’s rapidly expanding fintech initiatives.

”And today, I am delighted to announce a new addition to the Fintech Business Unit. Mr. Denis Pitcher has been recently appointed as a Fintech Technical Consultant.

”Mr. Pitcher will work within the Fintech Business Unit, providing high-level technical assistance and advice as it relates to the continued development of Bermuda’s Fintech sector.

”Denis is no stranger to this industry and is eminently qualified to assist the Government in our continuing efforts to expand and evolve our Fintech sector.

”Mr. Pitcher’s vision, of Bermuda being a technology centre, aligns with our overall fintech strategy and he has fit seamlessly into our team.

”As a bit of background, Denis Pitcher is the Tech Co-founder and Chief Architect of, a Tourism Technology solutions provider servicing companies in the North American and Caribbean regions.

”Before becoming a tech entrepreneur, Mr. Pitcher worked as a Trading Systems Developer for Orbis Investment Management and had primary responsibility for the currency trading and hedging recommendation systems.

”Denis has extensive knowledge of Fintech related technologies such as blockchain, distributed ledger, and cryptocurrencies and has been a local advocate on this subject for a number of years.

”Mr. Pitcher is a member of the Bermuda Business Development Agency’s Fintech working group and conducted training sessions on blockchain for the Technology leadership forum.

”He’s served as an advisor to various on island bodies on Fintech and its potential for Bermuda’s future, including the Fiscal Responsibility Panel.

”Mr. Pitcher holds a Bachelors of Engineering Science in Software Engineering from the University of Western Ontario.

”On behalf of the Government, I am pleased to welcome you to our team officially.”

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Comments (27)

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    Move over Bermuda dollar, it Burt-coin time!

    • Poppa spot says:

      Just stop. You sound like a are an absolute no nothing trying to tell us something you know nothing about. Sick of you old OBAUBP lot. Why dont you actually research the Fintech Industry and make your own conclusions instead of regurgitating your party line.

      • Snuffalufigus says:

        “No nothing” lol please try again.

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        Your assumption that I am a member of the OBA or the UBP is wrong. I am not and never have been a member of either party.

        I think your PLP bias is getting in the way of your view of the truth.

        • So good to hear says:

          What is this truth you yourself speak of? And Poppa Spot is right on that Burt-Coin talk is all OBA rhetoric who do you think your fooling? But carry on..

      • aceboy says:

        I think YOU need to do some research.

        I very much doubt you know anything that wasn’t spoon fed to you.

    • So good to hear says:

      Why don’t you actually educate yourself about Fintech before such dumbfounded sarcasm. Like it or not the world is changing and the old days are done. A lot of you old folks don’t get it that your time is up. Fintech is a young man’s game so step aside it’s time for us young men, young men to step up and be the forefront of this and embrace it like the start if IB in Bermuda.

      • Jus' Wonderin' says:

        so where’s d jobs bra….honestly?~

        • So good to hear says:

          Ask the OBA is what you should be doing. Memba they got 2000 of them lined up…

    • 2 Bermudas says:

      Blockchain is nothing but a glorified spreadsheet. But hey, if there are people coming here willing to spend money and set up businesses then I’m all for it as long as it is clean money!!

      • Kevin Malone says:

        you’re a moron.

      • So good to hear says:

        That’s not true and Blockchain is only 1 Avenue of Fintech, just one. You all really need to research it and understand what it represents. But yea u right as long as its clean and brings in capital for island I’m for it too.

  2. DeOnion says:

    I heard the premier talking of 50 fintech incorporations – some observations:
    There are 15k companies incorporated here, to put this into context. Also of those 15k we are going to keep some and lose some – where is government’s plan for that?
    Is there an EU task force charged with dealing with this or is that reserved only for fintech? Indeed, other than using old policies, is there any plan at all?
    Of the 50 incorporations, how many jobs are involved? My guess is none – otherwise you know full well that we would have been told. So does that satisfy eu substance regulations?
    If there are jobs, how many work permits have been granted and how many bermudians have been employed?
    Again, if bermudians were employed it is likely that we would have been told, over and over again, yes?
    So while i welcome mr pitcher, please excuse my complete cynicism.

  3. So good to hear says:

    This is wonderful news. Loving the young energy and vibe about this. Fintech will be the young ppls future. Young Bermudians take note and take advantage of what Fintech has to offer.

    • DeOnion says:

      What advantage has it got to offer and who to – bermudians or non bermudians?

      • So good to hear says:

        To answer you moronic question sir its everyone who decides to get INVOLVED with it in Bermuda just like how everyone got on board with the IB and the reinsurance and insurance industry. Again they DID NOT flourish overnight like ppl like you would love for everyone to believe that. The fact you had to ask that PROVES you all have not researched this growing, vast, industry but want to sit up here like some moral authority telling others what to think. Go and do some actual research and all your questions can be answered in regards of what it has to offer

    • DeOnion says:

      What about the immediate future? What about the increased tax burden that is being felt now? What about the increased health costs? What about rock bottom business confidence? What about the ageing population?
      Take your blinkers off – young people may not have a future here

      • So good to hear says:

        There is NO Tax burden for Fintech I dunno even why you brought that up only to be fecisous and deflect because your argument is weak. Govt does NOT control the health care in Bermuda. The ppl who vote OBA do and are the same ones charging almost 7 dollars for a loaf of bread and milk. Rock bottom business CONFIDENCE sir you are another one of these liars that come on here thinking lies will save you. Everytime you have a change in leadership business CONFIDENCE fluctuates because simply business owners dont know what is going to happen or what will change under the new regime and so far there hasn’t been ANY real change affecting business other wise than the sugar tax but that’s not HURTING them. So stop the lying. And as far as the age problem, opening up the flood gates to foreigners is NOT the answer. Immigration reform I’m for but not in the favor of the disenfranchisement of black ppl on the island cause that’s who it has and will work against if you have the oba, your way way. We need to bring our YOUNG ppl back from overseas and get them back to the workforce. This nonsense you all are trying to push is asinine at its finest. But we know why you don’t want that trust me we know. Young ppl most definitely can have a future here but the so called adults like your self have to PROVIDE that for them and as of know us young ppl ain’t seen it from you all. Go check the numbers more ppl left Bermuda DURING the OBA’s time in power!!!! Why you all ain’t talking about that? Where is all this so called success or even the slightest of it from the OBA. The facts remain they DOUBLED the debt and over 2000 ppl lost employment under them including myself. So what did they truly accomplished in 4 and half years? Absolutely nothing. So how come you dont cross examine the OBA, your party for their obvious failure of a govt? Staying on code I see…something my ppl need to learn from you all

    • Red rose says:

      Young people’s future? What happens in the meantime? What happens to our elderly now – how can they afford health care?
      What happens to the people/businesses paying increased taxes now? How will they survive?
      The future is fine but most people live in the present. How does this help them?

  4. Red rose says:

    What is the cost of the fintech unit? What is the cost of this addition to personnel? How many does it employ? Has the unit yet paid its costs in terms of revenue generated? What is its business plan? Etc etc etc ….

  5. Realist says:

    When will the Premier share that Gina Tucker has also been moved from the Dept of Education to Fintech. What is her role? What is her background in Fintech? Why the quiet move with no announcement? Let’s get all the favoured placements out Mr. Transparent Premier.

  6. aceboy says:

    A Fintech “consultant” huh? Is this an example of the jawbs for Bermudians? Why are we paying for it?

  7. dick francis says:

    Surel one of the measurements of success in this area – as far as Bermuda is concerned – is jobs yet we hear that there is no way of measuring the number of jobs created apart from work permit applications.
    Surely that needs changing?

  8. Rus says:

    “Denis is no stranger to this industry”
    Is that the standard?

  9. Kevin Malone says:

    Moron. It’s a saying.

  10. CryptoSwitch says:

    Amazing talent to switch between OBA over to PLP for an opportunity to be paid as a Consultant.

    A page from Flip Flop Furbert’s playbook.