‘Require Publication Of All Such Appointments’
[Updated] I will today introduce amendments to the ‘Premier, Ministers and Opposition Leader Personal Staffs Act 2019,’ Premier David Burt said in the House of Assembly today [May 17], explaining that this will require the “publication of all such appointments with details of remuneration.”
The Premier said, “In an era when phrases like ‘openness and transparency’ are used more as weapons than genuine encouragement of best practice, this Government has determined to de-mystify the appointments and terms of service of those men and women who bring to bear their talent and expertise in support of ministers and their policy objectives.
“The Act will see an end to the ‘gotcha’ nature of Ministerial Appointments by requiring the annual publication of all such appointments with details of remuneration to be tabled in this Honourable House.
“By codifying these appointments in terms that mirror the ministerial Code of Conduct, this Government is providing the initiative required to move our political discourse beyond the small politics that so often distract us from the very important issues of true significance to the people of Bermuda.”
The Premier’s full statement follows below:
Mr. Speaker, in a Statement to this Honourable House on 11th March 2019, I advised Honourable members of this Government’s intention to advance amendments to the Premier and Opposition Leaders Personal Staffs Act 1983, to start the process of building capacity within Ministries by developing a private office function.
Honourable Members will recall my reference to the recommendations of the SAGE Commission and the 2011 Civil Service Review which recommended the creation of a ministerial private office to “relieve Permanent Secretaries of the day-to-day tasks associated with Ministers’ needs”.
Mr. Speaker, I am therefore pleased to advise this Honourable House and the public that I will today introduce the promised amendments to the Act, and reflecting the change we have made, the Act will now be known as the Premier, Ministers and Opposition Leader Personal Staffs Act 2019.
Mr. Speaker, in an era when phrases like ‘openness and transparency’ are used more as weapons than genuine encouragement of best practice, this Government has determined to de-mystify the appointments and terms of service of those men and women who bring to bear their talent and expertise in support of ministers and their policy objectives.
The Act will see an end to the “gotcha” nature of Ministerial Appointments by requiring the annual publication of all such appointments with details of remuneration to be tabled in this Honourable House.
By codifying these appointments in terms that mirror the ministerial Code of Conduct, this Government is providing the initiative required to move our political discourse beyond the small politics that so often distract us from the very important issues of true significance to the people of Bermuda.
Mr. Speaker, Bermuda is a complex society with a delicate economy and is facing equally complex issues around economic diversification, social change and building a fairer society.
We must ensure that Ministers of this and future governments can call upon the expertise and support required to properly discharge their responsibilities as demanded by the modern era of public service.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Update: The Premier, Ministers & Opposition Leader Personal Staffs Act 2019 [PDF here]
This is a joke right? This guy is making such outrageous statements. He is forgetting about how it is possible or acceptable for family members and cronies to even qualify or receive compensation for anything to do with Government! Not just the personal assistance posts for the Premier and Opposition Leader! What about the rest?
Correct. It’s a massively disingenuous statement.
So how about a register updated in real time, showing us who government consultants at any point, are and what they get paid?