Mixed Status Bill Will Be Tabled In September

July 25, 2019

The Mixed Status Bill “will not be tabled tomorrow in the House of Assembly as planned” as there “are important elements that remain unresolved, and it would be irresponsible to forward legislation that does not fully meet the needs of Bermuda,” Minister of National Security Wayne Caines said.

Minister Caines said, “For over twenty years, governments have worked unsuccessfully to bring about immigration reform. The aforementioned fact demonstrates the importance and monumental challenge drafting this legislation presents.

“In the Government’s Speech from the Throne, we pledged to implement comprehensive immigration reform. This included, but was not limited to, regularizing the issues surrounding mixed-status families in Bermuda.

“To that end, we must ensure that the draft legislation provides the justice mixed status families deserve, whilst ensuring Bermudians have a place of primacy in their homeland. Achieving the right balance is critical, and it is my responsibility to ensure we get it right the first time.

“It is for this reason and with great regret I must inform the public, that the Mixed Status Bill will not be tabled tomorrow in the House of Assembly as planned.

“After a series of meetings with the Parliamentary Drafters and the Government Policy Team, there are important elements that remain unresolved, and it would be irresponsible to forward legislation that does not fully meet the needs of Bermuda.

“We simply need more time to get it right, and I have asked for the Mixed Status Bill to be tabled in September.”

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  1. wahoo says:

    This is progress?

  2. waaaaaaaho says:

    yes – this is progress

  3. me says:

    the party minister chokes and fails the country again what a saga

  4. Reality Check says:

    Minister Caines has delayed the bill a perfectly reasonable period of time to be certain it is correct . How can people possibly argue that he is wrong to do so .

  5. Yah Late says:

    Haven’t even been doing anything this whole time

  6. Joe Bloggs says:

    Sounds like yet another Government cannot embark on immigration reform. The Minister was correct to say that no such comprehensive reforms have been debated in the last 20 years.

    I wonder what the People’s Campaign will have to say in September? Will it refuse to allow such a Bill to be debated again?

  7. Oh,I see now says:

    Caines you are obviously punching above your weight with this, stick to free haircuts in the fall.