Photo Set I: Second Day Of 2019 Cup Match
The always popular Cup Match Classic features the Somerset vs St George’s cricket game on the field, and also features an ‘informal fashion show’ off the field, with many locals dressed to impress as they attended the annual event, which was held in St George’s this year, and saw Somerset retain the coveted Cup after the match ended in a draw. For live video replays of the two day event please click here, for our other photo galleries of Cup Match click here, and and for all our coverage of Cup Match click here.
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Cup Match, despite the PLP trying to rewrite history, was one celebration enjoyed by all in Bermuda. Rightly so. It brings everyone together, but you’d never believe it from this group of photos. It is so one sided but then maybe it is reflective of the new PLP Cup Match.
Stupid comment. Time to leave the circus Ringmaster.