Weather Forecast For Tuesday June 16

June 15, 2020

Tuesday, June 16 is expected to be cloudy skies, with the high to be near 25°C/77°F and the low to be near 22°C/71°F, according to the Bermuda Weather Service.

Winds are expected to be ESE. The relative humidity is expected to be near 78%.

Sunrise will be at 6.11am and sunset will be at 8.28pm. High tide will be at 5.40am and 6.16pm, while low tide will be at 11.47am.

The Bermuda Weather Service’s forecast for Tuesday says, “Cloudy, a few showers become heavier rain/showers late night. Winds east-southeasterly light to moderate, gradually increasing moderate. High near 25°C/77°F, low near 22°C/71°F. Clear sky UV Index forecast – 10 or very high.”

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