Crime Stoppers Launching Anti-Gun Campaign

July 28, 2020

Bermuda Crime Stoppers is launching their latest anti-crime campaign and are urging the “public to come forward with any piece of information, no matter how small, that relates to firearms and persons who may have access to them.”

A spokesperson said, “Bermuda Crime Stoppers will launch their latest anti-crime campaign on Monday 27th July 2020, highlighting the need for the public to get involved to address the ‘gun problem’ that has continued to destroy families within our community over the last few years.

Crime Stoppers Gun Campaign Bermuda July 2020

“We would like to remind the public of our Reward structure for anonymous information. Callers are eligible to receive:

  • Up to $3,000 for information that leads to an arrest or seizure of illegal drugs, or stolen property, or other unlawful acts within the community
  • Up to $5,000 for information leading to the seizure of a firearm
  • Up to $6,000 for information that will help locate missing person Chavelle Dillon-Burgess

“Crime Stoppers Bermuda is asking the public to come forward with any piece of information, no matter how small, that relates to firearms and persons who may have access to them. The Bermuda community’s present situation is too serious to ignore.

“Coinciding with this campaign, Crime Stoppers has also launched its new website with a more ‘community and user friendly’ electronic reporting platform. This was made possible through corporate, private and the public’s support of the 3rd Annual BUEI Film Weekend held earlier this year, which helped to fund the new website. With the support of the MarketPlace and Lindo’s grocery stores, we will be giving away Crime Stoppers reusable shopping bags.

“Persons who wish to learn more about Crime Stoppers Bermuda should visit our website at The website highlights current and past crimes within the community and current and past promotional campaigns. It is the only organization’s website in Bermuda that allows the public the opportunity to send anonymous crime tips electronically.

“We have over twenty-two years of support from the community in relation to the detection and prevention of crime, and during this time not one person who gave information has ever been identified, as Crime Stoppers do not want your name or details, just your information.”

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  1. Kim Smith says:

    It is nice to think that we might be moving forward to a time when we rise above the type of thinking and activities that see any value in the possession and use of guns to a defend that thinking and those activities. May those who don’t feel that life is precious have a life-altering experience that opens their hearts and eyes.