CURB Release 2020 Racial Justice Platform

July 8, 2020

Citizens Uprooting Racism In Bermuda [CURB] released an updated version of their Racial Justice Platform.

A spokesperson said, “The 2020 CURB Racial Justice Platform has been amended and updated since it was last released in February 2019.

“Many ideas are focused on legislative changes; however our organization recognises that civil society, working as individuals, groups, businesses, organizations or as communities, can take action in parallel with work on institutional programmes focused on education, land, employment, and services that can be considered social restitution.

“The 2020 Racial Justice Platform includes items CURB believes are essential to creating a more equitable and just society. We urge the people of Bermuda to review these recommendations with an open mind, and endorse the concepts detailed in CURB’s updated Racial Justice Platform as a way to heal our society, repair the damage, bring about greater equity, and create trust and respect in the community.

“CURB’s Racial Justice Platform is a living document and will be added to and amended as new research is obtained and feedback is received from the people of Bermuda and members of CURB’s Truth & Reconciliation Community Conversations.“

The full CURB Racial Justice Platform 2020 follows below [PDF here]

click here Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “Many ideas are focused on legislative changes; however our organization recognises that civil society, working as individuals, groups, businesses, organizations or as communities, can take action in parallel with work on institutional programmes focused on education, land, employment, and services that can be considered social restitution.”

    Government cannot legislate morality or tolerance. Only social education can do that. Forget changing the law and start changing the way people think

  2. Sowell man says:

    ‘Social justice’ can easily become class warfare that polarizes a nation, while leading those at the bottom into the blind alley of resentments, no matter how many broad avenues of acheivement may be available to them.

    Thomas Sowell

  3. Rocky5 says:

    Unfortunately, this will mostly be completely ineffective as 99% of Bermuda is not going to bother to read more than the 1st paragraph.