Video: Kid Corbin: Breaking Golf’s Colour Line

September 30, 2020

The Department of Community and Cultural Affairs hosted the premiere film screening of Louis Rafael ‘Kid’ Corbin: Breaking Golf’s Colour Line in America, Canada, and Bermuda on Monday [Sept 28] at BUEI.

A government spokesperson previously said, “The 20-minute short documentary explores the contributions of the Bermudian golfer Louis Raphael “Kid” Corbin, who led the charge against segregation in golf.

“The documentary features interviews with Dr. Jeffrey Sammons, Mr. Kim Swan JP, MP, and Mr. Corbin’s relatives.

Video courtesy of Department Of Community & Cultural Affairs:

Minister Foggo previously said, “History shares that ‘Kid’ Corbin was widely credited with helping to change the course of history for blacks in the world of golf. Louis Raphael Corbin broke down barriers and pushed through adversity.

“The Department of Community and Cultural Affairs assisted in Dr. Sammons’ research on ‘Kid’ Corbin, which also helped in the creation of this short film chronicling Kid Corbin’s contributions.”

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