Football Fans Required To Wear Masks At Games

October 18, 2020

“All fans attending football matches are legally required to wear a mask at all times,” the Bermuda Football Association said.

A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Football Association [BFA] recognizes that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the community regarding the gathering of groups of people at events such as attending football matches.

“In this regard, we developed protocols to abide by the health regulations organized by the Ministry of Health via the Ministry of National Security, to hold football matches while maintaining a safe environment for all players, coaches, match officials and fans.

“The Ministry of Health has since made amendments to the Public Health [COVID-19 Emergency Powers] Regulations, which will have an impact on all public gatherings. The amendments are as follows:

“All persons shall take reasonable steps to maintain appropriate physical distancing [including following relevant guidance] at all times in any public or private place.” [Section 3 of the Public Health [COVID 19 Emergency Powers] [No. 2] Regulations 2020

“The Ministry of Health follows and adapts the guidelines of the World Health Organisations, Public Health England, and Caribbean Public Health Agency who recommend the wearing of a mask where physical distancing cannot be achieved or adhered to during a gathering, no matter if it is held in an indoor or outdoor environment.

“As a result of these new guidelines, the Ministry of Health has informed the BFA that all fans attending football matches are legally required to wear a mask at all times. This means that all fans entering games at all venues must wear a mask through the entirety of a football match while residing within the gates of the venue unless one is eating or drinking.”

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  1. Jevon Ray says:

    This doesnt make not a bit of sense. Inside buildings is one thing, but this is getting ridiculous. Let’s promote eating healthy, drink plenty water, exercising, and proper rest for a strong immune system. Versus being reactive.

    • rules are rules says:

      Okay, by your logic, lets adopt the same laissez-faire attitude that has ended up with the US in the position it is in- noone in “leadership” had the guts to set actual rules for everyone.

      it only takes one person to kick off community spread. Be glad organized sports is allowed at all.

  2. Otrwele says:

    I’m with you 100‰! It’s way pass ridiculous! Funny how it’s not illegal to eat and drink as unhealthy as I like and in return put stress on health insurance system but it’s illegal not to wear a mask and physical distance. Smh.. Instead of promoting a healthy lifestyle to promote a strong immune system they are doing the exact opposite like vaccines and drugs.. Makes no sense. Had enough of the bs! Emergency powers have a history of abuse!

    • pop says:

      The difference is you choose not to eat and drink in moderation the only person that affects is you. If you unknowingly catch Covid and make the choice not to wear a mask in public you can make several individuals sick. So, just do the right thing.

      I believe what frustrates most of us is the inconsistent lack of doing the same by the government themselves when it suits them.

      How many political rally’s, neighborhood sports events, dinner parties and “special” events have they not only participated in – but organized! In all of these events (some of which can be viewed right here on Bernews) there are pictures and videos showing most attendees and some government ministers without masks. I don’t mind being asked to do my part. I acknowledge when I do wrong and would accept a fine if necessary! But , don’t expect people to do as you say, but not as you do!

  3. All sports says:

    I hope this applies to all sporting events…golf, ruby, etc.

  4. Average bermudian says:


    Sounds like you Are you referring to the sugar tax ????

  5. It’s ridiculous!! says:

    I had to give up fresh air to wear a mask no one was within 20 feet of me. Well the fresh air ended when the young men started smoking marijuana. Oh no one asked them to stop and they didn’t need masks because only Covidl laws seem to matter. You can take your mask off to smoke. I guess the mask helped filter their smoke coming in my direction. All I hear are Canada’s laws but in Canada they aren’t smoking tobacco or marijuana at football games, they’d be asked to stop in public.

  6. bluenose says:

    “This doesnt make not a bit of sense.” The irony.

  7. Yup yup says:

    Utterly ridiculous and unenforceable decision. Can anyone explain why on earth this decision was made out of the blue??

    We are supposed to be encouraging our children to be actively involved in sports and parents to be involved in supporting them. All this does is turn people away from participation by putting completely unnecessary burdens upon them. I heard several parents say they wouldn’t be turning up to watch their kids play next week, which in some cases means the kids won’t be brought to the games!!

    Last week I saw a coach turn a child away from a game because they turned up late and missed the official ‘check-in’. Luckily the match commissioner applied some common sense and let the child in.

    The BFA really need to think a bit harder about what they are doing and stop using sledge hammers to crack walnuts!!

  8. Erik says:

    I guess it didn’t take long for a BFA basher to raise their ugly head.

    Lets lay the responsibility for this nonsense where it actually came from. The Department of Health and the Ministry of National Security. You can email them and express your views.

  9. sandgrownan says:

    Well, when the inevitable fights start between fans, it’s hard to punch someone and remain socially distant. Wearing a mask therefore makes sense.