Bermuda Karting Club Current Points Standings

February 24, 2021

Following the latest round of the Bermuda Karting Club racing, the current standings in each class are below.

The current leader in the L026 Senior Class is Rian Lindo with 551 points, while Scott Barnes is in second with 526 points and David Barbosa is third with 489 points.

Nile Bean leads the Tag Junior Class with 400 points, while J’auza James is in second with 378 points, and with 356 points Jayden Brimmer is in third place.

The Tag Senior Class sees Scott Barnes leading with 457 points, Brian Bulhoes is in second with 305 points, and Bilal Binns is in third with 200 points.

Robert Wheatley is leading the L026 Master Class with 321 points, Bobby DaCosta is second with 209 points and Kenneth Harrison is in third with 123 points.

Ryan Rebello is the current leader in the Shifter Stock Class with 495 points, 432 points sees Blake Horseman in second and Jorja Thomas is in third with 371 points.

Ben Savill is the Modified Shifter Class leader with 347 points, while Shannon Caisey is in second with 329 points and Devon Durrant is in third with 100 points.

Jonah Moniz is leading the Cadets Class with 223 points, Isaiah Daniels-Greene is in second with 200 points, and Syah Pedro is holding down the third-place spot with 123 points.

L206 Senior Class

  • 551 Rian Lindo
  • 526 Scott Barnes
  • 489 David Barbosa
  • 441 Jeff Sousa
  • 380 Justin Lindo
  • 366 Marc Tucker
  • 348 Brian Hall
  • 329 Max Correira
  • 230 Travis Lewis
  • 194 Jason North
  • 186 Richard Walker Talbot
  • 173 Brandon Frank
  • 150 Stephen Corrado/Blake Horseman
  • 141 Ryan Burgess
  • 70 Robert Wheatley
  • 60 Ben Savill A&D
  • 60 Ruben Bulhoes A&D

TAG Junior Class

  • 400 Nile Bean
  • 378 Jauza James
  • 356 Jayden Brimmer
  • 161 Nathan Decosta

TAG Senior Class

  • 457 Scott Barnes
  • 305 Brian Bulhoes
  • 200 Bilal Binns

L2O6 Masters Class

  • 321 Robert Wheatley
  • 209 Bobby DaCosta
  • 123 Kenneth Harrison
  • 69 David Barbosa
  • 20 Jason North

Shifter Stock Class

  • 495 Ryan Rebello
  • 432 Blake Horseman
  • 371 Jorja Thomas
  • 113 Michael Fontanetta
  • 109 Ryan Burgess

Modified Shifter Class

  • 347 Ben Savill
  • 329 Shannon Caisey
  • 100 Devon Durrant

Cadets Class

  • 223 Jonah Moniz
  • 200 Isaiah Daniels-Greene
  • 123 Syah Pedro

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