Premier Burt: ‘We Can’t Let Our Guard Down”

March 13, 2021

Coronavirus fatigue is real, but we can’t let our guard down,” Premier David Burt said, adding that “it is vital that we follow the simple precautions in place to limit transmission while we continue to immunise our seniors and the vulnerable.”

In a series of tweets this evening [March 13], the Premier said, “Coronavirus fatigue is real, but we can’t let our guard down. 24/31 of Bermuda’s active coronavirus cases are the ‘UK Variant.’ This strain is known to be more transmissible and is also more deadly.

“As you move around the island, please remember to follow the rules. Avoid large gatherings that are in violation of the rules in place. Please remember to use hand sanitiser, wear a mask and keep your distance from others. The next 6 weeks are critical and will require all of us to do our part to break the chains of transmission.

“It is vital that we follow the simple precautions in place to limit transmission while we continue to immunise our seniors & the vulnerable. We are fortunate to have access to vaccines and are top 10 in the world in testing & vaccinations, but we need to be sensible,” the Premier added.

A quick animation showing our active cases over the past three months, we currently have 31


Six weeks ago the island had administered around 5,000 vaccinations total with around 200 people having had both doses.

The latest vaccine statistics show that over the past six weeks the total vaccinations have risen to just over 27,000, with over 10,000 people having had both doses, meaning that if the island continues on the same track, in six weeks time thousands more people will have had both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The first cases of Covid-19 in Bermuda were confirmed almost one year ago, back in March 2020, and since that time the island has recorded a total of 735 cases, with 31 currently active.

A quick animation showing our vaccine progress over the past month:

vaccination gif bermuda march 13 2021

covid-19 divider 1

As the island and world deals with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are doing our best to provide timely and accurate information, and you can find more information on the links below.

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Comments (11)

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  1. LOL - the real one says:

    “Sensible” would mean not destroying the economy based on flawed models.
    “Sensible” would mean protecting the elderly and unhealthy and letting everyone else get on with their life.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      ““Sensible” would mean not destroying the economy based on flawed models.”

      Thank you Mr. Trump

      ““Sensible” would mean protecting the elderly and unhealthy and letting everyone else get on with their life.”

      You really do not understand how a deadly virus works, do you?

      • LOL (original) says:

        @Joe neither do you or do you really think the masks people are wearing are protective to whom? Watch documentaries on real deadly viruses and see what the scientists are wearing. Trust they don’t wear cloth masks. You just sound like your linked into propaganda. Find more sources is my advise to you.

        LOL Trump was a good President whether you liked him or not. Dems are as much not your friend as any other political group. Power is power after all. You don’t have or get power by proxy.

  2. JohnBoy says:

     24/31 of Bermuda’s active coronavirus cases are the ‘UK Variant.’

    This info is based on what??

    • Mark says:

      Based on his pure hatred of all things UK.

      • LOL - the real one says:

        Is saying UK-variant not racist? Will this lead to conflict with all things that are British? What about people who are British? Are they not offended by the UK-variant name? What about Brazilians and South Africans whose countries are forever labeled Brazil-variant and South Africa variant?

        • sandgrownan says:

          Who said Brazilians? We all like Brazilians…..

    • question says:

      They already admitted that Bermuda cannot do genome testing.

  3. Joe Bloggs says:

    “The next 6 weeks are critical and will require all of us to do our part to break the chains of transmission.”

    What does the Government know that we are not being told?

    • LOL (original) says:

      “to break the chains of transmission.” what that like break the chains of slavery…………

      LOL who writes this stuff.

  4. Revolution says:

    Enough is enough. Let people get back to their lives. Small businesses and people are being pushed into poverty. How long will this go on?

    It’s time to rise up ✊
