Bermuda Road Safety Council: Signal Early

September 8, 2021

The Bermuda Road Safety Council announced their slogan for the month of September is “Signal Early.”

A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Road Safety Council would like to extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the recent road traffic fatality. Losing a loved one is never easy and the council wants the family to know that the community is with them during this difficult time.

“The Bermuda Road Safety Council takes this opportunity to announce our slogan for the month of September – Signal Early [using indicators].

“Signals are the means by which drivers warn other road users of their intentions and presence. They are the language of the road. If they are to be understood they must be given clearly and in good time. The proper use of indicators or turn signals can go a long way to reducing collisions on our roads.

“Signals are informative in that they may give notice of an intention to carry out a manoeuvre. They give a warning; not an instruction and give no right of way whatsoever to carry out the intended action unless it is not safe.

“The meaning of indicator signals are as follows:

  • [a] I intend to move out to the right or turn right.
  • [b] I intend to move in to the left or turn left or stop on the left.

“Too often while travelling on our roads we witness instances of vehicles turning without giving ample warning to other road users. Indicators are there to warn other drivers that a vehicle may be about to turn left or right – if it safe to do so. Before carrying out any manoeuvre, it is important to check your mirrors; side and rear view, to ensure that it is safe. Motorists should use turn signals to inform other road users what they intend to do.

“Rule 51 of the Traffic Code Handbook – Traffic Signs and Signals states: – “Before you stop, slow down or change direction, give the appropriate signal clearly and in good time. If you use a direction indicator, see that it is turned to neutral as soon as your movement is completed”.

“Timing is also important. Drivers must give sufficient time for other road users to react. This means indicating as early as it is safe to do so without giving a misleading signal.

“As important as turning on the indicator is turning it off because leaving your indicator on after you have completed your manoeuvre can be misleading. Driving with an indicator on and having no intention of turning or stopping is driving without reasonable consideration for other road users. For example, a motorist waiting to exit a side road may think you are turning and pull out into your path.

“A good driver will not only give exemplary signals but will also understand the signals given by others.

“The BRSC encourages all drivers to take the time to practice the minor driving habits that make a major impact on our roads.

“Remember to turn your indicator on in sufficient time to give others time to react and make sure your indicator is cancelled after you have completed your manoeuvre.

“As always, we remind the public to drive with care and caution, don’t drink and drive and to reduce speeds to reduce collisions.

“Cautious Driver = Safer Roads = Safer Bermuda”

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  1. wing nut says:

    whew feel so much safer now my indicator is on earlier.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Anyone behind you will feel safer though !
      I’ve had so many cars in front of me recently suddenly decelerate and turn off , often 90 degree turns without any signalling at all. 3 second rule , 5 second rule ? Thankfully I observe a 10 second rule .

  2. Larry Lindo says:

    If indicators are so important why isn’t there a law that requires you to use them. You have to have them to get thru TCD.

  3. PBanks says:

    Wonder if they should consider bringing back using arm gestures to signal? Probably hasn’t been used in car driving exams in decades, mind you.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Maybe a few decades ago but I’d think it way too dangerous to stick ones arms out of a moving vehicle now .
      Besides , with the obvious lack of driving sense and ‘smarts’ how many people would be able to execute a signal that is able to be correctly interpreted ?