Four Hopefuls Inducted Into Health Professions

September 7, 2021

Four students were recently inducted into the College of Natural Health Sciences Bermuda and the complementary health professions as clinicians-in-training.

A spokesperson said, “Four enthusiastic students with dreams of becoming natural health practitioners were yesterday inducted into the College of Natural Health Sciences Bermuda and the complementary health professions as clinicians-in-training.

“CNHS-BDA’s President and acting Dean Dr. Delcina Bean-Burrows during her keynote address of the White Tunic Induction Ceremony urged the inductees to keep an open mind as to whether they will choose careers as osteopaths or naturopaths, as both disciplines were in short supply locally.”

Kathy Bean, Zy-Asia Forbes, Sharon Smith, and Cosette Durrant

CNHS-BDA Bermuda September 2021

“During this first year of study, you will become familiar with the core principles of osteopathy and naturopathy,” said Dr. Bean-Burrows.

“Be willing to explore both professions. Learn how both disciplines best suits you and your unique talents and make it your ambition to provide high-valued care to the clients you will serve. And above all, remain humble.”

The spokesperson said, “The White Tunic Induction Ceremony is a milestone event that marks the beginning of the students educational and professional development as holistic healthcare practitioners.

“Kathy Bean, Zy-Asia Forbes, Sharon Smith, and Cosette Durrant were flanked by family and friends who witnessed each inductee recite the white tunic pledge which is to remain true to the professions’ core values.”

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