Renovations Completed At Exhibition Office

December 21, 2021

The Ag Show Ltd has announced the completion of renovations to the Exhibition Office on the grounds of Botanical Gardens.

A spokesperson said, “Weeks after the first-ever 2021 virtual Ag Show, work began on renovations to the Exhibition Office. In partnership with Paulo Construction, consultation with Steve Conway [Chief Surveyor approved by Col. Burch], and oversight of the project by Glen Brangman, the renovations included a complete overhaul to the structure.

“Renovations comprised of newly plastered walls, electrical system, ceilings, counters, air conditioning, and flooring. The committee was able to facilitate this project with funds saved through the years from entrance fees to the Exhibition.”

Antwan Albuoy, Exhibition Director, said, “We discussed upgrades to the building in late 2020, but decided to begin the work after the Ag Show. We are committed to the delivery of a great Exhibition every year, but we are also invested in the contributions we make to Bermuda outside of the Exhibition.”

The spokesperson said, “Ag Show Ltd is not only committed to future Ag Shows but also to assist [where it can] with the restoration of other buildings. Our goal is to assist other stakeholders with interest in the buildings on the grounds during the Agriculture Exhibition. Future fundraising efforts by Ag Show Ltd will now include raising funds for restorations and maintenance of the buildings in the Botanical Gardens.”

Kirk Kitson, Fundraising Chair, said, “While we see the need and have the vision to assist, it is important to note, the true beneficiaries of this vision are the residents and visitors to Bermuda. We cannot do it alone, but we believe and are thankful to our community partners.”

The spokesperson said, “Ag Show Ltd would like to thank the Ministry of Parks and in particular, Col David Burch who has supported our efforts to run Ag Shows over the years and the efforts made to the improvements to Botanical Gardens. Lastly, the committee is constantly reviewing the impact of Covid-19, there will be no Ag Show Exhibition in 2022. We will keep the community posted on any further developments.

“For further updates and information, follow the Ag Show on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.”

Ag Show Exhibition Office Bermuda Dec 2021 (1)

Ag Show Exhibition Office Bermuda Dec 2021 (2)

Ag Show Exhibition Office Bermuda Dec 2021 (3)

Ag Show Exhibition Office Bermuda Dec 2021 (4)

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  1. Mark says:

    Would be nice if they spent the same time and money on the grounds themselves.

  2. Observer says:

    Yes agreed. Don’t forget that a nation is judged by its aesthetic values. This includes the state of its public parks (take a lesson from the Corporation of Hamilton) the condition of its roads (weeds, potholes and safety markings) the condition of its hard currency (what a disgrace) the response from the service industry (what has happened) and many other overlooked situations. Come on Bermuda shape up, the plot is being lost.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      The plot is not being lost. The plot is exactly what we (the majority of Bermudians who voted) voted for. A redistribution of wealth.

      • Mark says:

        Sure – at the expense of turning the island into a Fourth World hovel. Keep your spot in the Koolaid line.

      • sandgrownan says:

        There’ll be no wealth left.